2008年6月25日 星期三

Nature Lovers Cause Soil Erosion in Britain

Living Planet | 26.06.2008 | 04:30

Nature Lovers Cause Soil Erosion in Britain

A nice walk in the hills is something many people in Manchester in the UK enjoy doing in their spare time. Too many, it seems: the soil is eroding from too many feet trampling on it.

Britain is one of the most densely populated countries in Europe, and open spaces offer a much sought-after pleasure - rambling, or hill walking.

But most British land is privately owned, and it was only relatively recently that the public gained the right to use it for their leisure. That happened just outside Manchester in the 1930s, but the hard-won right to roam the green, rolling hills is now threatening the very ground people are walking on.

Report: Lars Bevanger

Sexism in the City



BBC中文網記者 蘇平


上個月在倫敦首映的《慾望都市》(Sex and The City)仍然在全國上下紅紅火火。與友人聊起這部影片,一聯想,話題就拐彎轉到了真實生活中的City----倫敦的金融城。






英國第一家脫衣舞廳(Lap dance club)1995年開業,現在全國各地共有300多家,倫敦有50多家。



4月起,福西特協會發動了一場名為"慾望金融城"(Sexism in the City)的運動,目的之一就是要將脫衣舞廳從"商業會晤場所"的名錄上開除出去。

福西特協會委托權威民調機構Ipsos Mori對1000名英國成年人做了一項調查。調查發現,60%的女性都不願意加盟允許雇員請客戶看脫衣舞的公司﹔過半男性、近六成女性表示,"基本不能接受"或者"根本不能接受"公司允許雇員請客戶看脫衣舞的做法。










態度 男人 女人
完全可以接受 12%, 7%
基本可以接受 28%, 23%
完全不能接受 27%, 36%
來源:Ipsos Mori 調查




就連身為女性的自由撰稿人普拉特爾(Amanda Platell)都曾經告誡姐妹,別抱怨,怕燙手,就請走人。

返回來再看Ipsos Mori的調查。40%的男人和30%的女人表示,"可以接受"公司允許請客戶看脫衣舞廳表演的做法。持這種觀點的人也絕對不是一小撮。




沒問題 &nbsp7%
基本沒問題 15%
無所謂 11%
有點不舒服 16%
特別不舒服 44%
來源:Ipsos Mori 調查






2008年6月24日 星期二

London Chaffs

café, caff

一本蒐集報導倫敦舊式「茶餐廳」的《London Caffs》

London Caffs

London Caffs (ペーパーバック)
Edwin Heathcote (著), Sue Barr (写真)

2008年6月22日 星期日

60周年慶 (bbc)

















Beta Version The BBC Audio & Video search is a new service. More content will be added in the future. Help Me

Image: Stephen Dorrell - NHS at 60

Former Health Secretary, Stephen Dorrell, talks to East Midlands Political Editor John Hess about how the NHS must re-motivate demoralised staff as it approaches its 60th...

22 Jun 2008
Image: NHS at 60 - A Picture of Health

Liz MacKean explains how Newsnight is marking the sixtieth anniversary of the National Health Service, with online help from viewers.

9 Jun 2008
Image: Israel's military at 60

To mark Israel's 60th anniversary, the BBC's former Middle East correspondent, Paul Adams, looks at the role of the military in modern Israel.

8 May 2008

Image: The Zionist dream: 60 years on

To mark Israel's 60th anniversary, the BBC's former Middle East correspondent, Paul Adams, looks at whether or not the Zionist dream of an independent homeland for the Jews has...

7 May 2008
Image: Couple mark platinum wedding

A couple are about to celebrate their platinum wedding anniversary as the Queen and Prince Philip celebrate their 60 years of marriage.

19 Nov 2007
Image: Royal couple celebrate 60 years

A service to celebrate the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh's 60th wedding anniversary has taken place in London.

19 Nov 2007

Large Video Image

American air crews based in Suffolk have been celebrating the founding of the USAF 60 years ago.

18 Sep 2007
Image: India celebrates 60 years

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addresses the nation on the 60th anniversary of independence.

15 Aug 2007
Image: India's 60th anniversary

Celebrations mark India's birth as a multi-cultural, multi-faith, secular society, 60 years after independence.

14 Aug 2007

Image: Yorkshire Life 60 years on

Staff at the magazine Yorkshire Life have been celebrating its 60th anniversary.

14 May 2007
Image: Women's jail marks 60 years

Askham Grange women's prison near York has been marking its 60th anniversary.

3 May 2007
Image: Bafta at 60

The Bafta film nominations have been announced in London, with the awards being handed out in February.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has praised the organisation in a statement to mark 60 years since the signing of the UN Charter.

27 Jun 2005
Image: Sixty years since liberation of Belsen

Holocaust survivors and their liberators are marking the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

15 Apr 2005

Sing-A-Longs Fashionable Again in London

EuroVox | 23.06.2008 | 05:30

Sing-A-Longs Fashionable Again in London

In chic modern London, there's an old fashion musical tradition that just become very hip again.

A "cockney knees up"( 請搜索YouTube等即可了解這種大家唱) is a kind of sing-along that used to take place in working class pubs and music halls across of the British capital. But these days a much younger, urban crowd is rediscovering the joys of a beer and a song.

Report: Martin Vogl

2008年6月21日 星期六

Ascot Racecourse or Royal Ascot

Adrian Dennis/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
To be seen at the races at Ascot is undeniably a British tradition.

雨傘 英國圖輯


跳转到: 导航, 搜索

雅士谷馬場(英語:Ascot Racecourse)是位於英國伯克郡雅士谷的一個馬場,與英國皇室有密切關係。主要舉辦平地及國家狩獵跳欄賽事。最為人所知的是每年六月下旬舉行的皇家雅士谷賽馬日,每次連續五天舉行。在1711年建成。目前由Crown Estate管理。



[编辑] 歷史




[编辑] 馬場詳細


[编辑] 主要賽事

[编辑] 皇家雅士谷賽馬日

[编辑] 其他主要賽事

[编辑] 外部連結

PPE--Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Philosophy, Politics and Economics or Politics, Philosophy, and Economics[1] (often abbreviated to PPE but known as social studies at Harvard) is a popular interdisciplinary degree which combines study from the three disciplines. It is most strongly associated with the University of Oxford – the institution that first offered the degree – but is increasingly being offered at universities elsewhere in the United Kingdom (including the Open University) and around the world including Canada, Israel, New Zealand, Iceland, and the United States.



[edit] History

PPE was established in Oxford in 1920 as a modern alternative to Classics (known as Greats) because it was thought that a course in Philosophy and Ancient History was no longer relevant for those entering the civil service. It was thus initially known as Modern Greats. It was also the first opportunity for students to study philosophy at Oxford without having to learn Ancient Greek or Latin and hence sparked a huge growth in the number of students studying philosophy at Oxford. The University of York was the first university to introduce a one-year PPE postgraduate programme (MA PPE).

[edit] Course material

The design of the programme emanates from the view that to understand social phenomena one must approach them from several complementary disciplinary directions and analytical frameworks. In this regard, the study of philosophy is considered important because it both equips students with meta-tools such as the ability to reason rigorously and logically, and facilitates ethical reflection. The study of politics is considered necessary because it acquaints students with the authoritative structures that govern society and help solve collective action problems. Moreover, the study of political science is thought to put students in a position to evaluate the choices political systems and regimes regularly make. Finally, studying economics is seen as vital in the modern world because political decisions often concern economic matters, and government decisions are often influenced by economic events. Additionally, the analytical framework of economics (the rational actor model) is an important approach to studying social phenomena and, as such, students ought to be familiar with it.

[edit] Notable people with PPE degrees from Oxford

PPE has traditionally been a programme pursued by those seeking a career in politics or public life – with quite a few subsequently achieving it. Oxford's notable PPE graduates include:


Oxford 某些學院colleges 設此課程 如林肯

聖安妮(PPE School) 等等
英國文領事館British Council等似乎有代考

2008年6月20日 星期五

ministers to review climate change plan


文章說政府的一份調查報告結果發現發展生物燃料對目前全球的食品價格大舉上揚有主要的關係。 《衛報》的報道說,這份將於下星期發表的名為加拉格爾的報告將促使英國以及歐洲重新審視他們研製和發展生物燃料的計劃。 文章說這項研究標誌著在利用生物燃料對付全球氣候變暖措施的戲劇性的轉變。

New study to force ministers to review climate change plan

Exclusive Official review admits biofuel role in food crisis

Britain and Europe will be forced to fundamentally rethink a central part of their environment strategy after a government report found that the rush to develop biofuels has played a "significant" role in the dramatic rise in global food prices, which has left 100 million more people without enough to eat.

The Gallagher report, due to be published next week, will trigger a review of British and EU targets for the use of plant-derived fuels in place of petrol and diesel, the Guardian has learned.

The study marks a dramatic reversal in the role of biofuels in the fight against global warming. As recently as last year, corn ethanol and biodiesel derived from vegetable oil were widely seen as important weapons in that fight - and a central plank of Gordon Brown's green strategy. Now even their environmental benefits are in question.

A panel of government experts, chaired by Professor Ed Gallagher, head of the Renewable Fuels Agency, has said that far more research is needed into the indirect impact of biofuels on land use and food production before the government sets targets for their use in transport.

The first such target is already in place. Since April, all petrol and diesel in Britain has had to contain 2.5% of biofuels, a stepping stone towards a 2010 target of 5%. The EU is contemplating a 10% target by 2010. The new report means all those goals will have to be reconsidered.

A government official familiar with the Gallagher review said: "Simply setting a target without stipulating what kind of biofuel is to be used in what circumstances can have all sorts of unintended consequences."
John Vidal on a report that says biofuels have caused world food shortage

Another official said: "The review has thrown up the likelihood of significant impacts. UK and EU targets will have to be addressed."

The report says there is a place for biofuels, both as an alternative to fossil fuels and as a source of income for poor farmers with marginal lands. But it says a distinction must be drawn between "first-generation" biofuels, which use food crops such as corn, rapeseed, palm and soya, and experimental "second-generation" fuels based on fibrous non-food plants which could theoretically be grown without displacing other crops and raising food prices. Criteria to guide fuel policy would consequently have to be drawn up.

It was unclear yesterday whether Britain had left it too late to influence EU biofuel targets, after the government failed to raise objections in a succession of votes in European environment and industry committees. British officials believe the issue can still be revisited in Brussels.

The transport secretary, Ruth Kelly, ordered the review in February, at the height of the food price crisis, but the panel only began work in March and was asked to deliver its conclusions three months later. "There was so little time, I expected it would just be a review of the literature, but it has gone much further than I expected. It has substantive things to say," said a government official involved in drafting the report.

The role of biofuels, which pits concerns over climate change against the need for food security for vulnerable populations, was the most controversial issue at a summit on the food crisis earlier this month in Rome. The US and Brazil, both large-scale biofuel producers, argued fiercely against any hint of criticism of their cultivation in the conference's final statement, which called only for "in-depth studies".

An American claim that biofuels contributed less than 3% to food price rises was widely derided. The IMF estimates their impact as 20-30%, and other estimates are even higher. Over a third of US corn is used to produce ethanol, while about half of EU vegetable oils go towards the production of biodiesel.

After the Rome summit, a British government team involved in the Gallagher review visited the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) to consult specialists who had drawn up UN recommendations on biofuel use. They emerged saying their views were "identical". The FAO recommendations advised against a moratorium on biofuel use or the continuation of "business as usual" under existing policies, calling instead for a set of international standards to ensure plant-derived ethanol and biodiesel did not harm the food supply. Keith Wiebe, a senior agricultural economist at the FAO, said: "There is a push towards the development of these liquid biofuels that is in advance of our understanding of their impact. We need to know more about those impacts, before pushing too hard."

The UN's World Food Programme has called the food crisis a "silent tsunami" which is pushing more than 100 million people worldwide into hunger.

2008年6月19日 星期四

Civil liberties erosion

Civil liberties

Mary Poppins and Magna Carta

Jun 19th 2008
From The Economist print edition

British liberties have been eroded under Labour. Few seem to mind much

Illustration by David Simonds

LIBERALS have long lamented that, despite much stirring rhetoric about the mother of parliaments and Magna Carta, modern Britons have little real interest in their hard-won liberties. On June 17th, as Gordon Brown gave a speech on the subject, that pessimism seemed confirmed when one rapt listener fell asleep in the middle of the prime minister's oration.

Yet civil liberties are much in the news these days. Mr Brown's speech came in the wake of the surprise resignation on June 12th of David Davis, the Conservative shadow home secretary. Mr Davis quit the House of Commons after it voted to allow terrorist suspects to be detained without charge for up to 42 days (the bill now looks set for a rocky ride in the House of Lords). From the steps of the Palace of Westminster, Mr Davis accused the government of presiding over the “slow strangulation” of freedoms and the “ceaseless encroachment of the state” into daily life. He hopes to use the resulting by-election in his Yorkshire constituency as a referendum on Labour's liberal credentials, and on the growth of the nanny state in general.

The charge sheet against the government is long and damning. Besides its 42-day detention proposals (and earlier, failed plans to imprison suspects for 90 days), it is accused of colluding with America to transport terrorist suspects to secret prisons abroad. It has created new crimes, such as glorifying terrorism or inciting religious hatred, that, say critics, dampen freedom of speech. Those who breach one of its Anti-Social Behaviour Orders, introduced in 1998, can be jailed for things that are not illegal in themselves (such as visiting a forbidden part of town or talking to certain people). In 2005 the prohibition on double jeopardy—trying a person twice for the same offence—was removed for serious offences. The government has tried to cut back the scope of trial by jury.

Along with the new crimes have come new ways of detecting them. Millions of publicly and privately owned closed-circuit television cameras (no one is sure precisely how many) monitor town centres. The latest innovation is unmanned, miniature aircraft (adapted from army models) that can loiter over trouble spots, feeding images to police on the ground.

Vast computerised collections of information have become popular too. Britain possesses one of the largest police DNA databases in the world, containing the records of over 4m of 60m citizens (including a third of the black men in the country). Records are kept for everyone who is arrested, meaning that many on the system have never actually been charged with any crime. The government's identity-card scheme, the first phase of which is due to start later this year, aims to record the fingerprints and biographical details of everyone in the land.

Other big databases are justified on grounds of administrative convenience rather than crime-fighting and security. One such is a plan to centralise the records of all patients of the National Health Service. Another would allow social services to monitor every child in the country, including how parents spend their money and how many portions of fruit and vegetables they feed their offspring each day.

Mr Brown argues that frightening new threats—terrorism, drug trafficking and (rather incongruously) benefit fraud—require new powers. In his speech he turned criticisms about authoritarianism on their head, saying that new state powers were guarantors of liberty, not threats to it. He expanded on the risks—the 2,000 terrorist suspects whom the security services are apparently tracking—and the benefits—the 8,000 suspects who have been matched with crime scenes since 2001 thanks to DNA evidence retained when they were released, uncharged, after a previous arrest. He repeated his promise that Parliament would prevent abuse of the 42-day detention law. Labour has passed a raft of other measures too: the Human Rights Act in 1998, freedom of information legislation in 2000 and changes to ensure the rights of gays and other groups.

An unhappy few

Government reassurances do not impress civil libertarians, who argue that, once restrictive new laws are in place, uses for them tend to multiply. In March it emerged that local councils had been using surveillance powers intended for deployment against serious criminals to check up on footling infringements: people who flouted smoking bans, for instance, or tried to game the school-admissions system.

And promises that sensitive personal data will be carefully stewarded look rather limp next to an official proclivity for leaving confidential material in public places. Mr Brown was badly embarrassed in November, when CDs containing 25m child-benefit records were reported lost by the Inland Revenue. More recently, on June 12th a civil servant was suspended after top-secret papers about terrorism were found on a train; on the same day another set of documents—this time on financial fraud—turned up on a different train. Five days later it emerged that a laptop stolen from the office of a cabinet minister may have contained confidential documents, violating data-protection rules.

But Britain's small band of civil libertarians has bigger problems than a recalcitrant prime minister and careless civil servants. Despite Benjamin Franklin's famous advice, the public seems happy to trade a little liberty for a little security. Surveys before the 42-days vote consistently showed public opinion in favour. More recent polling for The Economist shows broad public support for many liberal bugbears (see chart). Women tend to be more authoritarian than men, Labour supporters more relaxed about infringing civil liberties than Tories and Liberal Democrats, and richer folk more worried than the poor (full details can be found here). Half of the respondents were consistent in their answers to most questions; this, says YouGov's boss, Peter Kellner, is rather high.

The poll suggests that people are vehement in defence of civil liberty and privacy when considered in the abstract. Confronted with specific situations, their resolve wilts, especially when specific security gains are promised (although administrative benefits can overcome libertarian instincts too). Trust in private firms is much less than in the government—odd, since more than half of all consumers are voluntarily enrolled in data-tracking supermarket loyalty schemes.

Mr Davis's supporters point to a poll in the Daily Mail in which 57% of respondents said they supported his crusade. That is hard to reconcile with the findings of our survey. The alternative explanation—that any politician seen to thumb his nose at the establishment delights disenchanted voters—seems rather plausible.

2008年6月18日 星期三

handover and ceremonies (Olympic Games)

The first major events for London 2012 are at the Closing Ceremonies of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.

At each of these events is a ceremony to mark the official 'handover' of the Games to the next Host City.

In the ceremony, a Flag is passed from the Mayor of Beijing to the Mayor of London. This is followed by a short performance inviting the world to London for the 2012 Games.

Olympic Games Handover - Sunday 24 August

The Olympic Flag is handed over in Beijing on Sunday 24 August - Bank Holiday for many.

London 2012 will stage an eight minute performance in the Olympic Stadium, watched by around 1.5 billion people worldwide.

Created and staged by LOCOG’s Ceremonies team, the show will reflect London through dance and music. As part of the show, dancers from the Royal Opera House, CanDoCo and Zoo Nation are collaborating in a unique performance.

Read more about how you can celebrate the Olympic Handover in the UK






主演的将是伦敦城区Hip Hop乐队Zoo Nation。他们将表演在城市青年中非常时髦的霹雳舞和街舞,再融入一点高雅艺术,有英国皇家芭蕾舞团的演员助阵,还有英国残疾青年舞蹈团CandoCo参加演出。


Zoo Nation在伦敦西区上演的音乐剧Into the Hoods,是一个反映当代伦敦内城区青年生活的音乐剧,当然少不了毒品和帮派斗殴。Hoods是年轻人爱穿的一种戴帽运动衣。在英国,人们常称那些街上寻悻滋事的年轻人为Hoodies。


而不少反对这一选择的人则说,霹雳舞和Hip Hop音乐是典型的美国城区音乐舞蹈,完全没有英国特色。



其实,伦敦的“北京8分钟”并不只是霹雳舞。伦敦奥组委说,到底伦敦将在北京奥运闭幕式上展现一台什么样的表演,人们还需拭目以待。市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)说,保证是非常精彩的。

有新的消息说,英国足球名将大卫•贝克汉姆(David Beckham)将出现在北京奥运闭幕式上,和他一起出场的还有出生于伦敦的英国女歌星Leona Lewis。




Professor Andrew Hamilton confirmed as next Vice-Chancellor

Andy Hamilton
Professor Andrew Hamilton, FRS

The appointment of Professor Andrew Hamilton as the next Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford has now been confirmed. Professor Hamilton will succeed Dr John Hood in October 2009.

Professor Hamilton’s nomination was announced on 3 June after the University Council accepted the unanimous recommendation of the Nominating Committee for the Vice-Chancellorship. However, University regulations make it possible for members of Congregation, the University’s parliament, to object to a nomination. The deadline for objections passed at noon today, with none received.

Professor Hamilton, who is currently Provost of Yale University, said: "I am delighted that my future colleagues have shown this confidence in me and my appointment. It is still well over a year until I take up my new duties but I would like to assure everyone at Oxford, and all those associated with it, that I shall work tirelessly to repay their trust and to help ensure that a great University has an even better future."

As the nomination of Professor Hamilton was the only scheduled business for the meeting of Congregation on 24 June, the meeting is cancelled. Formal notice of the cancellation of the meeting will appear in the University Gazette of 20 June.

congregation, council

汉密尔顿将在2009年10月接替现任校长约翰·胡德博士(Dr John Hood),成为牛津大学的新校长。此前,牛津校务会议(University Council)一致通过校长提名委员会的建议,接受汉密尔顿的提名,但是牛津校规规定,扮演大学议会角色的牛津大学大会(Congregation)有 权反对这项提名。反对提名的截至日期在本周到期,没有任何反对意见,因此汉密尔顿的提名获得确认。






英国出生的汉密尔顿曾经在英国埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)和剑桥大学接受教育。


