2017年6月26日 星期一

Theresa May has faced a backlash from politicians in Scotland, Wales and parts of England after completing a £1bn deal with the Democratic Unionist party

Theresa May faces backlash from Scotland and Wales over £1bn Tory ...

https://www.theguardian.com › Politics › Conservatives

6 hours ago - Theresa May has faced a backlash from politicians in Scotland, Wales and parts of England after completing a £1bn deal with the Democratic Unionist party to prop up her Conservative minority government. ... The Conservative/DUP deal: what it says and what it means. ... This shoddyDUP ...

This shoddy DUP deal will ultimately cost Theresa May far more than ...

https://www.theguardian.com › Opinion › Democratic Unionist party (DUP)

10 hours ago - The prime minister has just given every single voter in Britain a genuine grievance. If ever there was proof of her ineptitude, this is surely it.

1英鎊 =

38.5501273 台幣


究竟是10億英鎊還是15億呢? 新聞各說各話。

梅伊(Theresa May)領導的保守黨,本月初在國會大選中喪失過半優勢,為確保繼續執政,不得不與擁有10席議員的DUP協商合作。雙方歷經兩周多來的談判,昨天終於拍板定案。


梅伊形容,這項協議有助雙方「共同為英國整體利益合作」,包括脫歐等議題在內;DUP黨魁佛斯特(Arlene Foster)則稱,這是對英國、北愛爾蘭都好「足以讓我們國家前進」的協商結果。未來DUP的下議院議員,將就女王演說、預算案等重要議案支持保守黨,但雙方不會結成正式的執政聯盟。 

Helen McCarthy on a history of the British census,

‘The last snuffer-maker in England (67-year-old William Garner of Birmingham, recorded in 1851), Charlotte Brontë’s census return for the same year (occupation: “none”), the family of miners in Glamorgan who as late as 1891 spoke no language other than Welsh’ – Helen McCarthy on a history of the British census, from the new issue. Photograph: Alexandra Tzirkoti.

About 15 years ago, when I was renting my first flat in London, a man from the Office for National Statistics paid me a call.

2017年6月25日 星期日



England Toilette in Brighton (DW/D. Zhang)
或者你試試把一個地址遞給公車司機,問他你是否上對了車,如果是,應當在哪站下。在英國我幹了好幾次這種事,沒有一位司機表現出絲毫不耐煩,儘管我多多少少耽誤了他繼續開車。有一次我在終點站下車,司機陪我走了幾十米,將轉車的車站指給我看。如此盛情之下,我不自覺地學習其他英國人,下車時也對司機說"Thank you"和"Have a nice day"。
Großbritannien Doppeldecker-Busse in London (picture-alliance/blickwinkel/McPhoto)
Deutschland DW Redakteurin Zhang Danhong (V. Glasow/V. Vahlefeld )
在這一點上可以把德國人看成歐洲的中國人。他們的一個共同點是常常有一個粗糙的外殼,裡面卻是一顆金子般的心,就像是菠蘿。撥開這層外殼之後,他們往往會帶給你無盡的快樂,但他們不會主動向你展示他最美好的一面。德國人一般對陌生人保持距離。公共場合你盯著我,我盯著你,不一定有敵意,可是也沒有太多善意。英國人就不同了。在過去 兩週裡,我得到的陌生英國人的微笑感覺上比在德國兩年還多。
  • 日期 25.06.2017
  • 作者 張丹紅

2017年6月24日 星期六

Grenfell Tower大火 Q&A:急撤4大樓數千居民,要求他們等候徹底整修後再搬回家

安全隱憂 倫敦急撤4大樓居民

發現隔板易燃 要花近月整修

【蔡筱雯、唐鎮宇╱綜合報導】一場大火燒出建築安全隱憂,英國倫敦「葛林菲爾塔」(Grenfell Tower)大樓上周的火災奪走79條人命,當局為避免重蹈覆轍,各地都在檢驗是否有大樓違反消防安全,北倫敦肯頓區前天連夜急撤4棟高樓650戶、約數千居民,要求他們等候徹底整修後再搬回家。







英國各地政府開始檢驗轄區內建築是否使用類似危險建材,肯頓率先下令疏散居民;曼徹斯特、伊斯靈頓等地至少27座大樓也用易燃隔板,連鎖旅館業者普瑞米爾旅館(Premier Inn)表示,擔憂旗下部分旅館建物也採用類似建材。
此外,這場大火起火點是一名住戶的Hotpoint牌(即美國的惠而浦品牌)冰箱,英國政府雖下令專家檢驗調查,但暫不召回,消保團體呼籲英國政府應強制業者回收市面上6.4萬台Hotpoint FF175BP和FF175BG冰箱。《蘋果》昨無法聯繫上惠而浦,燦坤和全國電子皆未販售同款冰箱。標檢局稱,會去了解外電報導的冰箱在台是否有販售。 

倫敦大樓大火 Q&A


2017年6月22日 星期四

Farms hit by labour shortage as migrant workers shun 'racist' UK. The Queen reported to police for not wearing a seatbelt. Theresa May makes 'fair and serious' offer on rights of EU citizens in UK

“The grim reality is that the perception from overseas is we are xenophobic, we’re racist, and the pound has plummeted too,” said John Hardman, director at Hops Labour Solutions, who also estimates a 20% shortage of workers.
"We’ve gone with Brexit and that makes us look unfriendly."
A 20% shortfall in migrant workers relied on to pick fruit and vegetables is…

The Independent
Someone called 999! 🚨

Hard Brexit to cost German car industry jobs: study. France, Germany to divide EU regulation after UK exits: report

France, Germany to divide EU regulation after UK exits: report

A magazine report claims France and Germany will share responsibility for
EU regulations on banking and drugs after Britain leaves the European
Union. A decision is expected in October.

The www.dw.com Article

Hard Brexit to cost German car industry jobs: study

A "hard Brexit," meaning the UK's departure from the European Union's
single market as well as customs union, would result in thousands of job
losses in the German automotive industry, says a new study.

The www.dw.com Article

DW:Tests on external materials of other towers blocks in Britain conducted after the Grenfell Tower fire showed instances of combustible cladding.

Combustible cladding on buildings similar to Grenfell Tower, says British PM Theresa May

Tests on external materials of other towers blocks in Britain conducted after the Grenfell Tower fire showed instances of combustible cladding. The aftermath of the fire has also forced a local administrator to resign.
London Hochhausruine nach Brand (picture-alliance/dpa/PA/Wire/R. Findler)
British Prime Minister Theresa May told the House of Commons on Thursday that combustible cladding has been found on "a number" of publicly owned tower blocks similar to Grenfell Tower.
"Shortly before I came to the chamber, I was informed that a number of these tests have come back as combustible," she said.
The prime minister's office estimated that 600 high-rise buildings in England have cladding similar to Grenfell Tower.
"We are obviously in touch with all the local authorities to encourage them to urgently send us the samples and then we will carry out the checks that we need," the prime minister's spokeswoman said.
May has launched a public inquiry as well as a criminal investigation after a fire in the 24-story Grenfell Tower killed at least 79 peoplelast week. The aluminum composite material is being studied to see if it contributed to the quick spread of the fire, which engulfed the building in less than an hour in what was the worst fire in the United Kingdom since World War II.
"We cannot and will not ask people to live in unsafe homes," May said. She also apologized for mistakes leading to the aftermath of the disaster and said "no stone will be left unturned" in the judge-led inquiry.
"For any guilty parties there will be nowhere to hide," she added.
Despite warnings from local residents regarding fire safety, the cladding was installed for beautification and insulation as part of a major refurbishment of the tower completed last year. The fire has fueled animosity at government cuts to local authority funding and drawn accusations of criminal negligence.
"This has been a wake-up call for the whole country," said opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn. "At least 79 people are dead - it is both a tragedy and an outrage because every single one of those deaths could and should have been avoided."
Local administrator to step down
Nicholas Holgate, the chief executive of the Kensington and Chelsea council, has also resigned Thursday, saying he was forced out by May's government.
He said in a statement the Communities Minister Sajid Javid had required Nicholas Paget-Brown, the leader of the council, to seek his resignation.

Watch video04:30

Theresa May under attack for mishandling Grenfell Tower disaster

"Despite my wish to have continued, in very challenging circumstances, to lead on the executive responsibilities of the Council, I have decided that it is better to step down from my role, once an appropriate successor has been appointed," Holgate said.
May said it was right that Holgate resigned.
Holgate had come under intense scrutiny after local authorities struggled to handle the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower fire. Residents who survived lost everything and received little help or information as to how to get back on their feet.
dv/sms (AP, AFP, Reuters)



  • Date 22.06.2017