2008年10月31日 星期五


金融危機/倫敦景氣有多差? CNN在地記者告訴你

(2008/10/31 01:17)


倫敦一向是歐洲的金融中心,要感受倫敦的景氣狀況,往往小商店會比大型的購物商場更真實,CNN記者Jim Boulden走在倫敦西南區的街道上,這裡是他從小到大居住的地方,在泰唔士河岸旁和Richmond公園這個區塊這裡的商店,很明顯的感受到信用緊 縮,尤其是這間街角的洗衣店。

Hamlyns洗衣店Toundjel Chimen表示,「我們現在必須要先關店一陣子,希望風暴趕快過去。」


Carol咖啡店Carol Jackson說,「我們算是第一個感受到信用緊縮的,因為你知道,以前有很多建築工會到店裡吃飯,我們現在很明顯感受到景氣低潮。」


Jenny理髮店Umit Dernek說,「我們最近都在談,生意大不如前,已經持續兩三個星期,衰退了百分百,因為信用危機…真的衰退百分百,每個人都感受到了,顧客以前說我五個禮拜來一次,大概剪一次頭髮,現在會變成八、九個禮拜一次。」

CNN記者Jim Boulden說,「倫敦的EastSheen雖然說很小一條,但街上就有兩家玩具店,而且再過兩個月聖誕節就要來了。」

這對夫妻經營玩具店4年,擁有兩家店面,以往每年在第三季就進入旺季,現在卻是門可羅雀,夫妻確定不會再擴大經營。玩具店老闆娘Irene Hepworth表示,「我想大家購物會更加謹慎,不會讓小孩隨心所欲。」


BBC apologises for 'gross lapse of taste'

英國廣播公司電台第二台兩名節目主持人的淫猥言論醜聞到今天還佔據著個大小報章的頭條位置。 昨天,第二台的女負責人道格拉斯辭職,而BBC則決定處罰其中一名主持人羅斯停薪停職12周。羅斯是全英國身價最高的電視電台藝員,年薪600萬英鎊。在此之前,另一名主持人布蘭德已經辭職。 《每日郵報》認為道格拉斯辭職是理所當然的,因為是她招聘布蘭德的,還有她對廣播這個節目負有最終的責任。 《每日電訊報》援引消息說,讓布蘭德與羅斯在同一節目中演出是有高度爆炸風險的。 該消息說,道格拉斯應該在廣播前先親自檢查預錄的節目。 "再次低頭" 《太陽報》讚揚道格拉斯是唯一一個人有尊嚴地承擔這起醜聞。 該報說,她有23年多姿彩的職業生涯,卻栽在兩名高薪藝員讓人厭惡的愚笨之下。 不過,《獨立報》認為,這是BBC再度在爭執中顯示軟弱。該報的標題說,BBC再次向批評者低頭。 該報說,道格拉斯因為"遠低於她的職級"的人所做的決定而辭職,是"很荒謬的一回事"。

英國廣播公司BBC電台第二台前節目主持人 布蘭德和羅斯在老演員薩克斯 電話裡留下下流留言的醜聞 繼續在英國報章發酵。
在醜聞爆發後,布蘭德辭職,BBC也把羅斯的節目暫停。 《每日郵報》說,羅斯即將知道他在這個醜聞中的角色,是否以他與BBC的合約作為代價。 該報說,BBC的律師正在審核這個合約,研究是否能以行止不端為原因解約而不需要付出大筆賠償。 《衛報》說,BBC正在試圖按壓著這個火球。 不過,《金融時報》社論說,BBC的反應顯示其"缺乏警覺,損害甚大",說它的反應"太少,太遲"。 社論說,最大的問題是為什麼作為公營廣播機構,負有有別於商營媒體的使命卻搞出這些垃圾。

BBC apologises for 'gross lapse of taste'

The BBC yesterday suspended Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand for "gross lapse...incident are carried out. Mr Brand subsequently resigned as a presenter on BBC Radio 2.Yesterday the BBC faced criticism over its handling of the issue, with many licence-payers...

BBC suspends presenters

The BBC has suspended Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand for "gross lapse of...are carried out. Mr Brand subsequently resigned as a presenter on BBC Radio 2.On Wednesday the BBC faced criticism over its handling of the issue, with many licence...

Prime minister attacks conduct of BBC presenters

...inappropriate and unacceptable" behaviour of two BBC presenters, as the broadcaster came under...actor Andrew Sachs was an issue for the BBC and Ofcom, the broadcasting regulator.But...investigate the matter and it is for the BBC, the BBC Trust and Ofcom to take any appropriate...

BBC sorry for prank on actor

The BBC apologised to the actor Andrew Sachs yesterday...said he had been upset by the incident.The BBC said yesterday: "We would like to sincerely...secretary, will call in a speech tomorrow for the BBC to drop plans for local video news content...

Radio 2 chief quits over prank calls row

The controller of Radio 2, one of the BBC's most successful executives, resigned last night...report by Mark Thompson, the director-general of the BBC, to his own governors.In a statement, the BBC Trust said that Mr Ross was being suspended for 12...

More than Ross-Brand fiasco - a leadership question

...excellent editorial "Too little, too late" (October 30) on the BBC's latest fiasco.There is, as you say, a bigger question...listeners have taken this opportunity to complain to the BBC.The BBC, through its Trust, is answerable to the public, which pays...

2008年10月29日 星期三

The Westfield Centre in White City,

Bad Timing for London Mall's Debut
Westfield Mall, the largest mall in a European city, opens Thursday, but its timing couldn't be worse. Britain's economy is sliding into a recession.

Last Updated: Monday, 18 September 2006, 19:10 GMT 20:10 UK

Huge shopping mall plans revealed
Picture of Westfield plans
The Westfield Centre promises a unique shopping experience
Plans for greater London's biggest shopping centre, which could rival the traditional retail districts such as Oxford Street, have been unveiled.

The Westfield Centre in White City, forms part of a massive £1.6bn regeneration project in west London.

The shopping mall will house an atrium for live events, 15 restaurants, shops, 4,500 parking spaces, 265 shops, a cinema and other leisure facilities.

A new Tube station, two bus terminals and a railway will serve the site.

Work has already begun on the centre, which is due to be completed in 2008.

"We want [Oxford Street] to remain competitive, we want the West End to be the number one retail destination
Jace Tyrell
New West End Company

It is at the heart of a major drive to regenerate the area, which also includes a £170m upgrade to the transport network and more than 200 flats in an affordable housing scheme.

Developers estimate that 60% of visitors to the new shopping centre will come by public transport.

Marks and Spencer, Next, Debenhams and Waitrose are among High Street names which have already been signed up.

Those behind the plans for the Westfield Centre say they aim to "break the mould" of dining and entertainment in shopping centres.

Impression of Westfield pavilion
Developers hope to "break the mould" of shopping centres

Michael Gutman, of Westfield London said: "You can come in the morning and get your groceries...go to the gym and have a workout, come back at lunchtime and do your shopping...then come back in the evening and see a movie, sit in a restaurant and have a drink until late.

"That's a unique experience."

Jeremy Baker, marketing lecturer at London Metropolitan University, said footfall figures showed out of town shopping was growing while Oxford Street was stable.

"The danger for Oxford Street is White City will just cream off all the rich people of west London and the medium-income people, and they just won't struggle into Oxford Street," he told BBC London.

There are proposals to give Oxford Street a £1bn overhaul, which could see parts of it pedestrianised and a tram running from end to end.

Jace Tyrell, of the New West End Company, which represents Oxford Street retailers, said businesses were working with planners to improve the street - through which 40% of all London bus routes run.

"Everyone agrees that we need to address Oxford Street now," he said.

"We want it to remain competitive, we want the West End to be the number one retail destination."

Westfield購物中心 倫敦開新店
全歐最大都會購物中心Westfield London30日在倫敦盛大開幕,吸引大批人潮造訪。此時正值英國10月消費信心接近空前新低、線上零售商造訪人次首度出現單月衰退,Westfield仍看好此購物中心前景。

英國10月消費信心接近空前新低,線上零售商的造訪人次首度出現單月衰退,但全歐最大都會購物中心Westfield London在這最糟的時機開幕,還吸引大批人潮前往。

市場研究業者GfK NOP公司統計,英國10月份消費者信心指數從9月的負32點落到36點,再度逼近7月的空前新低負39 點;去年10月時此指數僅為負8點。



無視於目前經濟瀕臨衰退、消費極度緊縮的現實,超大購物中心Westfield London31日在倫敦市中心盛大開幕,大批民眾似也暫時把不景氣的憂慮拋諸腦後,湧進這個號稱全歐最大的都會購物中心Westfield London一探究竟。


業者預估,Westfield London每年可望吸引2,100萬人消費,年營業額目標是10億英鎊。

Westfield共同創辦人羅伊(Frank Lowy)承認,現在並非最理想的開幕時機,但他依然看好這座購物中心的前景,還說過去在不景氣時興建的購物中心,如今表現都是最好的。Westfield在全球共有118座購物中心。

2008年10月26日 星期日

Revolutionary New Blood Bank

Spectrum | 24.09.2008 | 00:30

Revolutionary New Blood Bank

A British cancer charity has opened a revolutionary new blood bank which will store samples from the umbilical cords of new born babies.

The Anthony Nolan Trust says the bank could provide stemcells for transplant or research. The Trust aims to collect as many as fifty thousand samples. Leukemia sufferers have welcomed the move; stemcell transplants have already saved the lives of thousands of leukaemia patients around the world. But a leading medical academic and researcher has questioned some of the publicity surrounding the new blood bank. Professor Robert Winston says stemcell research is in its very early stages and a wide range of effective stemcell treatments could be many years away. Stephen Beard reports.

2008年10月25日 星期六

daylight-saving time

n. (Abbr. DST)

Time during which clocks are set one hour or more ahead of standard time to provide more daylight at the end of the working day during late spring, summer, and early fall.



取材 bbc


英國《泰晤士報高等教育》雜誌(Times Higher Education)針對500名大學導師進行了調查,結果發現77%的導師感受到壓力,要給學生高分數。




就最新調查結果公佈之前不久,有18所英國大學開始試驗新的畢業成績分級制度,以補充現行制度的不足*。此前,英國高等教育品質保證機構(Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, QAA)表示,大學畢業成績分級“不可靠”。品質保證機構對英格蘭和北愛爾蘭的大學進行了59個審計報告之後表示,大學評分標準不一致,分級標準也不一致。

試驗中的“高等教育成績報告”(Higher Education Achievement Report, HEAR)將包括更多內容,能夠顯示學生在個別科目的表現和老師的評核結果。


“高等教育成績報告”(Higher Education Achievement Report, HEAR)將包括更多內容,能夠顯示學生在個別科目的表現和老師的評核結果。






2008年10月24日 星期五

The Shell Book of English Villages

HADFIELD, JOHN (EDITED BY): - The Shell Book of English Villages.HADFIELD, JOHN (EDITED BY): The Shell Book of English Villages.
Michael Joseph, London. 1980.. ISBN 0 7181 1900 2.First edition. 384pp. With frontispiece, 16 colour reproductions of paintings, watercolours and lithographs by English artists and over 120 black and white photographs. Hardcover. Book in near fine condition. Dustjacket in fine condition. A thousand villages are described in the book, from the limestone villages of the Cotswolds to the brick and timber villages of the Kentish Weald, the Home Counties, the South Country, East Anglia, the West Country, the Midlands, Yorkshire, Humberside, the North West and North East.

2008年10月20日 星期一

Japanese Knotweed

Spectrum | 21.10.2008 | 04:30

Scientists Find a Solution to Fight the Japanese Knotweed Menace in Britain

Britain has been invaded……by an alien plant species. Japanese Knotweed (or Fallopia Japonica) has spread with ferocious speed across the UK.

It has undermined buildings, destroyed flood defences and overwhelmed private gardens and public parks. Tackling it is costing millions of pounds. But now scientists have come up with a simple solution -- Aphalara itadori -- a sap-sucking insect that devours the dreaded knotweed. Scientists from the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International have asked for government permission to introduce the insect. If they get the go-ahead, it will be the first time that a bio-control technique involving a natural organism to control a pest will have been used in Europe. From London Stephen Beard ( or Stephanus Barbus) reports.

植物界 Plantae
被子植物門 Magnoliophyta
双子葉植物綱 Magnoliopsida
タデ目 Polygonales
タデ科 Polygonaceae
ソバカズラ属 Fallopia
イタドリ F. japonica

Japanese Knotweed

虎杖(Polygonum cuspidatum),別名假川七土川七紅三七三七[1]日本蓼,是一種蓼科多年生草本植物。虎杖的莖有節而且中空,就像一支手杖一樣[2],加上有有三角型的葉,構造與非常類似,但兩者其實並沒有任何關連。虎杖的嫩葉都有紅色的斑紋。雄雌異株。虎杖產於東亞地區,分佈在日本北海道西部以南的地區、朝鮮半島台灣中國大陸江蘇江西山東四川等地。


City of London

英國倫敦的City of London(簡稱City)。英國的倫敦金融城好比美國的華爾街,不過在這裡的外匯交易卻相當於紐約和東京合起來的業務量,吸引著大量來自俄國、中東與印度的投資資金。 不僅如此,在經過幾百年歷史 ...

Wikipedia article "City of London".


在倫敦,最有「英式味道」的酒店,你知是哪間嗎?相信十中有九會答Gloucester House。Gloucester House原址為英王喬治三世的兄弟告羅士打公爵在倫敦的寓所,1929年酒店在此正式開業……再好的酒店,也會老吧?經過為期4年、斥資數百萬英鎊的翻 新工程,終於在今年以Grosvenor ...

Frequency: (510)
(number of times this surname appears in a sample database of 88.7 million names, representing one third of the 1997 US population)

English (of Norman origin): status name for a person who was in charge of the arrangements for hunting on a lord's estate, from Anglo-Norman French gros ‘great’, ‘chief’ (see Gross) + veneo(u)r ‘hunter’ (Latin venator, from venari ‘to hunt’).

FOREBEARS: This is the name of one of the wealthiest families in Britain, which holds the title Duke of Westminster. They have been long established in Cheshire, with strong links with the city of Chester. One of the earliest recorded bearers of the name was Robert le Grosvenor of Budworth, who was granted lands by the Earl of Chester in 1160. The family's fortunes were founded by Thomas Grosvenor (born 1656), who in 1677 married an heiress, Mary Davies, whose inheritance included Ebury Farm, Middlesex. This now forms an area of central London that includes Grosvenor Square and Belgrave Square.

2008年10月14日 星期二

New design for Routemaster

He's only been in the job since May, but London's Mayor Boris Johnson has already made some popular decisions.

One of those is to bring back one of those great icons of the great city - the Routemaster.

His predecessor, the Left-Wing "Red" Ken Livingstone, said in 2001:"Only some ghastly, dehumanised moron would want to get rid of the Routemaster" - only for the eejit to change his mind after winning re-election and he was influential in getting rid of these buses. The last Routemasters retired in 2005.

But now new Tory mayor Boris Johnson has said he will bring back the Routemaster, and he is holding a design competition to find a new version of the bus....

The bus with a 'smile': New design for Routemaster aims to cheer up London commuters

By Daily Mail Reporter
13th October 2008
Daily Mail

A radical new Routemaster-style bus for London is revealed today with a 'smile' at the front, U-shaped seating and television screens.

The H4 is one of several entries for Boris Johnson's design competition to find a new version of the traditional bus.

The Mayor has pledged to get rid of largely unpopular bendy buses and replace them with 'a modern Routemaster for the 21st century'.

Peripheral vision: The H4 has a central driver's cab and is fitted with television screens that offer travel information

A team of 10 designers in London and Nanjing, China, spent more than a month designing a model that would combine the best elements of the classic hop on, hop off vehicle with the latest technology.

Guy Middleton, managing director of H4, which has also revamped the Royal Festival Hall and office complexes in Dubai, said: 'The first thing you notice is the smile at the front.

It's just a small touch we added to make the bus more pleasing to ride.

'We have centred the driver's cab, which would not only improve his peripheral vision but also make the buses easier to export to other countries.'

The upper and lower deck have TV screens visible to each passenger as well as airconditioning and heating.

Mr Middleton added: 'The TV screens are a possible revenue earner, as they could advertise local businesses close to where people are alighting, as well as flash the latest headlines and travel information.

'The U-shaped seating will create more leg room for passengers, and there will be just one unobstructed aisle on each deck which will benefit the conductor.

'We also feel that anti-social behaviour would decrease when people are facing each other.'

Deck space: U-shaped seating is designed to offer more leg room

Prototype: It would also have air-conditioning, piped from the lower deck

The bus would have full disabled access and the seats would be made with a flexible mesh that does not collect dust or dirt.

Last week, a glass-roofed Routemaster designed by Sir Norman Foster's firm's Foster + Partners was revealed, promising to give passengers an uninterrupted view of the capital.

But Mr Middleton said a glass roof would cause too many problems. 'It would make the upper deck unbearably hot in the summer, while it could steam up and even drip in the winter.

'What' we've come up with is a cost effective and very sleek Routemaster - and we want to win it.'

Competition: Norman Foster's design with a glass ceiling


2008年10月13日 星期一

Celebrating the OED in Oxford

Celebrating the OED in Oxford

約1972年我在東海大學圖書館初讀 OED
50歲以後 我看法改變

2008年10月10日 星期五

UK Unveils A Broad Bank Bailout

UK Unveils A Broad Bank Bailout

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The U.K. government unveiled one of the broadest bailouts in the global financial crisis, investing in some of the country's largest financial institutions in an effort to recapitalize the industry, end concerns about the viability of individual institutions and encourage banks to resume lending to consumers and businesses.

The Treasury said it will offer help to U.K. banks in three ways. It will boost their capital by buying up to GBP 50 billion ($87.9 billion) in preference shares, provide a guarantee of around GBP 250 billion for bonds issued by the banks, and provide additional liquidity of at least GBP 200 billion through the Bank of England's Special Liquidity Scheme.

In a statement Wednesday, the Treasury said eight banks -- Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC, Barclays PLC, the soon-to-be-combined HBOS PLC and Lloyds TSB Group PLC, Abbey National PLC, Nationwide Building Society, Standard Chartered PLC and HSBC Holdings PLC -- can draw on an aggregate sum of GBP 25 billion in order to boost their Tier 1 capital, a measure of capital against risky assets.

The plan contrasts sharply with the approach taken by the U.S. with its $700 billion financial-markets bailout fund. While the U.S. program is aimed at taking toxic assets off banks' balance sheets, the U.K. plan is aimed at boosting the banks' capital so they can restart the lending that is crucial to economic growth.

'The amount to be issued per institution will be finalized following detailed discussions,' the Treasury said. The government said it will make a further GBP 25 billion available if needed.

The government will take stakes in the banks through the purchase of preference shares, which means it won't have voting rights and won't take an active, day-to-day role in management.

But there will be conditions. 'The government will need to take into account dividend policies and executive compensation packages and will require a full commitment to support lending to small businesses and home buyers,' the Treasury said.

The Treasury also said the Bank of England will make 'at least' GBP 200 billion in funds available to the banks through its Special Liquidity Scheme. The plan, established in April, allows banks to swap illiquid assets such as mortgage-backed securities for Treasury bills, which they can use to raise money.

The government said it also will guarantee new and medium-term debt issuance to help the banks refinance maturing debt. It said the guarantee will be offered 'on appropriate commercial terms' and is likely to cover total debts of GBP 250 billion.

The move represents a gamble for Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who is facing a tenuous political future as the credit crisis takes a toll on the U.K. economy. Mr. Brown has been harshly criticized for his handling of the early stages of the crisis, which included the first bank run in the U.K. in more than a century.

The government's efforts could prove critical to London's role as a global financial hub rivaling New York. In recent years, London's financial sector has boomed, handling global capital equal to the U.K.'s entire annual economic output. In recent years, Barclays and RBS have built trading operations that rival those of U.S. commercial banks and Wall Street firms.

The U.K. plan would stretch the government's finances at a time when it is already facing a large and growing budget deficit. Economic growth ground to a halt in the second quarter as housing prices dropped and inflation rose to roughly 5% from about 2% at the beginning of the year, and the government is expected to exceed its self-imposed borrowing limits because of the troubled economy.

U.K. officials rushed to finalize a plan on Tuesday after a tough day for U.K. bank stocks. RBS was one of the biggest losers, its shares diving 39% to 90 pence. HBOS fell 42% to 94 pence. Barclays fell 9% to 285 pence, while Lloyds dropped 13% to 225.50 pence.

The government's measures are aimed at propping up a sector that has suffered greatly as the global credit crisis has frozen the credit markets the banks rely on for funding.

Many analysts were doubtful, however, that the U.K. plan would ease a problem at the center of the current crisis: the unwillingness of banks to lend to one another except for extremely short periods. Banks including RBS and HBOS raised large amounts of capital earlier in the year, and they still face funding constraints. Bruno Paulson, a senior analyst at Sanford Bernstein in London, predicted a capital injection would boost investor confidence in the banks, 'but the real issue is whether it will be enough to restore confidence' in the credit markets.

Paul Hannon / Dana Cimilluca / Sara Schaefer Munoz / Carrick Mollenkamp


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英 國財政部(Treasury)稱,將通過三種途徑向銀行業提供幫助:通過買進至多500億英鎊(合879億美元)的優先股來增加銀行資本;為受助銀行發行 的債券提供約2,500億英鎊的擔保;通過英國央行(BOE)的特別流動性計劃(Special Liquidity Scheme)向銀行追加至少2,000億英鎊的資金。

European Pressphoto Agency
財 政部在周三的一份聲明中稱,包括蘇格蘭皇家銀行集團(Royal Bank Of Scotland Group Plc)、巴克萊集團(Barclays PLC)、即將合並的 HBOS PLC和萊斯銀行(Lloyds TSB Group PLC)、Abbey National PLC、Nationwide Building Society、渣打銀行(Standard Chartered PLC)和匯豐控股有限公司(HSBC Holdings PLC)在內的8家銀行可以動用總計250億英鎊的資金,以便增加其第1級資本(即以風險劃分的資本,用於計算銀行的資本充足率)。




Gordon Brown



Alistair Darling
此舉對英國首相布朗(Gordon Brown)來說可謂一次豪賭。由於信貸危機令英國經濟遭受了損失,布朗的政治前途非常嚴峻。布朗在危機早期的處理方式受到了公眾的嚴厲批評,當時英國出現了100多年來首次銀行擠兌現象。





不 過很多分析師表示懷疑,英國的計劃能否緩解目前危機的核心問題:銀行不願向彼此放貸,除非期限非常短的貸款。包括蘇格蘭皇家銀行和HBOS在內的銀行今年 早些時候籌集了大量資金,但它們仍面臨融資緊張的問題。Sanford Bernstein駐倫敦的高級分析師鮑爾森(Bruno Paulson)預測,注資會增強投資者對銀行的信心,不過真正的問題是,這是否足以讓他們重拾對信貸市場的信心。

Paul Hannon / Dana Cimilluca / Sara Schaefer Munoz / Carrick Mollenkamp

2008年10月7日 星期二

Robert Burns and Bob Dylan

任 何念英国文学的学生都认识18世纪苏格兰著名诗人罗伯特•彭斯(Robert Burns)的诗《一朵红红的玫瑰》(A Red , Red Rose)。虽然这不是什么震撼文坛的杰作,但是,其描述诗人的爱意的细致,并非一些其他文坛巨匠所能及。现在,著名流行乐歌手鲍勃•迪伦(Bob Dylan)也在解释对他音乐创作影响最大的歌词或诗句是什么时表示,这首诗对他产生了影响。


迪伦是在唱片商店HMV发起的“我的灵感”(My Inspiration)活动中作此表示的。在这个两年前发起的活动里,100名著名演艺人士披露对自己艺术创作影响最大的歌词或诗句。

最早参加这一活动的英国歌手David Bowie说,在歌词创作中,对他影响最大的是英国摇滚乐队Pink Floyd(平克•弗洛伊德)的已故歌手Syd Barrett。

从这一活动可以看到,歌手的艺术创作灵感来自四面八方。例如英国著名歌手Elton John就选择了当代乐队Scissor Sisters的歌《Take Your Mama》。著名摇滚歌手Ozzy Osbourne则说,对他音乐上影响最大的是甲壳虫乐队(The Beatles)的著名歌手约翰•列侬(John Lennon)的歌 《Working Class Hero》。





苏 格兰格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)彭斯研究中心的学者杰拉德•卡拉瑟斯博士(Dr. Gerard Carruthers)说,“《一朵红红的玫瑰》是一首传世之作,也是世界上最伟大的爱情诗之一。彭斯的诗作曾受古典音乐家和民间艺术家所深爱,迪伦的选 择一点也不令人惊讶。”


音乐季刊《Q》的主编保罗•里斯(Paul Rees)则说,“大多数歌手的Inspiration(灵感)都来自其他歌手,其中不少歌手说对他们影响最大的启迪者是迪伦本人。迪伦的选择显示他总是与众不同。”


O my luve is like a red, red rose

That's newly sprung in June;

O my luve's like the melodie

That's sweetly play'd in tune.

As fair art thou, my bonny lass

So deep in luve am I;

And I will luve thee still, my dear,

Till a' the seas gang dry.

2008年10月5日 星期日

David Holmes: My Top 10! Belfast

EuroVox | 06.10.2008 | 05:30

My Top 10! Belfast

Say the name Belfast, and most will think of "The Troubles" - a civil and often bloody conflict between the Roman Catholics and Protestants that raged in the city from 1969 until 2001.

But since the fighting has died down, Northern Ireland's capital has been booming. Peace has brought more tourism, strengthening the local economy and inspiring a new generation of artists and musicians to stay in the city.

The DJ und Musician David HolmesBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: The DJ und Musician David Holmes

One of them is David Holmes, a DJ and musician, who gained fame as creator of the Hollywood film soundtracks for Steven Soderbergh's "Oceans Eleven".

Holmes recently released a new solo album, entitled "Holy Pictures" and in his Top 10, he explains what the name has to do with the city of Belfast.


meet the professionals
David Holmes David Holmes is a DJ and music producer from Belfast. He created the soundtrack for movie block buster Ocean's 11. David has launched his own record label "13 Amp" and still manages to do the occasional re-mixing for bands and DJ-ing.

Artistic influences growing up in Northern Ireland

Boredom really, to be perfectly honest. I mean, boredom just made me get into so many other different things. You have so much time to do things, you know. I was always into music. But because of how we all grew up here in the ‘70s or whatever, I never thought for one second that I could be a music producer. It wasn’t even a thought that entered my head. So I started DJ-ing when I was fifteen, in Mod Clubs, playing R&B and soul and weird sort of ‘60s jazz and it was just like a really cool scene. One thing about growing up in Belfast in the late ‘70s and right up until the late ‘80s was, you know, there were so many different cults like Punks and Mods and Skinheads and Rockers. And I think it was a real escape for a lot of people who just didn’t want anything to do with, you know, the Troubles and stuff. They were much more interested in other things that were much more exciting and more, sort of, creative – even if it meant just going down to St. George’s market looking for your next outfit.

So then in 1989, I started really getting into house music. I had a partner, Ian McCready, and we started doing our own clubs at the Art College. That became a bit of a phenomenon in Northern Ireland and we started bringing DJs over and people just came and asked you to DJ at their clubs. And then the whole thing just really spiralled out of control to the next stage, which was actually going into a recording studio with an idea and taste and knowledge of what you think a piece of music should sound like. The good thing about electronic music is that it has set up a really great platform for kids that just have an idea. They don’t have to have any musical ability. You don’t have to be able to play the piano or a guitar or anything. You can have an idea, a great record collection, an Apple Macintosh and a little keyboard and, you know. It’s amazing what you can actually do with just having a computer, you know, and if you know the right people. From that you can go and create and be open to ideas and experimentation.

I was just really lucky, I suppose, to be there at such an early stage because what acid house started out as and what it’s become is unbelievable, quite disturbing and I actually don’t like where it’s going. It’s just like pop music now all over the world. When we were doing it, it was really new and different and nobody had heard this music before that was coming from Chicago and Detroit, and that just led me onto different things. If you’re really obsessed about something, you develop and you learn and, without even trying, it’s not like a job. You’re just doing it because you love it and you want to find out more and more. So, that just led me on to do so many different things. I think I was lucky that enough people liked what I was doing where I actually could make a career out of it. It would be so easy to go in and have the wrong taste. To do it full-time, you need to sell records, because you need to be able to finance it and you need money to buy records and to develop as an artist.

What you did when you left school

I went on a Youth Training Programme. I just didn’t want to go on the dole, you know. I wanted to be a hairdresser because I wanted to meet girls and have a laugh and it was a creative sort of outlet. But they wouldn’t let me do that. so they made me become a chef and I started out just cooking and stuff and got a job up working in a little restaurant just up the street called Oscar’s. It is now Larry’s Diner. I did that for a couple of years until I just couldn’t stand not going out, you know, because it’s a late shift. You’re finishing work at midnight, one o’clock, and all my mates were in the Delta and the Plaza. So, I packed that in and became a hairdresser and worked in Zakks and, it was great being a hairdresser because you could listen to music and you could come into work with a hangover and your boss would have a hangover as well so it was a great time for me. We were organising clubs while we were hairdressing and I was DJ-ing while I was hairdressing and then, eventually, you know, music just took over. It was one of those old-fashioned things that your parents used to say to you, "If you have a trade, you’ll always be OK and you can always still do the occasional haircut." I actually did one a couple of weeks ago!

Day job

I was finding it harder and harder to get up in the morning and I was finding it more difficult to concentrate on a job that I wasn’t fully committed to. If I do something, you know, I want to do it the best I can and I want to develop and it becomes an obsession with me. So hairdressing just wasn’t doing it for me. I knew I didn’t want to be a hairdresser and I was starting to be paid really good money for DJ-ing and to make enough money where I could actually make a living. And then eventually it just became my career and I haven’t really looked back. I can’t do anything else and even if I stopped creating music, I don’t think I could ever go back to cutting hair again.

Average day

I’ve got a record label in London that takes up a lot of time. That’s just a new thing that I’ve been working on. It’s really exciting because we’ve got a full roster of acts now and they are all just finishing their albums and it’s all really great. They’re all very diverse and so I’m paying attention to my label. Then just working on different projects at home, either preparing for a project or working and listening to music or watching a film– it’s work. Or just reading, I’m always reading during the day and just on the phone, really. I’m probably doing all these things sort of simultaneously. Normally work is spending ten minutes or half an hour on something, then move on and spend a couple of hours on something else and just try to keep busy because it’s really good fun. I don’t feel as if I’m really working hard ever, because it’s great.

Tips for budding musicians from Northern Ireland

Try and be individuals and try and be as open-minded as possible when it comes to everything. Music is everywhere, even if you’re just walking down the street, just all the sounds that you hear and I’ve incorporated a lot of that into my work. It’s endless what you can actually do with music and what you can actually create. Just try and take on as much as possible. And whether it’s pop music or soul or jazz or punk, or whatever, there’s great music in every genre. Just be open to everything. I don’t think it’s something that you can do as a job. You got to want it. You got to really just love what you’re doing. I don’t think you can just go, "Hey, I want to be a musician or I want to be a producer or I want to make music." If you do get any success, be careful what you do with it and don’t take it for granted because I’ve seen it happen quite a lot. People reach a certain stage in their career where it’s almost as if, "Hey, I don’t need to work hard anymore." I think you always have to work hard at what you do, no matter how talented you are. Because I don’t think I’m particularly talented or anything, I just think that I love what I do. I love music and am open to everything. As long as you’re open and you’re honest with yourself and you don’t take yourself too seriously, there’s no reason why you can’t have a career out of it. You’ve just got to work really hard.

Highlights of career

Doing the Art College stuff was a real defining moment for me because it was so new and fresh and we were there and we were doing something that was so exciting, and I used to get the butterflies before we opened the doors. It was really, really exciting. I’ve this album that I’ve just finished with the Free Association. That is really exciting because I think it’s the best music that I’ve ever made, probably because it’s the first time that I’ve really totally collaborated with people who I consider to be amazing at their job. So, we made this record just on really a good spirit, having a really great time and it turned out really well. And I think doing Ocean's 11 was a real experience because Soderbergh’s such a great director and he’s such a great person to work with. I wouldn’t say the whole movie star thing was a highlight because I’m more impressed about working with real artists like Soderbergh or like the musicians who worked on my record and the people who I’m working with on this record. I’ve just got so much respect for them. You can sit and talk to them for hours and get really inspired.

Bournemouth Lures Surfers with Artificial Reef

EuroVox | 06.10.2008 | 05:30

British Resort Town Lures Surfers with Artificial Reef

England isn't well known for surfing -- but that could be changing.

On the South Coast of England, work has begun on Europe's first artificial surfing reef. The structure, currently being put in place on the sea bed just off the city of Bournemouth, should mean that the waves there get a whole lot more attractive for surfers. The reef changes the way the waves break so that surfers get a better ride.

The resort town of Bournemouth is trying to cash in on the rising popularity of surfing across Europe. The city is hoping that the reef will bring in extra 200,000 visitors and almost 4 million euros a year.

Report: Martin Vogl

"Lord Mayor".

City of London chief urges Japan deregulate
The Japan Times - Japan
LONDON (Kyodo) Lord Mayor of the City of London David Lewis, the ambassador for all British-based financial services, is urging Japan to loosen its banking ...

〔英〕 (ロンドンなど大都市の)市長.---錯誤的翻譯

Wikipedia article "Lord Mayor".

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland it is a purely ceremonial post, see Mayors in the United Kingdom, list of cities in the United Kingdom, especially Lord Mayor of the City of London (the ceremonial representative of the one square mile small financial district, but with the trappings of a viceroy).


━━ n.pl. 装飾, 装身具; 馬飾り.

━━ n. (植民地などを統治する)国王代理, 太守, 総督.