市場略顯冷清,卻有不少當地人帶孩子一起來淘貨。越本土越誘人倫敦有很多有意思的市集,最有名的是西邊的Portobello Market 和北邊的Camden Town Market。前者是倫敦西邊最大的古董市場,有漂亮和昂貴的房子,特色的酒吧,周六的人山人海,八月盛大的諾丁山狂歡節,還有 《諾丁山》的邂逅奇遇。Camden Town Market是朋克及嬉皮文化的聚集地,歐洲年輕一族來倫敦必遊。沒有特立獨行就沒有眼球, 市場裏遊走的盡是“奪目人類。”第一次來倫敦遊玩,這兩個市場可以考慮。而倫敦東邊的 Spitalfields Market,當地人對它情有獨鐘,這裏旅遊的氣氛會淡一點,更生活更接近現實,但又不乏時尚店鋪。這是倫敦最老的一個市集,從最開始建立雛形到保持現在 的規模,有將近500年的歷史。它隱藏在倫敦中心的另一個商務區 Liverpool Street 的一堆摩天大樓後面,匯集著很多倫敦本土的獨立商鋪和原汁原味的英國市集特色,從大集市挑精品貨,這可是考眼力的活兒。
當地人喜歡逛的地方很少有拿著相機的遊客,你可以比較清閒地淘到一些新奇、時尚、復古、個性的物件。在市場裏面好淘寶,而市場後面的 Commercial Street,也是一條很好逛的商品街,那些在英國年輕人中很受歡迎的一些品牌店如:All Saints、Urban Outfitters、Office也都集中在這裏。每年七八月份是打折季,前來淘寶的人擁擠極了,夏天的露天舞會就在市場前面的廣場上,每周三傍晚,穿 紅高跟鞋的漂亮女孩扭擺身體,撩撥發絲,心裏的狂熱一陣陣被點燃,看的人臉紅心跳。
Portobello Market - The World famous Portobello Market in London
www.portobellomarket.org/portobello market is one of the top destinations in london for both tourists and londoners alike.Portobello Road Market
www.portobelloroad.co.uk/Welcome to Portobello Road, the world's largest antiques market with over 1,000 dealers selling every kind of antique and collectible. Visitors flock from all over ...Portobello Road - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portobello_RoadThe market was featured in the 1971 ... The board game Portobello Market is named after ...Images for portobello market
- Report images
Camden兩種翻譯---康敦巿集 和 肯姆顿市场
Camden & its many markets
Camden in North West London is one of London's most popular weekend attractions and receives millions of young and trendy tourists each year.
Camden market is famed for its network of open-air and indoor arts and crafts markets, of which there are half a dozen.
A vast shopping area, each market has its own style. Most have stalls and sell quirky, new and second-hand garments, jewellery, fashion accessories, records and CDs, bric-a-brac and food from every corner of the globe.
Camden Lock, located in a cobbled yard overlooking Regents Canal, was established in 1975 and is the pioneer of Camden's shopping phenomenon. It features over 250 stalls and trades in crafts from Africa, Latin America and the Far East, regular and organic food. If you have time, it's worth taking a ride down the canal in a longboat.
If you're looking for fake and original Doc Marten boots, you'll find them in Camden Market, a series of stalls in a maze of busy alleyways, or next door Camden Canal Market.
Trading in the Stables Market takes place under railway arches and an outdoor courtyard. This is where you'll find designer furniture from the 50's onwards, creative clubbing wear and piercing accessories, as well as everything Gothic, retro and techno.
Address: Camden High St, Camden Lock and Chalk Farm Rd. Open: Mon-Fri 10am-5:30pm. Sat-Sun 10am-5pm.
Tube: Camden Town/Chalk Farm
Related links:
Shipley Specialist Art Bookseller
Murder One
Camden Lock
Camden Market
There are an astounding 30,000 shops in London – as well as hundreds of street markets – so it's no surprise that people from all over the world flock to the capital of the United Kingdom to buy and buy and buy.
London is where everything and anything can be bought and sold.
Its shops and sellers trade in anything imaginable: from second-hand clothes to Haute Couture; from organic fruit and vegetables to bicycles; from hand-made crafts to rare books; from 17th century antiques to pets, and much much more.
Shopping in London can be an exciting experience, whether you're buying or browsing. It's a vibrant and vast city - buying something often involves discovering interesting surroundings and exploring new corners.
Our London: Shopping offers a brief guide to some of London's main shops and street markets. Whatever you fancy, you'll probably find it in fascinating London.
Related links:
BBC's Learning English: Welcome to London 4 - Shopping
BBC's Learning English: Welcome to London 1 - Transport
BBC London (LDN) - up to the minute information on London
London Tourist Board
London Transport
London Underground
Greater London Authority
The River Thames Guide
British Tourist Authority (BTA)
BTA: UK City Experience
Harry Potter’s Discovering the Magic of Britain
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9日晚間陷入熊熊大火的康敦巿集已有三十多年歷史,包括六座露天和室內市場,售賣的貨品包括手工藝品,骨董及新潮服裝,巿集附近並設有酒吧。根據市集網站,這裡是英國最大的市集,也是倫敦市觀光人數第四多的景點,每星期的參觀人數多達50萬、周末更是擠得水泄不通。 位於倫敦北區的康敦市集,在1970年代原本只限於因弗內斯街一帶,後來納入康敦水閘的廢棄碼頭和倉庫,發展成六個各具特色的市場,例如馬廄市場就號稱「另類時尚中心」,馬廄市場和隔鄰的康登水閘市場就有上千個攤位。 這裡是龐克、嬉皮重鎮,五花八門的攤販、商店和個人工作室,販售的商品令人眼花撩亂,加上「另類」咖啡館、酒吧、小吃,吸引了不計其數的尋寶和尋歡人潮。 康敦市集網站說,這裡隨時都有好玩的東西。白天逛街購物,晚間可到酒吧、夜店、俱樂部繼續享受夜生活。 BBC 伦敦北部著名购物区肯姆顿市场发生大火,当局派出超过100名消防员扑救,约在三小时后扑灭,没有伤亡报告。 伦敦消防厅消防站经理福斯特表示,火场主要集中在肯姆顿运河市场,那里有数摊位着火。 福斯特说,靠近火场的一段铁路被封闭,居民也被疏散。 消防当局是在星期六格林尼治时间19点20分接到火警报告的。据报大火波及区内一家常有演艺名人光顾的著名酒吧,损毁严重。 BBC记者库克报道说,现场一列商店疑似首先起火。火势十分猛烈,火舌飘上30英尺(9.1米)高空。 一些目击者说,他们听见一响爆炸声,之后就起火了。 肯姆顿市场一带是伦敦主要观光景点,每逢周末吸引近30万游客光顾区内六个露天或室内市集,这里还有各式各样的酒吧、商店和餐馆。 |