2016年4月30日 星期六


Unless the capital's property market is sorted ou提t, people across the country will bear the brunt
There is enough green-belt land in London to build over a million houses


※ 2016.04.30 英國 ※
英國工黨的反猶爭論愈演愈烈,從國會議員娜茲‧夏(Naz Shah)在臉書上主張「遣返」以色列到美國,演變成前市長李文斯頓(Ken Livingston)發表他對希特勒的見解,引起眾怒,兩者都遭到工黨暫停黨員身份的黨紀處份,工黨內部多位重量級人物呼籲檢討黨內的反猶主義問題,但黨主席寇賓(Jeremy Corbyn)反駁,說工黨沒有反猶問題。
本週三,工黨的穆斯林國會女議員娜茲‧夏才遭到暫停黨權的黨紀處份,週四卻見到前倫敦市長在廣播節目上公開表示希特勒也是錫安主義者,被同黨同志,工黨議員約翰‧曼恩(John Mann)當面指責為「令人噁心」的納綷擁護者。
== 醜聞的起源 ==
42 歲的娜茲‧夏是去年當選的工黨國會議員,她的選區是北英格蘭擁有許多巴基斯坦裔選民的布拉福市(Bradford)。她自己也在布拉福出生,她的父母親都是巴基斯坦人,她的少女年代曾被父母送回巴基斯坦渡過。她從政後,很快在工黨內平步青雲,今年年初甚至擔任工黨影子財相的國會私人秘書。
然而,夏女士不得不辭職,因為她 2014 年在臉書上的反猶貼文被右翼的 Guido Fawkes 部落格踢爆。在一篇名為「以巴衝突的解決辦法——發配以色列到美國」的貼文中,夏女士表示,以色列的猶太人應該重新被發配到美國,如此一來巴勒斯坦人「土地就可以光復,並過正常生活」。
== 事情如何愈演愈烈 ==
== 醜聞如何變成災難 ==
前倫敦市長肯‧李文斯頓在週四早上前往 BBC 倫敦電台進行訪談,他替夏女士辯護,表示批評以色列不代表反猶。李文斯頓繼續說:「希特勒在 1932 年勝選時,他的政策就是猶太人應該被移送到以色列去。他當時支持錫安主義,只是他後來瘋掉,最後殺死六百萬猶太人。」
工黨議員約翰‧曼恩在李文斯頓走進 BBC 辦公室時,立刻質疑他,在一堆蜂擁而來的記者面前,曼恩對李文斯頓大叫,說他「可恥」、「納綷的擁護者」。
李文斯頓接下來在 BBC《每日政治》(Daily Politics)節目上發表評論,表示:「希特勒初掌權時,他的政策是要把德國的猶太人移到以色列去。」跟他同在節目上的前副首相尼克‧克雷格(Nick Clegg)批評李文斯頓,說他每一談到以色列,就要提希特勒,顯示他已經進入了「一個詭異而扭曲的迷宮」。
李文斯頓下節目,離開 BBC 時,更大批的記者已經等在外面,要採訪他的看法,結果他被迫躲進廁所,記者只好對著廁所門大叫有關希特勒的問題。
== 此事對英國左派的影響 ==
英國工黨在 1950 年代曾是以色列建國的支持者,然而近年工黨與以色列的關係卻越來越有問題。雖然工黨的前任黨魁艾德‧米利班(Ed Miliband)是猶太裔——他的父親在二次世界大戰逃離歐陸,來到英國——但工黨與英國猶太社區的關係卻日益走下坡。
評論家,不論左翼還是右翼,都認為寇賓沒有好好處理黨內的反猶問題。而右翼的部落格,如 Guido Fawkes,似乎一直在網路上尋找工黨國會議員過去所發表的反猶言論。

2016年4月29日 星期五

Zac Goldsmith

    Zac Goldsmith
    British Politician
    Frank Zacharias Robin Goldsmith is a British Conservative politician and journalist who, since 2010 general election, has represented Richmond Park as its Member of Parliament. Wikipedia
    BornJanuary 20, 1975 (age 41), Westminster, United Kingdom
    SpouseAlice Miranda Rothschild (m. 2013),Sheherazade Goldsmith (m. 1999–2010)

Zac Goldsmith - Action Plan for Greater London

Zac Goldsmith is the Conservative candidate for Mayor of London. His Action Plan for Greater London will deliver more homes, better transport, cleaner air and ...

Is this Zac Goldsmith's bacon sandwich moment?

2016年4月26日 星期二

BBC擬將中文部門遷港 員工憂編採受大陸威脅 向彭定康發請願信?


巴恩斯的彭定康男爵CHPCChristopher Francis Patten, Baron Patten of Barnes,1944年5月12日),出任香港總督音譯柏藤英國保守黨政治家,早年出任環境大臣保守黨主席(非黨首,時任黨魁為約翰·梅傑),於1992年獲委任為末任香港總督,於1997年見證香港主權移交。彭定康自2000年至2004年出任歐洲聯盟外交事務專員,卸任後被冊封為終身貴族,2011年獲委英國廣播公司信託基金主席(2014年因心臟健康問題提早卸任),現任牛津大學校監

Christopher Francis Patten, Baron Patten of Barnes CH PC (born 12 May 1944) ischancellor of the University of Oxford and a former governor of Hong Kong and the BBC Trust.


2016年4月25日 星期一

Phil Sayer: His voice told London commuters where to go. Our obituary of England’s unsung railway hero

Phil Sayer once stood next to perfect strangers on London's Tube and parroted his own announcements, hoping they would recognise him. Disappointingly, they didn’t

Many historians see the first world war as a “war of independence” for Britain's former dominions

When Britain declared war on Germany in 1914 it was committing not only its own men, but those of its empire. Most entered the war willingly. But as the war dragged on and young men died in droves, Australia, Canada, Newfoundland, New Zealand and South Africa pressed for more control over their destinies. From the archive

2016年4月21日 星期四

Happy birthday to Queen Elizabeth II! Prince Charles reads Shakespeare passage in BBC radio broadcast on Queen's 90th birthday

Happy birthday to Queen Elizabeth II! Britain's longest-serving monarch turns 90 today.
Here's a look at her life in photos: http://usat.ly/1FxIyWj


SCENE V. The palace.


life, long, and ever happy, to the high and mighty princess of England, Elizabeth! Flourish. Enter KING ... She shall be loved and fear'd: her own shall bless herHer foes shake like ... She shall be, to the happiness of England, An aged princessmany days shall see her, And yet no day without a deed to crown it. Would I had ...

In the news
Image for the news result
A passage from William Shakespeare's Henry VIII has been recorded by the Prince of Wales ...

2016年4月20日 星期三

2016年4月19日 星期二

Britain’s scientists must not be gagged

A ban on state-funded academics using their work to question government policy is to begin on 1 May.
"Let’s hope this is not really a conspiracy – just another government cock-up."
Many British scientists will soon be blocked from speaking out on key issues affecting the UK – from climate change to embryo research and from animal experiments to flood defences

2016年4月18日 星期一

The literary map of London

The literary map of London is just beautiful

Posted 2 years ago by in offbeat
This map is both a snapshot of London's literary history and beautiful in its own right.
More than 250 novels were mined in order to make the Literary London Map, taken from theLiterary London Art Collection.
It was created by graphic artist Dex in collaboration with interior designer Anna Burles.

Each character has been plotted in the corners of the city they most liked to roam or chose to call home (sometimes on Her Majesty’s Pleasure).

Literary London Map
Literary London Map
Literary London Map
Literary London Map
Literary London Map

You can order prints of the map here and here.
Pictures reproduced with kind permission from Dex.

U. K. publishes the most books

Which country publishes the most books?

2016年4月17日 星期日

Roman villa unearthed 'by chance' in Wiltshire garden


Man accidentally discovers 'perfectly preserved' Roman villa in his backyard

Luke Irwin came across a well preserved Roman villa dating back 1,400 years which may have been home to an emperor 


Roman villa unearthed 'by chance' in Wiltshire garden (BBC)

Roman Villa discovered near Wiltshire farmhouseImage copyrightPA
Image captionThe villa was described as "extraordinarily well-preserved"

An "elaborate" Roman villa has been unearthed by chance by a homeowner laying electric cables in his garden in Wiltshire.
It was discovered by rug designer Luke Irwin as he was carrying out some work at his farmhouse so that his children could play table tennis in an old barn.
He uncovered an untouched mosaic, and excavations revealed a villa described as "extraordinarily well-preserved".
Historic England said it was "unparalleled in recent years".
Thought to be one of the largest of its kind in the country, the villa was uncovered in Brixton Deverill near Warminster during an eight-day dig. It is being compared in terms of its size and its owners' wealth to a similar, famous site at Chedworth in Gloucestershire.

Mosaic in Roman Villa discovered in WiltshireImage copyrightPA
Image captionLuke Irwin was laying electric cables at his farmhouse when he came across an untouched Roman mosaic
Roman child's coffin, found in Roman Villa discover in WiltshireImage copyrightPA
Image captionA stone planter which had been holding geraniums by Mr Irwin's kitchen was also identified by experts as a Roman child's coffin

Finds including hundreds of oysters, which were artificially cultivated and carried live from the coast in barrels of salt water, suggest that the villa was owned by a wealthy family.
The dig also turned up "extremely high status pottery", coins, brooches and the bones of animals including a suckling pig and wild animals which had been hunted.
"We've found a whole range of artefacts demonstrating just how luxurious a life that was led by the elite family that would have lived at the villa," said Dr David Roberts, of Historic England. "It's clearly not your run-of-the-mill domestic settlement."

'Not been touched'

Dr Roberts said the villa, built sometime between AD 175 and 220, had "not been touched since its collapse 1,400 years ago", which made it "of enormous importance".
"Without question, this is a hugely valuable site in terms of research, with incredible potential," he said. "It's one of the best sites I have ever had the chance to work on."

Oyster shell, found in Roman Villa discovered in WiltshireImage copyrightPA
Image captionFinds included hundreds of oysters, which were artificially cultivated and carried live from the coast in barrels of salt water