2022年3月15日 星期二

We should be prepared’: Lithuania braces for possible moves by Russia.


"立陶宛是三個波羅的海小國和北約成員國之一,在 20 世紀的下半葉在蘇聯統治下度過了緊張的氣氛。烏克蘭總統 Volodymyr Zelensky 最近警告說:“如果我們不復存在,那麼上帝保佑,拉脫維亞、立陶宛和愛沙尼亞將是下一個。”
許多立陶宛人擔心,如果俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·V·普京(Vladimir V. Putin)想要考驗北約的決心,波羅的海將是一個起點:一個自由飛地,與其他北約盟國的唯一聯繫是沿著波蘭邊境的 40 英里長的走廊。被廣泛認為是北約最大的弱點之一。
March 15, 2022
Katrin Bennhold
‘We should be prepared’: Lithuania braces for possible moves by Russia.
The mood is tense in Lithuania, one of the three small Baltic States and NATO members that spent half of the 20th century under Soviet rule. The country was shaken by the recent warning by President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine: “If we are no more, then God forbid, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia will be next.”
Many Lithuanians worry that if President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia wants to test NATO’s resolve, the Baltics would be a place to start: an enclave of freedom whose only connection to other NATO allies is a 40-mile corridor along the Polish border that is widely seen as one of NATO’s greatest vulnerabilities.
“It’s an obvious strategic target for the Russians, because you can cut us off from the NATO security system,” said Laurynas Kasciunas, the chairman of the national security and defense committee in Lithuania’s Parliament. “We are in a sense a modern-day West Berlin.”
