2024年12月9日 星期一



British Authorities Criticized Over Sewage Spills in Public Waterways

The condemnation by a watchdog comes as England’s largest water company asks for an emergency loan and the nation wrestles with water pollution.




自英國工黨黨魁施凱爾(Keir Starmer)擔任首相以來,就致力於改善保守黨執政期間與中國惡化的外交關係,但是現在卻因雙方大使館而陷入僵局。
英國駐北京大使館自 1959 年啟用至今,已經老舊不堪,英國計畫花費一億英鎊蓋新的使館,於是向中國提出改建的要求。
正好中國政府六年前購買了倫敦塔附近的皇家造幣廠的歷史遺址,希望在此建造一座面積約 70 萬平方英尺的新的駐倫敦大使館,這將是中國在歐洲最大的使館,幾乎是中國駐華盛頓使館規模的兩倍。
按照英國的制度,建造這麼大的建築物,需要先經過地方政府與議會同意,然後由中央決定。問題是英國的 Tower Hamlets 議會以安全疑慮、居民反對和歷史遺址為由,反對該計畫。
昨天 Tower Hamlets 政府又以可能對附近居民構成安全風險,一致投票反對建造中國大使館,當然最後還是要送交中央政府決定,但這已經引起中國不滿,而工黨政府即使有意改善與中國關係,建造這麼大的建築,也不可能完全不考慮當地居民的反對意見。

順道一提,2021 年 3 月, Tower Hamlets 議會的一位議員為了阻擋中國在此建造大使館,甚至提議用天安門、維吾爾族、香港、西藏等元素來命名該地區附近的道路,以「明確我們自己的標準和原則適用的地方」。不過,這項提議並未獲得通過。

2024年12月8日 星期日

around 2,700 pieces of King and Queen Christmas cards will be sent to people across the globe including family, friends, world leaders and organisations.

 Christmas images used to decorate official festive cards are regularly released by senior members of the Royal Family.

It will take Charles and Camilla several days to personally sign all the cards. There will be around 2,700 which will be sent to people across the globe including family, friends, world leaders and organisations.

King and Queen reveal this year's Christmas card

Hafsa Khalil
BBC News
PA Media King and Queen standing side by side in photograph on card. The King - standing on the left - is wearing a grey suit and blue tie with his right hand tucked into his pocket, while the Queen wears a blue wool crepe dress. Card message reads: "Wishing you a very happy Christmas and New Year"PA Media

King Charles and Queen Camilla have chosen a photograph of themselves taken in the garden of Buckingham Palace for their official Christmas card.