2014年6月5日 星期四

Hampstead Heath;濟慈故居Keats House museum, Hampstead

  1. Hampstead Heath
  2. Hampstead Heath is a large, ancient London park, covering 320 hectares. This grassy public space sits astride a sandy ridge, one of the highest points in London, running from Hampstead to Highgate, which rests on a band of London Clay. Wikipedia

Hampstead Heath - the City of London Corporation

Hampstead Heath is one of London's most popular open spaces, situated just six kilometres from Trafalgar Square. It is an island of beautiful countryside, rich in ...
81 Google reviews · Write a review

Gordon House Rd, London NW5 1QR, United Kingdom
+44 20 7332 3322

Hampstead Heath - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hampstead Heath is an important refuge for wildlife, including grass snakes, foxes, rabbits, slow worms, squirrels and frogs. Common kingfishers, jackdaws ...

第 123 頁
與李先生同去狄更斯( ^ ( ; ^化)和濟慈( ! ^ & ^ )故居。在狄更斯故居里,陳列著很多他
作品中人物的插圖,其中有些插圖是燒在瓷器上的。狄更斯的一張珍貴的書桌博得了 ...
第 124 頁
1 -濟慈手稿《十四行詩》,一頁。一九二六年售價 640 鎊。二十日星期日晴讀完斯克爾斯
的《音樂史》。二十一日星期一晴在二層樓遇見里德( ! ^ ^ ) ,他是個冷冰冰的年輕人
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時代的望遠鏡很有趣,大理石桌子也饒有情趣。去菲茨威廉博物館參觀,裡面圖畫頗多。 ...

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