2019年6月28日 星期五

Brexit, and Boris Johnson, are straining the union with Scotland. Boris Johnson, favored to be next British prime minister: Genius or joker?


In Scotland, Boris Johnson is kryptonite: a bumbling Bertie Wooster who takes his privileges for granted and expects others to darn his socks


Brexit, and Boris Johnson, are straining the union with Scotland
A government led by Boris Johnson would be even less appealing to Scots

2019年6月21日 星期五

'Jihadi Jack' parents guilty of funding terrorism

The parents of a Muslim convert dubbed "Jihadi Jack" were accused of trying to send their son money despite concerns he had joined IS.

2019年6月20日 星期四


中國電訊巨頭華為在英國減價推出P20 Pro智能手機,售價只有499英鎊,消費者節省了300英鎊。而美國官員再度警告:華為會成為中國的間諜工具。但英國對華為5G卻尚未決斷。

華為在英國命運未卜 美國間諜指稱再施壓

英媒報道說,中國電訊巨頭華為在英國減價推出P20 Pro智能手機,去年列入世界最好手機的P20 Pro單機售價只有499英鎊,消費者節省了300英鎊。

英國《每日電訊報》報道說,美國主管網絡安全和國際通訊政策的助理副國務卿斯特雷耶(Robert Strayer)在倫敦警告說,中國可能把華為當作「竊取個人信息或知識產權,從事間諜活動」的大門。
助理副國務卿斯特雷耶(Robert Strayer)圖片版權REUTERS
Image caption助理副國務卿斯特雷耶警告:中國可能把華為當作"竊取個人信息或知識產權,從事間諜活動"的大門。


由英國新保守派智庫亨利·傑克遜協會(Henry Jackson Society)在議會中組織的會議上,斯特雷耶說,「我認為在倫敦市的所有手機用戶,如果他們都是用華為(網絡),就值得擔憂,那樣我們所有的手機通話都能被監聽。」
外交事務委員會的保守黨議員希利(Bob Seely)說,「這些電話可能被不該聽的人聽到。」
Image caption美國官員說:「我認為在倫敦市的所有手機用戶,如果他們都是用華為(網絡),就值得擔憂,那樣我們所有的手機通話都能被監聽。"



2019年6月19日 星期三

2019年6月8日 星期六

London loses appetite for pie and mash shops

Eel pie and mash was London’s original fast-food but the iconic eateries are rapidly disappearing from gentrifying inner city postcodes as the owners retire and sell up.

mash翻譯:將(食物)搗成泥狀,把(食物)搗爛,搗碎, 嚴重損毀, 馬鈴薯泥(同mashedpotatoes)。 

Pie and mash

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Pie, mash and liquor meal
Pie and mash shop in Peckham, south east London
Goddards pie and mash shop in Greenwich south east London
Pie mash and liquor with jellied eels
Traditional Pie and Mash Shop in Walworth, South East London
Pie and mash shop in The BlueBermondsey, south east London
Pie and mash is a traditional working-class food, originating in the East End of London. Pie, mash and eel shops have been in London since the 19th century, and are still common in East and South London and in many parts of Kent and Essex. The shops may serve stewed or jellied eels.


During the Victorian era, industrial air pollution tended to be worse in the east and south east of London because of the prevailing westerly wind, with the result that the East End was settled more by the working classes, while the western part of the city was home to higher social classes.[1] The working class were poor and favoured foodstuffs that were cheap, in plentiful supply and easy to prepare.
The savoury pie had long been a traditional food, and its small handsized form also made it a transportable meal, protected from dirt by its cold pastry crust, and filled with cheap minced meat, usually mutton.[2] Adding cheap mashed potatoes, together with a sauce made with fish stock and parsley, made it a plate-based sit-down meal.
Jellied eels are often associated with pie and mash, as European eels cooked in gelatine also became a common worker's meal since eels were one of the few forms of fish that could survive in the heavily polluted River Thames and London's other rivers at that time. Supply was plentiful through the late 19th century, particularly from the Dutch fishing boats landing catches at Billingsgate Fish Market.
Since 2010, as revealed in a joint study by the Zoological Society of London and the Environment Agency, the number of eels captured in research traps in the River Thames fell from 1,500 in 2005 to 50 in 2010,[3] meaning most eels used in pie and mash shops are now from the Netherlands and Northern Ireland.