2017年10月8日 星期日

Wilko Johnson

BBC的HardTalk訪談 Wilko Johnson,不少時間談其原以為死症的怪病和告別演唱會......

Wilko Johnson (born John Peter Wilkinson, 12 July 1947)[1] is an English singer, guitarist, songwriter and actor. He was a member of the pub rock/rhythm and blues band Dr. Feelgood in the 1970s.



However, Johnson did not have the more common adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. It was later discovered that he had a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (PNET), a less virulent and more treatable form of the disease.[41]
然而,約翰遜沒有更常見的胰腺腺癌。 後來發現他有一種胰腺神經內分泌腫瘤(PNET),一種毒性較弱,可治癒的疾病。[41]
