2015年8月27日 星期四

Thousands have died after being found fit for work

More than 80 people a month are dying shortly after being declared “fit for work” according to new data, prompting campaigners to call for an overhaul of the government’s controversial welfare regime.
Campaigners demand welfare overhaul after statistics reveal 2,380 people...

2015年8月26日 星期三



2015年 8月 25日分享
Image caption嚴彬擁有龐大的商業帝國,從房地產、高爾夫,到海底石油開採,覆蓋各種領域。

過去二十年,許多企業家成了明星,有些還在社交媒體上呼風喚雨。今天的主人公嚴彬,雖然他的財產總值比許多明星企業家高出許多,可因為他太低調,極少接受採訪,鮮有人聽聞其名。不過他旗下的紅牛飲料卻近乎無人不曉。嚴彬擁有龐大的商業帝國,從房地產、高爾夫,到海底石油開採,覆蓋各種領域。在2014胡潤百富榜上,他以身家600億人民幣名列第八位。這位隱藏在北京華彬莊園裏的隱型巨富,平日交往多為全球名流,包括前美國總統克林頓、英國首相卡梅倫、泰 國前總理他信、貝克漢姆、多明戈等人。






也許是身在倫敦,嚴彬的談話處處圍繞著英國。他似乎對英國文化心心嚮往。聽說他曾與英國女王、英國首相卡梅倫及倫敦市長約翰遜謀面,家裏還高懸著和這三位英國超級名人的相片。嚴彬說:「英國俗語說,不要把雞蛋放在一個籃子裏。大家都說英國是最好的投資地點,因為這裏體系健全。」他在全球各地均有投資,至今在英國先後已購置了兩個實業,均是過億英磅的手筆:倫敦市梅菲爾區的超級豪華地產三一廣場10號, 以及溫特沃斯高爾夫俱樂部。此外他亦與倫敦交響樂團有文化合作。



嚴彬提及:在英國做生意,不論是解決一個還是一千個就業問題,企業家在英國政府面前均平等,一視同仁,沒有VIP路,更沒有警車開道。他說這番話時語氣平和,沒有絲毫抱怨。和其他中國企業家一樣,嚴彬於2010年開始來英國投資時,首先選擇的就是房地產項目。按他的話來說:「中國買個房子,只有七十年使用權;英國的是Freehold,終身的。」不過,過去五年來,英國在法律上對企業經營的管控之嚴,他領教了許多。他說自己在三一廣場的四季酒店項目,已經進行了五年,可還在裝修。那種一年半弄出個奧運場館的中國速度 ,在這里根本行不通。因為這裏的文物保護法很嚴格,四季酒店項目地下挖出了文物,於是不能隨便動,因為需要等待批准,否則就違法。於是項目建建停停,拖到現在也沒完。


嚴彬說:「最可怕的是『錢在銀行,人在天堂 』,所以健康與安全最重要。」英國食品安全管制嚴格,污染治理亦很先進。除此之外,最讓嚴彬心儀的是英國文化。他說:「年齡大了,要做點經典的東西。」看從前網上對他的介紹,似乎喜歡在名字前掛上博士頭銜,我想那是中國的風氣使然。在英國,沒有哪個企業家需要一個博士頭銜給自己貼金。嚴彬現在很坦然的稱自己沒文化,沒讀過書,大概已經走出了那種狹隘的中國式圈圈,不再受文憑束縛了。

說到嚴彬的經典文化投資,除了與倫敦交響樂團的合作外,其旗下的英國溫特沃斯高爾夫俱樂部亦是一明證。嚴彬是國內早期創辦高爾夫俱樂部的企業家之一,曾與前美國總統克林頓共同揮桿。他說自己第一次進溫特沃斯俱樂部就被那裏的環境與人文陶醉了。該俱樂部前主人Richard Caring九前年就開始物色新買家,嚴彬告訴我,之所以Richard Caring把這個有上百年的高爾夫球場最終交給自己,除了商業利潤以外,還因為Richard曾看過自己的產品與作品,認為自己是最合適的人。有傳媒報道,說嚴彬購置溫特爾斯是其在亞洲高爾夫球市場一商業策略。不過嚴彬給了我一個更高尚的解釋,說是為了健康與文化。他似乎將自己視作保護與傳承英國文化的一份子,以擔當此責為榮。



2015年8月25日 星期二


Frankreich Flüchtlinge Eurotunnel Calais
(德國之聲中文網)英國移民與國土安全事務大臣布羅肯希爾( James Brokenshire)日前公佈了政府打擊"非法移民和濫用社會福利"措施的細節。根據有關計劃,通過非法途徑到達英國並在當地工作的外國人,未來將面臨監禁以及被沒收非法收入的處罰。一項計劃在英格蘭和威爾士實施的新法律草案規定,非法務工的外國人最高可被處以6個月監禁。
Frankreich Flüchtlinge am Eurotunnel bei Calais


  • 日期 25.08.2015
  • 作者 葉宣/謝菲(路透社、法新社)

2015年8月24日 星期一

British Museum paired up Imperial War Museum on Instagram

This week 10 London museums have paired up on Instagram to highlight our shared stories. Our partner is Imperial War Museum, whose incredible collection brings people’s experiences of modern war and conflict to life. Follow ‪#‎MuseumInstaSwap‬ to discover some of the intriguing connections we have found… http://ow.ly/Rh7MQ
Find out more about the project here http://ow.ly/RgRqy

2015年8月23日 星期日

Lord Bernard Stuart, Lord John Stewart ( 1621 – 1644)


Lord John Stewart (23 October 1621 – 29 March 1644) was a Scottish aristocrat who served as a Royalist commander in theEnglish Civil War. He was one of five sons of Esmé Stewart, 3rd Duke of Lennox and his wife Katherine Clifton, 2nd Baroness Clifton, and the brother of James Stewart, 1st Duke of Richmond.
With his youngest brother, Lord Bernard Stewart, he embarked on a three-year tour of the continent in 1639, before returning to join the King’s cause in the Civil War as a General. He was killed at the Battle of Bramdene near Alresford, Essex, on 29 March 1644.
Only one of his brothers, Lodovic, survived the war to see the restoration of the monarchy in 1660.

It is thought that these brothers, Lord John Stuart and Lord Bernard Stuart, sat for Anthony van Dyck shortly before their three-year tour of the Continent in 1639: http://bit.ly/1TA8ex5

Lord John Stewart, c. 1638 (left), pictured with his younger brother Lord Bernard Stewart (1623-1645), by Sir Anthony van Dyck

倫敦豪華飯店The Lanesborough

英國最貴飯店 奢華享受每晚3.7萬

英國倫敦五星級豪華飯店The Lanesborough正對面就是海德公園(Hyde Park),堪稱全英國最昂貴酒店,每晚房租至少720英鎊(約3.7萬元台幣),到底有多豪華?


不過,這個收費與「皇家套房」的3.12萬鎊(160萬元台幣)房價相比簡直微不足道,套房擁有7房7浴室,兩個客廳及飯廳。飯店的餐飲也馳名,由米其林三星廚師Florian Favario主理,連早餐的水果沙拉也以金箔作點綴。

The Lanesborough飯店建於1719年,原本是蘭斯伯納子爵(Viscount Lanesborough)的居所,現由德國Oetker集團負責管理營運。飯店業主阿布達比投資局(Abu Dhabi Investment Authority)決定加以翻新,據悉翻新工程總共花了8000萬鎊(約41億元台幣)。(國際中心/綜合外電報導)

2015年8月16日 星期日

Peterloo Massacre1819, struggle for universal suffrage in Britain

I met Murder on the way -
He had a mask like Castlereagh -
Very smooth he looked, yet grim;
Seven blood-hounds followed him…
Percy Bysshe Shelley - The Mask of Anarchy

Melvyn Bragg's In Our Time.

British Museum
This handkerchief commemorates the Peterloo Massacre, which occurred ‪#‎onthisday‬ in 1819 http://ow.ly/Qz2dk
More than 60,000 people from Manchester and the surrounding area had gathered at St Peter’s Field in the city to demand the right to vote. Local magistrates ordered the arrest of the main speakers and the dispersal of the crowd. 18 people were killed and several hundred were injured. In the months that followed, prints, poems and a range of everyday objects such as plaques, jugs, bowls and handkerchiefs were produced in memory of the massacre. The Peterloo Handkerchief is a powerful reminder of this event and, more generally, of people’s long struggle for universal suffrage in Britain.

2015年8月14日 星期五

housing has become increasingly unaffordable

'The whole selling point of “right to buy” was to promote home ownership. But home ownership in Britain has collapsed to its lowest point in nearly three decades. There are now 11 million private renters, a number that has jumped dramatically: housing has become increasingly unaffordable.'

This week an ex-council flat sold for £1.2m. It highlights how the right-to-buy scheme isn’t working for young people and those most in need of social housing

2015年8月13日 星期四

Why are A-levels in Britain getting easier?

Today 18-year-olds all over Britain have opened their A-level results, accompanied by either tears of joy or sobs of sorrow. From the face of it, the statistics do suggest that performing well is indeed getting easier: the pass rate has risen from just 68% in 1982 to more than 98% last year. And the number of top grades awarded has increased too. Why are A-levels in Britain getting easier? http://econ.st/1DPlSoR

The Economist explains

2015年8月11日 星期二

Top 20 UK universities: National Student Survey and World University Rankings

Top 20 UK universities: National Student Survey and World University Rankings

Clearing 2015: East Anglia and Essex top list based on National Student Survey 2015 and World University Rankings 2014-15

2015年8月8日 星期六

Mike, the real cat who helped keep the British Museum’s gate from 1909–1929

This is Mike, the real cat who helped keep the Museum’s gate from 1909–1929 ‪#‎InternationalCatDay‬ http://ow.ly/QpKAg
When he died, the former Keeper of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, Sir E A Wallis Budge, wrote a pamphlet about him. His obituary was featured in both the London Evening Standard and Time magazine!http://ow.ly/QEfps

2015年8月7日 星期五

Two hundred years ago, eight Londoners drowned in a flood of beer.

Happy International Beer Day! Let's remember the eight Londoners who drowned in a flood of beer in 1814.

Two hundred years ago, eight Londoners drowned in a flood of beer.

2015年8月6日 星期四

Charles James Fox, 1749-1806

  1. Charles James Fox
    Former Leader of the House of Commons
  2. Charles James Fox PC, styled The Honourable from 1762, was a prominent British Whig statesman whose parliamentary career spanned 38 years of the late 18th and early 19th centuries and who was the arch-rival of William Pitt the Younger. Wikipedia
  3. DiedSeptember 13, 1806, Chiswick, London, United Kingdom

Charles James Fox, Bloomsbury Square. (Photo: Bob Speel)

2015年8月5日 星期三

London’s Tube strike: the price of success 夜間地鐵服務


From Espresso: From 6.30pm today the London Underground will grind to a halt for the second time in four weeks. Unions are unhappy about plans for 24-hour services from September, arguing that proposed bonuses, pay rises and working-time arrangements are insufficient. July’s strike was estimated to cost London’s economy £300m. But Londoners should cheer up. At 8.6m the city’s population is higher than ever; daily it inhales 2m commuters, many heading for the financial, technology, law and business-services firms at its heart. The industrial action is a symptom not just of the unions’ power and militancy, but also of London’s success http://econ.st/1DrAUkw