2017年12月27日 星期三

Britain’s inability to provide decent housing for its growing population has been the greatest, and most insidious, public-policy failure of the last generation.

Britain’s inability to provide decent housing for its growing population has been the greatest, and most insidious, public-policy failure of the last generation.
The Grenfell Tower fire revealed with a terminal clarity that there are distances within London that are uncrossable.

2017年12月18日 星期一

Martin Parr

The Martin Parr Foundation, founded in 2014, opened premises in his hometown of Bristol. 2017. It houses his own archive, his collection of British and Irish photography by other photographers, and a gallery.[7]

Martin Parr – Photography is a Form of Therapy | TateShots


Introduction | Martin Parr


Martin Parr is a chronicler of our age. In the face of the constantly growing flood of images released by the media, his photographs offer us the opportunity to see the world from his unique perspective. At first glance, his photographs seem exaggerated or even grotesque. The motifs he chooses are strange, the colours are garish and the perspectives are unusual. Parr's term for the overwhelming power of published images is “propaganda”. He counters this propaganda with his own ...

Martin Parr - Wikipedia


Martin Parr (born 23 May 1952) is a British documentary photographer, photojournalist and photobook collector. He is known for his photographic projects that take an intimate, satirical and anthropological look at aspects of modern life, in particular documenting the social classes of England, and more broadly the wealth of the Western world. His major projects have been rural communities (1975–82), The Last Resort (1983–85), The Cost of Living (1987–89), Small World (1987–94) ...

2017年12月17日 星期日

昔日夢想:追述 朱自清先生 80年前的《倫敦雜記》 預告及其「失敗」的報告


我在2011年,打算弄個「追述 朱自清先生 80年前的《倫敦雜記》 預告」。

當然,這是有點不自量力:朱自清的學生柳無忌,跟 朱自清有緣,寫過一篇「與朱自清同寓倫敦」,可惜資訊相當有限,因為大家各忙各的,都有自己的心事、要事。

不只是單篇文章,您讀蔣彝的《倫敦畫記》(首版封面題簽為《倫敦集萃》)The Silent Traveller in London (London: Country Life, 1938),就可以知道,蔣先生的倫敦 和其眾生相,還是與朱自清的,大異其趣。不過,倫敦畫記》還有圖,譬如說,女王加冕日的地鐵等,很有意思。

 Steen Eiler Rasmussen著名的 London, the Unique City (1937,後來日文譯本:ロンドン物語 : その都市と建築;近代ロンドン物語 : 都市と建築)中的照片,應該是許多80年前的倫敦建築和名勝,可是,它們不見得是朱自清先生注意過的。同樣的,許多畫家的泰姆士河的夕照等等,類似。


The EY Exhibition: Impressionists in London | Postcards from London



朱自清先生在英國 是從1931年9月8日到1932年5月13日
Blog 將依同日 台灣時間) 刊登其日記/注解
他寫過《倫敦雜記》(1943年4月由開明書店出版) 。內容為
三家書店 1935年3月21日─23日作。

自序: “…….不過在英國的七個月畢竟是我罷旅程中最有意思的一段……
動手寫的時候已經回國二三年,  寫了上述九篇就打住。
(根據《自序》 朱自清先生至少還想寫幾篇: 讀詩會 /莎士比亞故居看戲記/愛麗思現身記……)


Cyril Power

Not much has changed with Tube etiquette over the years, but there are fewer top hats nowadays! This is British artist Cyril Power’s depiction of a busy District Line train on the London Underground from 1934. He was born #onthisday in 1872.

2017年12月8日 星期五

確保歐盟公民權,並支付400至600億歐元分手費, Brexit Cost Rises as Britain Retreats on Divorce Demands


金融時報(Financial Times)報導,英國首相梅伊(Theresa May)和歐洲聯盟(EU)執行委員會主席榮科(Jean-Claude Juncker)今天在布魯塞爾會面,簽署長15頁的「進展報告」,讓脫歐談判邁向第2篇章,也就是未來的英國與歐盟關係。

兩人進行早餐會議後不久,榮科的幕僚長澤勒邁爾(Martin Selmayr)在推特(Twitter)張貼煙囪冒出白煙的照片,暗示雙方達成協議。

脫歐談判協議先前因脫歐後的愛爾蘭邊界問題卡關。北愛爾蘭民主聯盟黨(DUP)4日在最後一刻變卦。DUP領導人佛斯特(Arlene Foster)表示,北愛要和英國其他地區條件相同,才能離開歐盟。


這個插曲拖延了梅伊的行程,她原訂7日抵達布魯塞爾。幕僚長巴維爾(Gavin Barwell)今天在推特發文「回家睡3小時,重新上工」。



Brexit Cost Rises as Britain Retreats on Divorce Demands


Britain has capitulated to the E.U., doubling its cash offer as part of exit talks. It was not the first time, analysts say, and won't be the last.

2017年12月6日 星期三

Pro Finlandia 1899.

Pro Finlandia 1899.

Coat of arms of Finland
The coat of arms of
Grand Duchy of Finland.


Pays - Countries:Allemagne - Germany 
Grande-Bretagne - Great Britain
Italie - Italy
Suède - Sweden

Signataires - Signers

Pays - Countries:Allemagne - Germany 
Autriche - Austria
  • adresse flamande - in Flemish
  • adresse française - in French
    Danemark - Denmark
    Grande-Bretagne - Great Britain
    Italie - Italy
    Holland - Holland
    Hongrie - Hungary
    Norvège - Norway
    Suède - Sweden
    Suisse - Switzerland
    Go to the report.

    Members of the deputation
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    Takaisin historiasivuille
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  • Pro Finlandia.

    A deputation representing 1,050 European learned men and prominent people tried to leave to the Czar the addresses supporting Finland's campaign to preserve her assured constitutional rights (i.e. changes in legislation need the consent of the Finnish Diet). The Czar did not admit an audience to the deputation. They wrote a report about their experiences at St. Petersburg in Stockholm on the 5th of July, 1899.Pictures of the address: Britain (128K, notice Florence Nightingale), France (134K, notice Emile Zola, Anatole France), Holland (365K).

    Right after the Czar's manifesto of the 3rd of February, 1899, an address of 523,000 names was gathered in Finland. A delegation of 500 people travelled in March to St. Petersburg to leave the address to the Czar. He did not admit an audience to the delegation. He, however, sent a message to them saying that "he is not angry".Signers: The names those under a particular 'Fol.' have written their names on the same copy of the address.

    Texts of the reports, lists of signers and the coat of arms are from the book "Pro Finlandia 1899." Commission chez Otto Mertz, Berlin. Printed in Stockholm 1899.

    Celebrating today's 100th anniversary of Finnish independence with our copy (generously donated to us this year by the Anglo-Finnish Society) of "Pro Finlandia" - the landmark international petition presented to Tsar Nicholas II in 1899 in support of Finland's growing demands for independence. Over 1,000 signatories - including Emile Zola, Florence Nightingale and The London Library member Herbert Spencer - joined forces to put their name to the cause, championed at the International Peace Conference held that year in Stockholm.

    2017年12月4日 星期一

    英國和歐盟的脫歐談判因愛爾蘭邊界議題陷入僵局 ;北愛在脫歐時會在經貿有特殊待遇?




    UK to 'concede' on single market and customs union
    The UK has conceded to EU negotiators that there will be no divergence of the rules covering the EU single market and customs union on the island of Ireland post Brexit, according to a draft negotiating text seen by RTÉ News.




    2017年11月30日 星期四

    Contentious Britain Unites: In Outrage Over Trump Tweets. White House: All Women Named Theresa Represent Real Threat

    The New Yorker

    The Borowitz Report: “The President may have attacked the wrong Theresa, but all Theresas represent a real threat,” the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.
    Hours after Donald Trump mistakenly sent an angry tweet intended for the British Prime Minister to a different woman named Theresa, Sarah…

    Contentious Britain Unites: In Outrage Over Trump Tweets

    Pressure was growing to withdraw President Trump’s invitation for a state visit after he shared videos on Twitter from a British far-right group, then rebuked Prime Minister Theresa May.

    2017年11月29日 星期三








    oliver twist

    2017年11月28日 星期二

    Terry Pratchett

    1971年的大一英文老師要我們討論”安樂死” 。
    多少討論和知識,都沒有BBC這部Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die 來得令人震驚和深思。
    Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die is a 2011 one-off television documentary produced by KEO North for BBC Scotland[1] on th

    Two professional philosophers – and Discworld fans – have produced a volume of essays examining the author’s epistemological, moral and…

    2015.1 Plans for a trampoline commuter route in central London have been shelved

    Boris Johnson ‘disappointed’ as world’s longest urban trampoline plans for London are ‘scrapped’

    The Mayor of London was apparently looking forward to trying out the Bounceway trampoline for himself

    Plans for a trampoline commuter route in central London have been shelved  Photo: Architecture for Humanity

    Commuters won’t be bouncing their way to work any time soon after plans for the world’s longest urban trampoline in London were ‘scrapped’.
    Plans to install the giant trampoline ‘Bounceway’ along the capital’s Southbank were met with excitement back in November.
    However, the project quickly turned into a ‘political hot potato’, with Transport for London (TfL) commissioner Sir Peter Hendy reportedly blocking the move over budget concerns.
    London Mayor Boris Johnson admitted he is “disappointed” he won’t be able to bounce his way to City Hall, but added: “It doesn’t seem to me at first blush to serve any immediate transport purposes.”
    London Assembly spokeswoman Val Shawcross questioned the wisdom of spending “hundreds of thousands of pounds in transport funding” on the idea.

    倫敦這條彈簧床步道bounceway 是倫敦交通局(Transport for London)跟「人道建築」(Architecturefor Humanity)合作所設計,表面柔軟,不管身穿任何服飾都可以在上面盡情跳躍,這種特別又新潮的通勤方式,不僅增加通勤時的趣味又可以健身。

    Commuters could soon bounce to work on the world's biggest open air trampoline. The bizarre project has the backing of London mayor Boris…