For months, the US has been saying that including Huawei on 5G plans would give Beijing the ability to interfere with, or spy on, mobile networks.
2019年4月24日 星期三
The US says the UK's decision to let Huawei help build its 5G network is like giving Beijing 'a loaded gun'
2019年4月21日 星期日
“Who Owns England,” ..., less than 1 percent of the population owns about half of the land
2019年4月19日 星期五
英國這 "歐洲病夫";Home owner told to change bright pink door
Council officials said the colour of the door was "causing harm" to the local area
2019年4月18日 星期四
Many countries are more clear-eyed about Chinese-led forums that have sprung up in recent years a
Many countries are more clear-eyed about Chinese-led forums that have sprung up in recent years alongside older, multilateral bodies
2019年4月3日 星期三
盲人引盲人: UK Prime Minister Theresa May's final Brexit gamble is to seek help from an equally divided and dysfunctional Labour Party.
UK Prime Minister Theresa May's final Brexit gamble is to seek help from an equally divided and dysfunctional Labour Party. It's almost like the blind leading the blind, as Rob Mudge reports. |
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