2020年7月14日 星期二

英國電信商在年底之後不能再購買華為設備 Breaking News: The UK has made the decision to ban Huawei from its 5G networks by the end of the year....... John Browne. UK chairman of Huawei Technologies John Browne resigns ...

Breaking News: The UK has made the decision to ban Huawei from its 5G networks by the end of the year. https://on.ft.com/3ftxLFw

Mobile providers must remove 5G kit by Chinese firm Huawei from UK networks by 2027 over security fears, the government has announced.

UK chairman of Huawei Technologies John Browne resigns ...
www.scmp.com › Tech › Policy

1 時間前 - John Browne, the UK chairman of Huawei Technologies, has resigned just days before the government is set to propose a ban of the Chinese tech giant's equipment in Britain's 5G networks.

華為的英國董事長布朗(John Browne)是中國駐英副大使?

華為英國董事長警告倫敦:被禁參與 5G 建設 或危及中英關係 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞
華為的英國董事長布朗(John Browne)警告,若英國應美國要求,禁止華為參與建設當地 5...


John Browne, an iconic figure in British business who helped make the international oil company BP into one of the world's most successful businesses, abruptly stepped down as chief executive Tuesday after losing a legal battle to keep secret details of his personal life.2007/05/01

