2021年3月23日 星期二

歐洲“疫苗戰” :Europeans have grown worryingly sceptical about AstraZeneca's covid-19 vaccine over the past month...

歐洲“疫苗戰” 意大利當局在羅馬附近的一家工廠發現了2900萬劑阿斯利康新冠疫苗庫存,這使人懷疑該公司正試圖將這些疫苗偷運至英國或其他國家,而非在歐盟分發。週三,歐盟宣布了一項緊急規則,賦予其限制在歐洲生產的疫苗出口的權力,以緩解其供應短缺。這種不同尋常的保護主義立場有可能在歐盟與英國這個前成員的脆弱關係中引發新的危機。



Europeans have grown worryingly sceptical about AstraZeneca's covid-19 vaccine over the past month, according to polling data released by YouGov.
More than a dozen countries in Europe paused their roll-out of the jab last week after reports of blood clots.
Many of them are now inoculating again after the EU’s drug regulator said in a preliminary review that it was safe to do so.
Read why the region's vaccination drive could remain in trouble
