2019年9月23日 星期一

Travel firm Thomas Cook collapses, leaving hundreds of thousands strande

The world’s oldest travel firm Thomas Cook collapsed, stranding more than half a million holidaymakers around the globe and sparking the largest peacetime repatriation effort in British history. https://reut.rs/2AAMDiD

2019年9月12日 星期四

The U.K.’s worst-case Brexit scenario

The U.K.’s worst-case Brexit scenario

The British government laid out its contingency plan if it leaves the European Union on Oct. 31 without a deal. It’s not pretty.
Details: The government’s “Operation Yellowhammer” paints a bleak picture of food and medicine shortages, delays at border crossings and social unrest. What’s more, the report concludes, “low income groups will be disproportionately affected by any price rises in food and fuel.”
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has dismissed much of the speculation about no-deal consequences as “Operation Fear.” But the document makes clear that his own government is preparing to deal with the dangers.

2019年9月10日 星期二

The UK’s slow-burn £50bn banking scandal

At more than £50bn, the financial impact of the payment protection insurance fiasco dwarfs all other British banking scandals. It even rivals the hit to US banks after the 2008 financial crisis.

英國下議院議長白高漢(John Bercow)9月9日宣布,最遲將會在10月31日脱歐期限前辭職The once-swaggering prime minister has lost every key vote of his young premiership.

英國下議院議長白高漢(John Bercow)9月9日宣布,最遲將會在10月31日脱歐期限前辭職。大家對他最有印象的,應該是他的“Order“喊肅靜了吧?

The once-swaggering prime minister has lost every key vote of his young premiership.

2019年9月8日 星期日

UK Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd resigns from the government

UK Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd resigns from the government saying she cannot stand by while loyal Conservatives are expelled.

2019年9月4日 星期三

英國議會投票再次推遲脫歐。英國議會投票阻止首相約翰遜的脫歐計劃 Boris Johnson’s heavy Brexit defeat. Brexit has shoved a stick of dynamite beneath Britain's constitution

The prime minister threatens to call an election after Tory MPs rebel in an attempt to stop a no-deal Brexit


星期二晚辯論是否由國會控制議程時,代表政府答辯的下議院領袖 Rees-Mogg 大部份時間都這樣半躺著聆聽辯論,充份反映目前的英國政壇狀態。
21名保守黨議員倒戈投贊成票,而且涉及8名前大臣,包括兩名前財相Philip Hammond和Ken Clarke、前司法大臣David Gauke、前檢察總長Dominic Grieve、前教育大臣Justine Greening、前國際發展大臣Rory Stewart、前商務大臣Greg Clark和前蘭開斯特公爵領地大臣Oliver Letwin。另外,連邱吉爾外孫Nicholas Soames都投了贊成票。
再提醒一次:國會通過了不准10月底no deal而莊漢生堅持no deal也要10月底脫歐,不代表英國一定會提前大選。

Boris Johnson’s heavy Brexit defeat
Losing control
We explained earlier this year how Britain's constitution is only adding to the Brexit chaos. But reforming the constitution of a country at loggerheads is difficult

Brexit has shoved a stick of dynamite beneath Britain's constitution

be at loggerheads (with sb) to strongly disagree (with someone):
The Chancellor is at loggerheads with the Prime Minister over public spending.

英國「三合唱節」(Three Choirs Festival)脫歐者 杯葛《快樂頌》

「我感到震驚,因為我真的不想讓政治牽扯其中……我希望這不會是某些人不想購票入場的原因,如果是的話,會讓我很痛心。」─ 三合唱節藝術總監Adrian Partington
英國「三合唱節」(Three Choirs Festival)今年規劃以貝多芬第九號交響曲終樂章《快樂頌》作結,但因該曲也是歐盟會歌,而遭脫歐者號召杯葛。
三合唱節執行長Alexis Paterson三月末曾與一位鼓勵眾人杯葛此曲的男士相談,對方認為《快樂頌》的出現,是對合唱節所在地區支持脫歐主流意願的明顯挑釁。雖然Paterson有禮的再三保證,但這位長期支持三合唱節的男士仍決心抵制今年的活動......



英國脫歐者 杯葛《快樂頌》 | 讀樂 | MUZIK AIR