2012年12月23日 星期日

英國人過聖誕太麻煩 (何越)






  經抗議後 劍橋大學昨正名稱我台灣

英國劍橋大學官網先前對台灣國別的稱呼為「台灣,中國的一省(Taiwan, Province of China)」,昨天恢復成「台灣」。 (取自劍橋大學官網)
〔記 者湯佳玲、陳慧萍/台北報導〕台灣主權在國際學術圈被矮化又一樁!英國劍橋大學博士班申請資料的「國別」欄中,將台灣矮化為「中國的一省(Taiwan, Province of China)」,中研院學者去函抗議後,劍橋大學一度態度強硬,堅稱我「並非是一個國家,中國才是唯一合法政府」;所幸,經外交部協助交涉後,劍橋大學官 網昨已恢復成「Taiwan」。
稱我中國一省 校方辯稱官方規定
中研院學者駁 牛津等校只寫台灣
中 研院生命科學組莊姓副研究員日前為其助理撰寫推薦信,發現劍橋的網路申請表「國別」欄位是「台灣,中國的一省(Taiwan, Province of China)」;中研院基因體中心特聘研究員陳鈴津因此代寫信函,陳述台灣是獨立自主國家,並非中國一省,要求劍橋更正。
由於類似事件在學界層出不窮,中研院生物多樣性中心研究員陳昭倫質疑馬英九總統在到處宣揚免簽的政績背後,換來的是「中國的一省(Province of China)」的默許。
矮化案例多 外交部稱肇因ISO
護台灣主權 學者籲提供申訴管道

劍橋大學首次發行債券英國《金融時報》 邁克爾•斯托撒德, 克里斯•庫金報導
一家中世紀學府昨天踏入現代金融時代——劍橋大學(Cambridge University)在其800年的歷史上首次利用公共債券市場(而非慈善募捐)募資。這所英國最為富有、歷史第二悠久的大學發行了價值3.5億英鎊的40年期債券,利用低收益率來為新成立的干細胞研究實驗室和研究生宿舍提供資金。劍橋大學在最新的上海交通大學排名中名列全球第五,過去它的開發項目一直依賴捐贈人的資助。財務總監安德魯•里德(Andrew Reid)稱,劍橋本可以直接資助這些開發項目,但“鑑於長期利率處於低位,現在似乎是藉款的大好時機”。該債券的定價比英國國債高出60個基點,市場反響良好。上週,劍橋大學由於“卓越的市場地位、擁有高額的流動資產和穩健​​的治理結構”,獲得了穆迪(Moody's)的AAA評級。發行債券的是劍橋大學的中央機構,而不是組成該大學31所學院中的任何一所。在不計入學院資產的情況下,該中央機構擁有26億英鎊的淨資產。劍橋是英國唯一一所十億英鎊級大學,它在2010-11年度的支出達到12億英鎊。數支養老基金一直流露出支持英國大學的興趣。 2010-11年度,這個備受尊敬的領域擁有230億英鎊的收入,盈餘達10億英鎊,扣除負債後的淨資產價值達240億英鎊。位於萊斯特的德蒙特福德大學(De Montfort University)2010-11年度支出1.5億英鎊,該校於今年7月發行了價值1.1億英鎊的30年期債券。“我確信以後將有更多的大學考慮獲得評級,進入資本市場,”蘇格蘭皇家銀行(RBS)英國及愛爾蘭企業債務資本市場主管拉塞爾•梅伯里(Russell Maybury)說。蘇格蘭皇家銀行、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和匯豐銀行(HSBC)是此次債券發行的承銷商。譯者/徐天辰




2012年12月15日 星期六

Jeanette Winterson: We must protect and reinvent our local libraries

中英對照讀新聞/Novelist Jeanette Winterson calls for library expansion 小說家溫特森呼籲增設圖書館

Speaking at the inaugural Reading Agency Lecture at the British Library, award-winning author Jeanette Winterson suggested the cost could be met by Google, Amazon and Starbucks.
The three companies were recently grilled about tax avoidance before a committee of MPs. The firms have paid little UK corporation tax although they argue that they operate within tax rules.
Winterson said:"Either we stop arguing and agree that libraries are doing their best to reinvent themselves, and that with a bit of help, financial and ideological - they belong to the future, or we let them run down until they disappear."
"Libraries cost about £1bn to run right now. Make it £2bn and charge Google, Amazon and Starbucks all that back tax on their profits here."
Winterson also offered the companies in question another option - "do an Andrew Carnegie and build us new kinds of libraries".
About 600 libraries across England have reportedly closed as local councils face cuts in income. However a recent report by the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee denied that figure, quoting Culture Minister Ed Vaizey as saying the estimate was "very wide of the mark" and that a "truer picture would be about a 10th of that".
Other libraries affected by the cuts have reduced opening hours, cut staff or transferred the running of libraries to volunteers.

We must protect and reinvent our local libraries

Growing up in Accrington, Jeanette Winterson found refuge and inspiration in her local library. In an age of austerity, the need to protect and reinvent libraries for the future is more urgent than ever
Children in a public library, 1946
'For kids in particular, ebooks aren't the answer' … a public library in north London, January 1946. Photograph: Fred Morley/Fox Photos/Getty Images
I was born in Manchester. Brought up in Accrington, 20 miles north-east. I was adopted by Pentecostal parents who wanted me to be a missionary. I've been doing my best ever since.
The Accrington Public Library was a stone-built, fully stocked library, built on the values of an age of self-help and betterment. It was built in 1907 with money from the Carnegie Foundation. Outside were the carved heads of Shakespeare and Milton, Chaucer and Dante. Inside were art nouveau tiles and a gigantic stained glass window that said useful things such as "INDUSTRY AND PRUDENCE CONQUER".

The library held all the Eng lit classics, and quite a few surprises such as Gertrude Stein. I had no idea of what to read or in what order, so, staring at the shelves that said "English Literature in Prose, A-Z", I just started alphabetically. Thank God her last name was Austen …

The Accrington Public Library ran on the Dewey Decimal System, which meant that books were meticulously catalogued, except for pulp fiction which everybody despised. So romance was just given a pink strip and all romance was simply chucked unalphabetically on to the romance shelves. Sea stories were treated the same way, but with a green strip. Horror had a black strip. Mystery stories shlock-style had a white strip, but the librarian would never file Chandler or Highsmith under mystery – they were literature, just as Moby-Dick was not a sea story and Jane Eyre was not romance.

Humour had a section too … with a wavy orange giggle strip. On the humour shelves, I will never know why or how, was Gertrude Stein, presumably because she wrote what looked like nonsense …

I used to help out at the library. I was a rough, tough kid, not much good at school, except for words. We had six books in our house but I had the library. I loved that building – built for the working classes – built for me. I loved the sense of energetic quiet. When I left home at 16 and was living in a Mini, I went to the library all evening until it closed.

My own Carnegie library in Accrington is still open. I visited recently. There are far fewer books. The lovely separate children's library has been closed. There are no longer classical music concerts or lectures – Pitman Painters' style. There are computers of course and plenty of people coming in and out. The library is doing its best according to its remit of being a community centre with books. What the library isn't any more is the place of unassailable knowledge I encountered as a kid.

Andrew Carnegie was a crofter's lad who emigrated from Scotland to America and became a billionaire. But he believed in books and the chances they offered, and he wanted libraries to be the universities anyone could attend and no one would ever have to leave. He paid for 660 libraries in the UK and Ireland – and 1,500 or so in America.

"Man does not live by bread alone. I have known millionaires starving for lack of the nutriment which alone can sustain all that is human in man, and I know workmen, and many so-called poor men, who revel in luxuries beyond the power of those millionaires to reach. It is the mind that makes the body rich. There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing else."

He was wrong about that – the underclass that possesses no money and nothing else either is the most destitute on earth. That underclass is growing – here in Britain. In fact, Accrington is second on the list of the poverty map, according to Experian Public Research, analysing data for the Guardian in June this year. So it would seem straightforward then, to plough what money there is into alleviating poverty and providing essential services.

Here's Tony Durcan "director of culture, libraries and lifelong learning, Newcastle City Council", in the news just now, over £7m-worth of lethal cuts to Newcastle Library Services: "Faced with agonising decisions about child protection, care for the elderly and emptying bins, where do libraries, leisure centres and culture rank? I think we all know the answer."

Do we? Poor Durcan – it's not his fault – but I think we should look more closely at this answer, and therefore at the question itself. Let's go to Manchester in 1852 – where the first public lending library in England opened. The 1850 Library Act allowed local authorities to spend a penny in the pound on libraries. Dickens took the train up there for the opening.

Twenty-two thousand working people helped raised the money to buy books for the library.
A hundred years after Engels was standing in the sewage of the Manchester slums, imagining a world where men and women would be more than useful objects, the second world war was nearing its end in Britain. John Maynard Keynes was overseeing the beginnings of the Arts Council in 1944 – which sounds like a crazy priority at the end of a world war, when the county was literally in ruins and Britain had no money at all – and there was food rationing. But the Labour party had a vision for postwar Britain, and education, art and culture for everyone were at the heart of that vision. A national theatre, free entry to museums, the expansion of the BBC. The Arts Council's first slogan in 1946 was "The Best for the Most".

So we should ask ourselves questions about austerity budgets and what Britain can or can't afford.

As our Government tells us that this wrecked economy can't afford to pay a living wage to the poorest people in society, what can we offer them? They can take their kids to the park, perhaps. They might be able to go swimming or play sport at their leisure centre, find a football pitch. Yes, these things are important. But it is just as important that there should be a library as the centre of a web of cultural services, for kids with nowhere to go, kids who don't have books or a room of their own, for stressed-out parents, for students needing a place to study and find more than Google can offer, for older people who want a safe place outside of the house, for community groups and reading groups, for lectures, for discussions, and of course for computers and IT.

Libraries across the UK are trying to offer as much as they can to the communities they serve, and particularly to people on low pay and with few resources, but there is confusion around the role of libraries: what are they? How should they change and develop? What place do they have in a modern internet-based world where the book itself might be disappearing?

When we look back at the latest cuts in Newcastle, we can see where this confusion starts – "Libraries, leisure and culture". But culture is not leisure – though you need leisure to pursue culture – and libraries are not leisure in the way that a sports centre is leisure. Libraries began with the highest purpose in mind – to educate through the agency of a book. The first public libraries were aspirational and proud. Libraries were not community centres with books in the way.

If we want libraries to flourish and take their place – I think their proper place in a modern society – we can't make them compete with sports centres for resources, or survive by becoming culturally obsolete and socially relevant, replacing all their books with computer terminals.

Libraries have never been more inventive than they are right now. The Reading Agency partners with libraries across the UK to set up book groups – supported by publishers – to bring in kids, many of whom have never read any books outside school. Libraries are doing more educational work than ever. Libraries and literacy cannot be separated. I don't see how this can be classed as "leisure", nor do I see why we have to choose between getting our bins emptied and putting cash into libraries.

There is no excuse. Either we stop arguing and agree that libraries are doing their best to reinvent themselves and that with a bit of help – financial and ideological – they belong with the future, or we let them run down until they disappear because they become irrelevant to people's lives.

As books themselves change, so the argument goes, does it not follow that libraries will change too? If books are not necessarily objects then perhaps libraries need not be either? Virtual libraries and online libraries can house ebooks and downloads and none of this takes up physical space and none of it is as costly as a building that houses books. The disappearing book and the disappearing library are about technology, aren't they? Printing put books on the shelves, took them out of the private collections – usually church libraries – and into the hands of the world.

The wealthy will have books and access to books. The best universities will keep their magnificent libraries to be visited by those who can afford the fees. Is it downloads for everyone else? I want books to be visible. Hold a book in your hands and it is more than its content. Books as objects matter.

Ebooks are not an improvement; they are an addition. They can't be used as an excuse to take books away from the everyday world and into the virtual world. We all know that browsing an index is nothing like being in a bookshop or a library. Libraries and publishers will come to an arrangement about ebook lending and that could work very well as a satellite service for library users – providing we keep Planet Library. For kids in particular, ebooks aren't the answer. Put six picture books of front of a child and she'll soon find her own way. Give her a library shelf of books and she can pull them out all over the floor. Early reading is physicality – the taste, smell, weight of books.

Who is going to pay for this new expanding network of libraries? These people's palaces of books where everyone can go from early in the morning until late at night? Libraries cost about a billion a year to run right now. Make it two billion and charge Google, Amazon and Starbucks all that back tax on their profits here. Or if they want to go on paying fancy lawyers to avoid their moral duties, then perhaps those companies could do an Andrew Carnegie and build us new kinds of libraries for a new kind of future in a fairer and better world?

• This is an edited extract from the inaugural Reading Agency lecture, delivered by Jeanette Winterson. www.readingagency.org.uk

2012年12月11日 星期二

Census shows

Boston: Census shows most non-British EU passport holders outside London

Boston Market PlaceBoston employs a large number of migrant workers on surrounding farms to harvest fruits and vegetables

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A Lincolnshire district has the largest number of non-British EU passport holders outside of London.
The second round of data released from the 2011 Census showed 12.1% of Boston residents held such passports. The Lincolnshire average was 3.5%.
Figures also showed 83.9% of the market town described itself as white British.
Last month the Boston Protest Group held a demonstration aimed at highlighting the pressure it said migrants put on local services.
The district employs a large number of seasonal workers on surrounding farms to harvest fruits and vegetables.
Figures show around 10,000 people born abroad live in Boston - 3,000 of them were from Poland - more than in any local authority outside the South East.
Lincolnshire was shown to be home to about 50,000 foreign-born residents, a rise of about 30,000 since the 2001 Census.

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You gotta have faith

The latest British census shows the country's increasingly secular tilt  
BRITAIN continues its descent into godlessness, according to the latest 2011 Census data. Just over a quarter of people in England and Wales (figures for Northern Ireland and Scotland are collected separately) say they have no religion, up from 14.8% a decade earlier. The proportion of Christians has fallen from 71.8% to 59.3%. All other main faiths have edged up, and Muslims now account for 4.8% of the population, compared with 3% in 2001. What of less common creeds? About a quarter of a million people ticked the “Other religion” write-in box. Among them, 56,620 wrote Pagan, while Agnostics and Atheists claimed around 30,000 adherents apiece. Rastafarianism, Zoroastrianism and Shamanism made the list, while the most common was Jedi Knight, by 176,632 Star Wars fans. Back in Britain, London brakes the trend a bit. Among the handful of places in the country where the actual number of Christians increased over the decade, four were London boroughs.
Read more on the Census here.

2012年12月8日 星期六

hoax call nurse found dead/ change to royal succession rules


Duchess of Cambridge hoax call nurse found dead

The hospital paid tribute to "a first-class nurse"

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A nurse at a London hospital who took a hoax call about the Duchess of Cambridge has been found dead.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge said in a statement they were "deeply saddened" by the death of the nurse, named as Jacintha Saldanha.
King Edward VII hospital paid tribute to "a first class nurse who cared diligently for hundreds of patients".
Details of the pregnant duchess's medical condition were unwittingly revealed to two Australian DJs.
Mel Greig and Michael Christian, from Sydney radio station 2Day FM posed as the Queen and Prince Charles in a call early on Tuesday morning.
Rhys Holleran, chief executive of SCA, the company which owns the station, said in a statement the pair will not return to their show until further notice out of respect for Mrs Saldanha.
The duchess had been admitted on Monday for acute morning sickness, and was discharged on Thursday.
'Excellent nurse' BBC royal correspondent Peter Hunt said he understood Mrs Saldanha - who was staying in hospital accommodation close to King Edward VII hospital - was the person who answered the call from the Australian DJs and was not the nurse who discussed the duchess's medical condition.
Mel Greig and Michael Christian Mel Greig and Michael Christian had said they were "very sorry if we've caused any issues"
Mrs Saldanha, a duty nurse who was married with two children, answered the telephone because it was 05:30 GMT and there was no receptionist on duty.
The BBC understands Mrs Saldanha had not been suspended or disciplined by the hospital.
The BBC's Nicholas Witchell said it had been suggested to him that she had felt "very lonely and confused" as a result of what had happened.
The St James's Palace statement said the duke and duchess "were looked after so wonderfully well at all times by everybody at King Edward VII Hospital, and their thoughts and prayers are with Jacintha Saldanha's family, friends and colleagues at this very sad time".
A palace spokesman later added that "at no point did the palace complain to the hospital about the incident".
"On the contrary, we offered our full and heartfelt support to the nurses involved and hospital staff at all times."
Duke and Duchess of Cambridge The duchess left the hospital on Thursday
In a statement outside the hospital, King Edward VII chief executive John Lofthouse said: "We can confirm that Jacintha was recently the victim of a hoax call to the hospital.
"The hospital had been supporting her throughout this difficult time."
He said Mrs Saldanha, who had worked at the hospital for more than four years, "was an excellent nurse and well-respected and popular with all of her colleagues".
"Everyone is shocked by the loss of a much loved and valued colleague," he added.
Royal College of Nursing chief executive Dr Peter Carter, meanwhile, said it was "deeply saddening that a simple human error due to a cruel hoax could lead to the death of a dedicated and caring member of the nursing profession".
Scotland Yard said officers were called at 09:35 GMT on Friday after reports of a woman found unconscious at an address in Weymouth Street, central London. She was pronounced dead at the scene.
Police said the death was not being treated as suspicious.
In a statement, Mrs Saldanha's family said they were "deeply saddened by the loss of our beloved Jacintha". They have requested privacy from the media.
'Very sorry' The prank call was pre-recorded before it was assessed by lawyers and broadcast on 2Day FM.
Speaking on their show, Mel Greig and Michael Christian, called it the "easiest prank call ever made" and described their mock British accents as "terrible".
In the call, another nurse was tricked into revealing specific confidential information about the duchess's medical condition.

Start Quote

We're going to have a long and careful think about what, if anything, we do”
King Edward VII chief executive John Lofthouse, speaking on Tuesday
The DJs later apologised saying they were "very surprised that our call was put through".
"We thought we'd be hung up on as soon as they heard our terrible accents.
"We're very sorry if we've caused any issues and we're glad to hear that Kate is doing well."
The Twitter accounts of both presenters have been deleted and all references to the prank call recording removed from the 2Day FM website.
SCA said on its Facebook page the company was "deeply saddened by the tragic news" and had extended "our deepest sympathies to her family and all that have been affected."
On Tuesday, hospital chief executive John Lofthouse said he had "received advice that what the Australian broadcasters did may well have broken the law".
But he added: "On the other hand they've apologised for it so we're going to have a long and careful think about what, if anything, we do."
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (Acma) has said it had received complaints about the call.
Radio station 2Day FM has previously been in trouble with Acma for incidents including one when a 14-year-old girl revealed on air that she had been raped.


英國劍橋公爵夫人凱特三日因害喜住院治療時,澳洲電台一名主持人冒充女王致電醫院套出凱特病情。據媒體報 導,當時接電話的女護士七日被發現陳屍醫院附近的住家中,疑似自殺身亡。警方表示,接獲報案趕到現場時,此名護士已無意識,送醫後宣告不治,目前死因「無 法解釋」。院方七日發表聲明,證實死亡的女子就是當日被騙的護士,她把電話轉接到病房,導致病房護士被套出凱特病情。



Consent given for change to royal succession rules

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on 27 June 2012 The first child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, whether a boy or a girl, will succeed the throne after Prince William

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All Commonwealth realms have agreed to press ahead with a bill ending discrimination against women in the succession to the British throne.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said the government would now introduce the Succession to the Crown Bill in the House of Commons as soon as possible.
It means the first child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will become monarch, whether a boy or a girl.
The pregnant duchess is in hospital but is feeling better, royal officials say.
Catherine, whose pregnancy was announced on Monday, is spending her second day being treated for acute morning sickness - or hyperemesis gravidarum - in the private King Edward VII Hospital in central London.
A St James's Palace spokesman said: "The Duchess of Cambridge is continuing to feel better. She and the Duke are immensely grateful for the good wishes they have received. She will remain in hospital at present."
Her husband Prince William, who spent several hours visiting her on Monday, spent the day with her again on Tuesday. He headed straight into the hospital without speaking to the assembled media when he arrived.
The duchess was also visited by her main doctor Marcus Setchell and the royal gynaecologist Alan Farthing.
She is less than 12 weeks pregnant, and no due date has yet been announced for the baby.
'Old-fashioned rules' The new legislation will end the principle of male primogeniture, meaning male heirs will no longer take precedence over women in line to the throne.
It will also end the ban on anyone in the line of succession marrying a Roman Catholic.
The legislation was agreed in principle at the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Perth, Australia in October 2011.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said the change in rules of succession is something ''that many people would welcome''
Since then, the government of New Zealand has been gathering formal letters of consent from the 15 realms of the Commonwealth, that have the Queen as their head of state.
They have confirmed they will be able to take the necessary measures in their own countries before the UK legislation comes into effect.
In a statement, Mr Clegg described the agreement as an "historic moment for our country and our monarchy".
He added: "People across the realms of the Commonwealth will be celebrating the news that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their first child.
"We can also all celebrate that whether the baby is a boy or a girl, they will have an equal claim to the throne."

The 16 realms of the Commonwealth

United Kingdom, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu.
He said the bill would write down in law "what we agreed back in 2011 - that if the Duke and Duchess Cambridge have a baby girl, she can one day be our Queen even if she later has younger brothers".
The succession bill will require amendments to some of Britain's key constitutional documents, including the Bill of Rights and Coronation Oath Act of 1688, the 1701 Act of Settlement and the 1706 Act of Union with Scotland.
In a statement on Monday, St James's Palace announced the duchess's pregnancy and said members of both the Royal Family and the Middleton family were "delighted with the news".
But, the palace would not reveal when the royal couple had become aware of the pregnancy, only saying "recently". It is understood the announcement was prompted by the duchess's medical condition.

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威廉王妃懷孕 英國人舉國歡欣

2012年12月6日 星期四



Luo Tian for The New York Times
Columbia Road花市上的鮮花。

又到一年聖誕季,整個倫敦城已經被濃濃的聖誕氣氛包圍。主要的商業街道各種聖誕主題櫥窗 已裝扮一新,無論是奢侈的老牌百貨公司還是繁華熱鬧的時尚高街,到處都是提着購物袋的人們。作為一個始終站在時尚前沿、多種文化交匯的國際大都市,倫敦無 疑是許多人心中的購物聖地,除了千篇一律、同質品牌扎堆的現代化購物中心,擁有悠久歷史的倫敦城更有着它獨一無二的市集文化。這些藏匿於大街小巷中的市場 販賣的東西稀奇古怪、五花八門,最適合那些不滿足於批量生產的商品、追求個性品味的人。

根據《孤獨星球》旅行指南,倫敦擁有超過350個市集,這些大大小小的市集散落在城市各處,充實着這座城市的細節。市集販賣的商品從古董古玩到食品 鮮花,滿足不同顧客的需求。它們有的已經聲名遠揚,每天擠滿世界各地前來的遊客;有的只是為附近的居民提供便利,並給他們一個展示自己廚藝、販賣舊物、互 相交流的平台。作為一個市集愛好者,我幾乎走遍了倫敦有名的市集,在這裡挑選幾個有特點的分享。
Portobello Road Market: 情迷諾丁山舊夢
位於諾丁山的Portobello Road Market大概是倫敦最著名也是最擁擠的街邊市集,從地鐵站出來,你幾乎不用看路牌,只是跟着人流前進就可以輕鬆地找到。各種攤位沿街擺設,一直延伸到 街道的盡頭。電影《諾丁山》(Notting Hill)就是在這一帶取景拍攝,好萊塢女明星和英倫悶騷書店老闆的愛情故事大概也為這個市集增添了一絲浪漫色彩,吸引了不少慕名前來的影迷。當然,這個 市集呈現的遠不止電影里那扇藍色的門和旅遊書店,總的來說,市集的主題比較雜亂:郵票、瓷器、銀器、古董印章、老式相機,只要你用心淘,這裡總不會讓你失 望。
由於知名度太高,這個市集已經有些向批量化轉變,商品的稀有程度比較低並且良莠不齊。當然,逛市場的樂趣就在於挑選,只要你有一雙火眼金睛,還是可 以滿載而歸的。除了商品,Portobello Road本身也是個旅遊景點,沿街的小房子被粉刷成了各種色彩,即便是在倫敦經常陰霾的天空下也可以為你的心情增添一抹亮色。由於這裡的市場以小攤位居 多,就不推薦固定的商家了,一切等着你自己去發掘。如果逛餓了,沿街有各種食品攤位,從華夫餅、熱狗到新鮮的水果、鮮榨果汁,邊走邊吃的體驗可比在不能吃 東西的高檔商店裡感覺自由得多。想坐下來休息一下的話,“蜂鳥烘焙屋”(Hummingbird Bakery)是個不錯的選擇,這裡的杯子蛋糕(英式叫法是fairy cake)十分誘人,店內環境也溫馨可愛,每次路過都擠滿了甜品愛好者。

地址:Portobello Road W10/W11
地鐵站:Notting Hill Gate/Labroke Grove
Hummingbird Bakery(Notting Hill): 133 Portobello Road, W11 2DY. (020) 7851 1795

Borough Market: 品味倫敦食品庫
如果你不滿足於在雜貨市場里隨便吃點小吃,並且自認為是個資深美食家的話,那麼一定要去位於倫敦橋地鐵站附近的Borough Market逛一逛。這個市集是三個小市場(Green Market、Middle Market和Jubilee Market)的統稱,傳說從13世紀起就已經存在了,被稱為“倫敦的食品庫”。在這裡你可以買到各種本地出產的農產品,都新鮮且自然,別看它們的賣相有 時不如超市裡的好,卻絕對是可口的綠色食品。英國人喜歡芝士和橄欖,這裡光是這兩樣東西就有好幾十種,走近的時候熱情的賣家會請你免費吃上幾口。
位於Middle Market的Mrs Kings Pork Pies出售傳統的英式豬肉派,這家創建於1853年的店的產品不使用任何添加劑,選用上等豬肉,依照現任店主家祖傳食譜製成,“肉食動物”們不妨去試一 試。當然,這裡也有素食者的美味,Veggie Table攤位(位於Green Market)是一家夫妻檔,丈夫亞當(Adam)和妻子安娜(Anna)也是素食主義者,因為一直找不到合口味的素食店於是決定自己動手。這裡有素漢 堡、沙拉、咖喱等等,原料全部採用本地產有機蔬菜。
如果你吃不慣英國口味,這裡還有多種選擇,各國美食一定有一種對你的味。比如來自德國南部的臘腸攤位The Sausage Man(位於Jubilee Market), 這些香腸的原料很多都被德國農業協會(German Agricultural Society)列為頂級產品,感謝攤主大衛(David),你不用深入德國黑森林(Black Forest)地區的農家就可以一飽口福了。還有,記憶深刻的是有一個賣果汁的攤位出售青草汁,綠油油的草裝在木箱子里被現場割下榨成汁,不過我最後還是 沒敢嘗試。這個市場只有周四到周六開放,去之前一定騰空肚子。想帶點東西回去做禮物的話,各種口味的橄欖油和蜂蜜是不錯的選擇,記得先嘗再買。
地址:8 Southwark Street, SE1 ITL
地鐵站:London Bridge

Camden Markets: 置身朋克發源地
除了Portobello Road Market,倫敦最著名的綜合市集大概就是Camden Markets了。這個市集其實是由一連串沿街分佈的小市場組成的,由於這一區域人口混雜、多種文化聚集,產生了奇妙的亞文化現象,讓這裡彷彿是城市中的 一座小城,而這種獨特的文化氛圍也體現在這裡的市集中。走在街道上隨處可見打扮奇特、穿着怪異的年輕人,而這裡也是朋克時尚、嬉皮士和很多特立獨行的人的 聚集地。
深入市場內部可以看到很多有趣的舊物,從舊皮箱到老相簿還有各種手工藝品,與店主聊兩句天也是不錯的體驗。記得有位帥氣的店主總是穿着20世紀二、 三十年代的服裝站在店門口,用濃重的英音和路過的人打招呼,有時還會戲劇性地手舞足蹈,讓人覺得他彷彿馬上就要粉墨登場,出演倫敦西區的一出音樂劇。這裡 還有一些獨立設計師的服裝店,雖然價格不菲,卻可以保證獨一無二。推薦一家叫做Rokit的古着服裝店,這裡貨品比較豐富,能淘到好東西。如果你對哥特風 情有獨鍾,或者想要買件維多利亞時代樣式的衣服、又不願花高錢買古董衣的話,那麼服裝店Zephyr准能對你的味,不過實際上市場里還有很多家類似的店, 不妨比較一下。和Portobello Road Market一樣,這裡的房屋也色彩斑斕,而且市集就建在河邊,不着急的話可以在岸旁的小酒館喝上一杯,別有一番風情。
地址:Camden High Street & Chalk Farm Road, London NW1 8AH
地鐵站:Camden Town/Chalk Farm
Camden Lock Market: 每天10:00-18:00,位於Chalk Farm Road
Stables Market: 每天10:00-18:00,位於Chalk Farm Road
Camden (Buck Street) Market: 周四至周日10:00-17:30,位於Camden High Street和 Buck Street交叉處
Camden Canal Market: 周六至周日10:00-18:00, 位於Chalk Farm Road

Camden Passage Market: 偶遇古玩物情結
雖然名字里有”Camden”, 但這個市場並不位於Camden區,而是在Angel地鐵站附近。與之前著名的市場不同,這個以古董收藏聞名的小市場只在周三和周六開放,少了遊客眾多的 商業氣氛,多了份歷史感。在這條並不長也不寬的小街道兩邊,各種古董小店鱗次櫛比,沒有叫賣也沒有擁擠,這個小市場販賣的古董像是在安靜地述說一場往事。 店主大多是老人,走進去的時候他們會對你微微一笑,然後再低頭做自己的事情,而當你拿起一枚小胸針詢問,他們便會眉飛色舞地向你介紹它的年代、製作地,像 是在介紹一個老朋友給你認識。
位於這條小路12號的Annie’s以出售上世紀20年代時裝和古董蕾絲為主,已經經營了30年。店主安妮(Annie)說古董蕾絲的美妙之處在於 它們很多都是手工製造,不像現在機械化生產的千篇一律,而包括亞歷山大·麥昆(Alexander McQueen)品牌現任當家設計師莎拉·波頓(Sarah Burton)在內的很多知名服裝設計師都是她家常客,可見這家小店的貨品不容小覷。這條路上還有一家古董八音盒店(Vincent Freeman Antiques,專賣19世紀歐洲名家手工木質八音盒)和一家古董玩偶店(Granny's Goodies,除了賣玩偶和泰迪熊,也是一家“玩偶醫院”,修復古董玩偶),裡面的貨品經常是跨越了幾個世紀的老物件,在其他地方很難尋到。雖然店面很 小、看起來也有些冷清,我卻衷心地希望這樣的小店可以長久下去,因為它們的存在在我看來是這座城市不可或缺的文化細節。
地址:Camden Passage, Islington N1 8EE
Annie’s: http://www.anniesvintageclothing.co.uk/
Granny’s Goodies: http://www.grannys-goodies.co.uk/
Vincent Freeman Antiques: http://www.vincentfreemanantiques.com/

Brick Lane: 領略懷舊復古風
比起西區的繁華富足,倫敦東區總顯得有點局促和落魄,作為倫敦比較貧窮的區域,這裡曾是19世紀臭名昭著的連環殺手開膛手傑克(Jack the Ripper)犯下重罪的地方,夜晚至今仍殘留着一絲恐怖血腥的味道,也被旅遊業開發出了午夜恐怖之旅的遊覽項目。然而,這裡卻保留了很多原汁原味的倫敦 風情,近年來吸引了許多藝術家和時尚人士在此定居。Brick Lane的市集或許就是復古風的最好註腳。
一個倫敦典型的下着雨的周末早晨,vintage市場慵懶地開了張。穿着20世紀五六十年代服裝的復古潮人門雲集此地,牛津鞋在濕漉漉的石板路上發 出清脆的迴響,路旁的音像店裡仍然用黑膠唱片播放着那個年代的歌曲,置身其中恍惚間你會有種時光倒流的錯覺。市場上販賣大多是vintage服裝和鞋子, 還有些古舊的首飾、眼鏡,也有人出售手工製作的工藝品。他們並不急於兜售,而是會先和你聊上兩句,如果品味相投,生意也會好做許多。如果對服裝鞋帽不感興 趣而對書籍手稿情有獨鍾,你還可以沿着小路看到幾間舊書店,雖然沒有查令十字街(Charing Cross)的那些二手書店規模大,卻時常能遇到一些意想不到的珍籍(我就在那裡看到了一本《白鯨》[Moby-Dick]的英國初版),說不定也能像 《查令十字街84號》里寫的那樣因此邂逅一段情誼。
地址:Brick Lane, Shoreditch, E1 6PU
地鐵站:Aldgate East/ Liverpool Street

Columbia Road Flower Market: 尋芳星期天花市
每個星期天的早晨,Columbia Road都會散發著泥土、青草和花朵的香味,這裡是倫敦非常有名的花市。每周倫敦附近的花商都會用卡車運來各種新鮮花卉,從種在院子里的樹木到清晨採摘 下、淌着露珠的玫瑰應有盡有。人們從城市各處前來此地買走美好的花朵也帶回一周的好心情。英國人對於園藝的喜愛大概可以用痴迷來形容,每年的切爾西花展 (Chelsea Flower Show)是倫敦夏日社交季的重頭戲,一票難求,幾乎所有書店裡都設有園藝專區,各家各戶的小院也被精心裝點,而每周摩肩擦踵的花市就可以說明一切了。
除了花,沿街也有很多賣園藝設施和家居用品的小店,每一間都充滿着生活氣息。特別推薦在Ezra Street拐角處的院子里專賣瓷器的攤位,這裡賣的瓷器雖不名貴,但都是正宗英格蘭陶瓷,運氣好的話三英磅左右(約30人民幣)就能買到一套好看的咖啡 杯。因為並不處於市中心、外來人口較少,這裡給人的感覺更加英倫,捧着一束鮮花,在街邊的咖啡廳點上一壺紅茶,過上一個慵懶的星期天。
地址:Columbia Road, E2 7RG
地鐵站:Old Street(需要從地鐵站步行10到15分鐘,不過不用擔心找不到,沿路都會有手拿鮮花的人成為你的路標)


更新時間 2012年 12月 3日, 星期一 - 格林尼治標準時間09:38

    博羅市場(Borough Market)是倫敦的頂級鮮貨市場,各種新鮮果蔬海鮮、現做的歐洲美食雲集。
    每個攤位精心陳列自家的美食,色彩繽紛的瓜果魚肉、奶酪甜點有如藝術品一般,看起來精緻考究,讓人垂涎 欲滴。很多攤位提供免費的樣品供遊客品嚐。除了食材,這裏還有西班牙海鮮飯、印巴咖喱、美式漢堡等現成品,也有即開即吃的生蚝,配著別家攤子買來的鮮榨果 汁,或盛放在高腳杯裏的紅酒白酒,真是帶來徹頭徹尾的感官享受。
    博羅市場的每一個攤位都經過最嚴格的衛生品質測試,深受崇尚健康生活的倫敦人的喜愛。連英國家喻戶曉的名廚吉米•奧利佛(Jimmy Oliver)都是博羅市場的常客,在這裏採購最好的原材料,然後將食譜搬上電視節目與大眾分享。

    Borough Market
    Borough Market is a wholesale and retail food market in Southwark, Central London, England. It is one of the largest food markets in London, and sells a large variety of foods from all over the world. Wikipedia
    Opened: 1851


    考文特花園市場(Covent Garden Market)總帶有一種貴氣,典雅的長廊下精品小店林立,售賣古董、藝術品、香水肥皂等奇貨。周圍有著高檔餐館、咖啡廳、品牌商店、博物館,更有皇家歌 劇院,是英國皇家芭蕾舞團的常駐基地。許多藝人也在街頭大展才藝,玩起雜技、模仿經典影視角色,或拉著提琴唱著歌,熱鬧非凡。
    Covent Garden
    Covent Garden is a district in London on the eastern fringes of the West End, between St. Martin's Lane and Drury Lane. Wikipedia

    卡姆登集市(Camden Market)則是朋克搖滾文化發源地,非主流風格的服裝店、飾品店比比皆是,陰雨天時給人一種微微的陰森感,卻顯得更加神秘吸引人。
    這裏的店鋪經營廉價服飾,而明顯的非主流風格卻讓它們擁有源源不斷的客戶群。如果想要回味維多利亞時代 的霧都情境,或是裝一裝酷、體驗倫敦前衛街頭文化,這裏的各種鉚釘皮靴、真皮夾克、黑色長袍一定讓你大開眼界。集市裏還散佈著一些編辮子、做指甲彩繪的手 工藝人—你想嘗試個朋克造型嗎?

     93 Google reviews
    From Zagat:Packed with an “alternative crowd” including “punk rock types with Mohawks and earrings”, this “eclectic”, “labyrinthine” street market that runs the gamut from emo T‑shirts to tons of antiques to vintage clothin...