2016年3月24日 星期四

How nasty is the Conservative Party? Duncan Smith attacks 'desperate' focus on cuts - BBC News

The government says that the rise in minimum wage will make up for the welfare cuts. But many of the very poorest are not in work

歐洲動態 2.0

英國黨內權鬥也可以刀光劍影 -- 前就業及退休金大臣Iain Duncan Smith出席政論節目,大肆抨擊首相及財相削減福利;而他的原手下、退休金國務大臣立即護主反擊,說他辭職只是為了向黨領導層造成最大損害,以便替脫歐陣營拉票

Iain Duncan Smith criticises the government's "desperate search for…
