2009年5月27日 星期三

British Council, Taipei, London Tube roadmap

British Council Taipei homepage
email this page May 2009

為了提供英國校友更豐富的溝通平台,在整合各方對於校友網站的想法之後,原旅英校友互動網BRAIN (www.ukalumni.org.tw) 功成身退。改版後的英國校友網站更精簡也更多元,增加了校友部落以及英國各級學校的校友辦公室聯結,快上英國文化協會網站中的「留學英國」瞧瞧吧!

2009年5月22日 星期五

bangers for cash

European Business Week | 22.05.2009 | 16:30

Britain's car scrapping scheme gets off to a slow start

The launch of the so-called ’'bangers for cash’’ programme came amid confusion and delayed involvement from carmakers.

Following the trend set by Germany and France, Britain this week launched a car scrapping scheme.

The plan worth 300 million pounds (€330 million) is designed to encourage consumers to buy new cars, and give one segment of the economy a much needed boost.

Similar programmes have already proved very popular in other parts of Europe. However, car manufacturers in the UK began the week with concerns over how the scheme actually worked, and critics suggest it's unlikely to succeed.

Report: Olly Barratt

2009年5月21日 星期四



級機構標準普爾公司(Standard & Poor's)週四提出正式警告﹕英國必須讓財政狀況恢復正常﹐否則將下調其AAA級信用評級﹐此舉震驚了投資者﹐凸顯出試圖拯救其經濟於金融危機覆巢之下的英國所面臨的重大挑戰



天達資產管理公司(Investec Asset Management)駐倫敦的全球利率主管西伯斯頓(Russell Silberston)說﹐這等於是拿槍頂著下屆政府的腦袋﹐讓他們恢復公共財政的正常狀況。

標普的消息公佈後﹐基準的倫敦富時100指數(FTSE 100)下滑2.8%﹐週四收於4345.47點。英鎊兌美元匯率從6個月高點1.5808美元下跌﹐一度滑落至1.5521美元的低點﹐但隨後迴升至1.5768,美元﹐較週三略有上漲。




英國首相布朗(Gordon Brown)的發言人說﹐英國政府對可持續財務狀況的承諾無庸置疑﹐但當前最不應該做的就是採取有可能遏止經濟增長的措施。



標普分析師比爾斯(David Beers)在一個電話會議上表示﹐如果我們認定下屆政府的財政計劃不太可能在中期內將英國的債務負擔明顯帶入下行軌道﹐標普可能會下調英國的信用評級。標準普爾稱﹐按照過去的評級舉動來看﹐下調英國信用評級的可能性大概是三分之一。

英國財政部指出﹐標準普爾重申了對英國的AAA評級﹐這一評級至少會持續到大選之後。惠譽國際評級(Fitch Ratings)和穆迪投資者服務公司(Moody's Investors Service)週四表示﹐他們沒有計劃調整對英國國債的AAA評級。



Alistair MacDonald / Neil Shah

標普下修英信評展望 穩定→負面

  • 2009-05-22
  • 工商時報
  • 【顏嘉南/綜合外電報導】




 標準普爾信貸分析師比爾斯(David Beers)於聲明中指出,下修英國展望至負面,是因為考慮到,即使英國進一步限制財政支出,但是英國政府淨負債可能仍然接近國內生產毛額(GPD)的100%,並在中期一直維持這樣的狀況。



2009年5月20日 星期三

London Eye

London Eye in £12.5m upgrade

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Merlin Entertainments is to spend £12.5m improving and upgrading the London Eye - the biggest investment since the attraction opened nine years ago.

The Eye will receive a "minor visual facelift" and be equipped with both better heating and an "advanced capsule" with wi-fi and ceiling mounted screens.

The programme commences this summer to be completed in time for the London 2012 Olympics, and will not interrupt normal operation of the attraction.

As each capsule is removed, it will travel down the Thames to Silvertown in London's docklands where it will be loaded onto a truck and transported to a workshop in Worcester to be upgraded before returning to the London Eye.

A non-operational capsule will take position on the London Eye until the final capsule is returned. This project will serve to reduce downtime and maintenance on the London Eye, though it will continue to close for a short period in January to perform routine maintenance

012年倫敦奧運會,備受觀光客歡迎的倫敦眼摩天輪(London Eye)今年將進行大幅翻新整修,經費高達1250萬英鎊。 管理倫敦眼摩天輪的Merlin Entertainments公司表示,倫敦眼上32個載客的膠囊狀座艙,將逐一被拆下整修更新,未來客艙內將有多媒體螢幕及無線 ...


2009年5月19日 星期二

Scandal in U.K. Spurs a Historic Departure

Scandal in U.K. Spurs a Historic Departure
The House of Commons speaker resigned amid a U.K. expense scandal, the first time a speaker has been forced to quit in more than 300 years.

Walter Crane (1845-1915) , Morris

Walter Crane (1845-1915) , Morris

(born Aug. 15, 1845, Liverpool, Eng. — died March 14, 1915, Horsham) English illustrator, painter, and designer. The son of a portrait painter, he studied Italian Old Masters and Japanese prints. The ideas of the Pre-Raphaelites and John Ruskin inspired his early paintings. He achieved international popularity designing Art Nouveau textiles and wallpapers but is chiefly known for his illustrations of children's books. In 1894 he worked with William Morris on The Story of the Glittering Plain, a book printed in the style of 16th-century German and Italian woodcuts. He belonged to the Art Workers' Guild, and in 1888 he founded the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. See also Arts and Crafts Movement.


A leading British designer, illustrator, and painter, Crane was a prominent figure in the Arts and Crafts Movement and influenced by the Pre-Raphaelite painters. He travelled and exhibited widely in Europe and the United States of America and was also a significant and influential writer and lecturer on design matters, a socialist thinker and propogandist, as well as an important force in progressive design education, having been appointed as principal of the Royal College of Art, London, in 1898. After an early apprenticeship in wood engraving Crane steadily built up a reputation as an illustrator in the 1860s. By the early 1870s his work showed the influence of Japanese woodblock prints alongside an increasing mastery of colour, particularly in a number of successful children's books. During these years he also worked on decorative ceramic designs for Josiah Wedgwood (1867-71), on tiles for Maws (1874), and, later, on various ceramic commissions for Pilkington's Tile and Pottery Company (from 1901). Furthermore, Crane was a prolific wallpaper designer, producing more than 50 designs for Jeffrey & Co. from 1874 onwards, and also worked in the field of printed and woven textiles from the late 1880s. Other fields in which Crane made contributions included stained glass and mosaic design, furniture, metalwork, carpet design, and embroidery. In 1884 he became a founder member of the Art Workers' Guild, going on to become the first president of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society in 1888 when a number of members of the Guild seceded in order to set up a new organization more committed to the public promotion and exhibition of their creative work. Crane played an important role in British design education, becoming head of design at Manchester School of Art in 1893, working briefly at the University of Reading in 1897 before being appointed as principal of the Royal College of Art in 1898, a post he held for a year. Crane's international reputation gathered pace during the 1890s: he visited the United States in 1890-1; a retrospective exhibition of his work was held at the Fine Art Society, London, in 1891 before touring the United States and Europe; and his work was also shown at Samuel Bing's celebrated Galerie l'Art Nouveau which opened in Paris in 1895. There was also increasing and favourable coverage of Crane's work in reviews in leading magazines. A number of his lectures were published, including his Cantor Lectures on The Decorative Illustration of Books (1896), The Bases of Design (1898), and Line and Form (1900). His books included The Claims of Decorative Art (1892), Ideals in Art (1905), An Artist's Reminiscences (1907), and William Morris to Whistler (1911).

ne (1845-1915) , Morris

The art of celebration

Thursday 30 April 2009

Walter Crane (1845-1915) was a leading British artist who is perhaps now best remembered for his association with the socialist movement.

2009年5月17日 星期日

last cup

遙遠的旅途 不過一瞬

英國保護古蹟成癡,在倫敦,新建或改建房子必須與鄰近房屋風格搭配,而鄰近建築多的是維多利亞式、都鐸式等等屋宇,除了極少數玻璃帷幕大牆突兀矗立,倫敦 基本上是個歷史之都,凝固了歷史空間與時間。英國滿足了異民族旅客的尋奇之心,英國的建築師卻可能很寂寞,因為他們沒有太多發揮空間,無法成就建築大業。

北英格蘭和北威爾斯交界的契斯特(Chester),全鎮就是一座博物館。它的開發,只比基督出生晚了約五十年。水門街一家服飾店地板留了一個正方形的 洞,用四根銅柱搭著紅色絲絨帶子圍起來,往下看,地下室有一根羅馬要塞的石柱遺址,四周依舊是服飾櫃子。T恤、牛仔褲,附贈西元50年羅馬統治英格蘭的歷 史見證。






直到去了威爾斯,才知道威爾斯人(Welish)不是英國人(English),他們不屬於英格蘭(England)。而我們熟知的石中劍傳奇,不是所謂 英格蘭的英國傳奇,而是威爾斯神話。威爾斯國歌中對他們世居之地充滿驕傲與孺慕之情,它形容威爾斯是「詩人、歌者和顯赫之士的國度」,而威爾斯西南邊以蓮 花池和沼地著名的波雪頓,據說亞瑟王拔出石中劍的沼地,就在這裡。



英國的PUB晚上十一點打烊,同樣一絲不苟。十點四十五分,酒保會揚起玻璃杯用茶匙叮叮敲著喊︰last cup (最後一杯)。每日作息時間,十五分鐘的提醒,就如同石柱群的參觀,有半小時的時間方便清場。不因顧客耗費多少光陰來自何方而更改。


其中一家類似台北迪化街老店,狹長而暗,中間天花板開著天井式的氣窗。進門一地落花生殼,走起來剝剝有聲,金髮藍眼珠、黑髮黃皮膚的酒客擠滿一室。最靠裡 邊黑壓壓的牆邊,高起三階,端的兩張鴉片床,半躺半臥幾個洋人男女,端著啤酒啜飲,抽著怪味的香菸,也許是大麻,也許是鴉片,也許是某種集體記憶。那個高 喊beer,還要再一杯的金髮青年,一口英國腔。...."

2009年5月14日 星期四

Expenses Scandal

U.K. Expenses Scandal Claims Political Casualties
The U.K.'s two leading political parties offered their first sacrificial lambs in reaction to revelations that taxpayers have funded dubious living expenses for dozens of politicians.

The U.K.'s two leading political parties offered their first sacrificial lambs in reaction to revelations that taxpayers have funded dubious living expenses for dozens of politicians.

The disciplinary actions against members of both the ruling Labour Party and the opposition Conservatives stem from a spiralling crisis in which the widely admired British political system -- proudly known as "the mother of all Parliaments" -- has suddenly morphed into the mother of all scandals.

[British scandal] AP, PA

It started with the Daily Telegraph newspaper's publication of politicians' expense reports -- which aren't yet in the public record -- detailing how dozens of members of Parliament have been reimbursed for home expenses that range from the petty (dog food and light bulbs) to the extravagant (repairs to swimming pools and the cleaning of a moat).

Past scandals, such as "sleaze" allegations that played a part in sinking John Major's Conservative government in the mid-1990s, usually damaged one party or another. The current affair, on the other hand, is claiming victims on all sides, undermining public confidence in the entire political system.

"It is easily the most corrosive scandal in terms of the state of [British] politics that I can think of in almost the last 100 years," said Philip Cowley, a political scientist at the University of Nottingham.

That has thrown political leaders of all stripes into scramble mode. On Thursday, Prime Minister Gordon Brown and opposition Conservative Party leader David Cameron both rolled out tough disciplinary measures.

Mr. Brown said his party has suspended member of Parliament Elliot Morley, a former environment minister, over allegations that he claimed expenses of more than £16,000 ($24,222) for interest payments on a mortgage he had paid off more than 18 months earlier. Said Mr. Brown: "We have a right to expect the highest standards of everybody in public life and where these standards are transgressed and where mistakes are made … we have got to take action."

[Gordon Brown]

Gordon Brown

Earlier Thursday, Andrew MacKay, a Conservative member of Parliament, resigned as aide to Mr. Cameron over what the party said was an "unacceptable" expenses claim. Mr. MacKay was caught up in an embarrassing situation involving rules that allow parliamentarians from outside central London to claim living expenses on a second residence, either in the British capital or their constituency. Mr. Mackay claimed a full "second-home allowance" on his London address -- while his wife, fellow Conservative MP Julie Kirkbride, claimed the full allowance for another home.

"Examination of Mr. MacKay's past allowances revealed an unacceptable situation that would not stand up to reasonable public scrutiny," a spokesman for Mr. Cameron said.

The two didn't deny that they had claimed the expenses, but gave explanations for their actions that touched on faults in the government's system for reimbursing politicians for the living expenses they incur in the course of their public service.

Mr. Morley said the claim was a mistake of "sloppy accounting in a very loose and shambolic allowance system." Mr. MacKay said the arrangement had been agreed to by a parliamentary official, but that the claims were an "error in judgment."

The moves by Messrs. Cameron and Brown come in advance of June 4 European elections and local authority elections. While the expense claims have hit both parties, Mr. Cameron has at times outmaneuvered the prime minister by coming out first with pointed criticisms of his own party for their claims, then laying out reforms to tackle the abuses and threatening party members with suspension.

The news overwhelmed the parties' launching of their campaigns for next month's elections, underscoring that no mainstream party is likely to do well from the scandal. Parties without members of Parliament, such as the environmentally focused Green Party and the anti-immigration British National Party, are predicted by some to get more support in June's elections because of this.

On Monday, the British National Party launched its campaign for the election with a stunt onstage at a press conference: People wearing pig masks portrayed politicians feeding at troughs filled with money, and were chased away by angry blue-collar workers.

Also under pressure in the furor, some members of Parliament say, is the Labour Party's Michael Martin, who as speaker of the House of Commons is chairman of the body that administers the British Parliament and has responsibility for politicians' expenses.

Mr. Martin, who as speaker also acts as a moderator in House of Commons debates, had been at the forefront of politicians' attempts to stop the release of expense details, and in a house debate on Tuesday angrily slapped down criticisms of his handling of the case.

According to several members of Parliament, there is a move to drum up interest for a vote of no-confidence in Mr. Martin.

Mr. Martin could not be reached for comment.

In another blow to the reputation of Parliament and the Labour Party, a committee at the House of Lords, the U.K.'s second house, recommended that two Labour peers be suspended for up to six months after an inquiry found them guilty of misconduct.

Lord Peter Truscott and Lord Thomas Taylor were caught in a sting by journalists at the Sunday Times newspaper who posed as company lobbyists. The two lords are accused of offering to change legislation in return for cash. The two have denied any wrongdoing. The Sunday Times is owned by News Corp., which also owns Dow Jones, publisher of The Wall Street Journal.

Write to Alistair MacDonald at alistair.macdonald@wsj.com and Aaron O. Patrick at aaron.patrick@wsj.com

2009年5月11日 星期一

London's 2012 Olympics Stadium

聰明設計「倫敦碗」 精打細算
2012倫敦奧運主場館,平凡無奇 的外型被取名為「倫敦碗」。







London's 2012 Olympics Stadium Panned

December 6, 2007

By Lucy Bullivant

The British architectural profession has had a largely negative response to plans for London’s 80,000-seat Olympic stadium, which were unveiled last month. Critics say that the design, by HOK Sport and architect Peter Cook of HOK, lacks the flair of conceptual images shown during London’s bid to host the 2012 Games. But the city’s Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) defends the stadium as an adaptable and practical structure that can be re-used.

2012 Olympic Stadium in London
2012 Olympic Stadium in London
2012 Olympic Stadium in London
Images: Courtesy Team Macarie

Critics have panned designs for the 2012 Olympic Stadium in London, an 80,000-seat arena created by HOK Sport and architect Peter Cook of HOK. The building is intended to be dismantled and re-assembled elsewhere after the Games.

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Rod Sheard, an architect with HOK Sport, has described the stadium as “a very simple building with a very tight, compelling bowl.” The structure’s cable-supported roof has a diameter of 92 feet . A detachable top tier of 55,000 seats will be removed after the Games, leaving just the lower tier of 25,000 permanent seats. Most of the services for catering, toilets, and retail stalls will be located in removable pods on a 360° ground level concourse outside the bowl.

Critics of the stadium, including several newspaper columnists and architect Will Alsop, have voiced a long list of complaints starting with the fact that there was no competition to chose the designers. Many have likened the arena’s cable-supported roof and concrete bowl to a gassometer—an old type of gas storage facility. Worse still, some worry that the roof, which only covers 67 percent of the seats, could present a weather hazard. Detractors add that the no-frills building seems barely attributable to Peter Cook, a founder of the avant-garde 1960s group Archigram, and complain that the ODA was too focused on legacy rather than architectural pizzazz.

One feature that may add some excitement is a printed fabric curtain that will wrap around the stadium and feature electronic images of the 200 nations competing in the Olympics. The stadium’s supporters also point to its sustainable quality, in that it can be dismantled after the Games and moved from its site at the southern end of the Olympic Park in East London’s Lower Lea Valley to serve as a sports venue elsewhere.

Many observers worry that finding a buyer for the stadium might be difficult and that the ODA is unlikely to recoup its money. During the last two years, the project’s price tag has soared from the $574 million originally budgeted, to a projected $1 billion—and the cost of dismantling the arena would be extra.

When London originally bid for the 2012 Summer Olympics in late 2004, it used conceptual images of a stadium by Foreign Office Architects, whose roof design was inspired by the way muscles support the body. While this scheme boosted the identity of London bid’s, the ODA decided instead to pursue an economical, demountable solution for the stadium on a design-build basis.

Some critics have called for a competition to select a new building whose architecture is less tame yet remains sustainable. The success of such efforts, though, seems an unlikely prospect in an increasingly cost-sensitive climate. The construction firm Sir Robert McAlpine, which built Arsenal Football Club’s iconic Emirates Stadium at Highbury and Islington in north London, is due to begin work next April and finish b y the summer of 2011.

smart meter by 2020

New smart meter plan is unveiled

By John Moylan

Lloyd and Susannah Matthews have been trialling the meters

The government has unveiled plans for every home in Britain to be equipped with smart meters by the end of 2020.

Smart meters allow suppliers to remotely record customers' gas and electricity use, and let consumers see how much energy they are using.

Some 26 million electricity and 22 million gas meters will need to be fitted at a cost of £7bn.

Smart meters end the need to dispatch meter readers, meaning huge savings for energy firms who hope bills will fall.

It is also hoped that smart meters will mean an end to estimated bills and call centre staff who deal with related complaints.

British Gas said the move would reduce the UK's energy use, cut carbon emissions and save customers money.

Cost savings

Energy providers will have the responsibility to fit the meters in what amounts to the biggest programme of work since British Gas converted appliances in 17 million homes to natural gas back in the 1970s.

Industry sources say that the £7bn cost amounts to around £15 per household per year between 2010 and 2020.

I've managed to save about a tenth, both on energy and gas, since having the smart meter because its made me conscious of the energy I'm using
Smart reader user Lloyd Matthews

But £10 of that will be accounted for in cost savings by the suppliers. That leaves the customer picking up the other £5.

But the average consumer is also likely to save 2% to 3% off their energy use each year, and thus cut £25 to £35 off their bills.

So overall, households could be better off to the tune of more than £20 a year.

The government believes we could all save around 2% of our energy use. That would cut £100m from our bills by 2020. It could also reduce our C02 emissions by 2.6m tonnes.

A new industry-backed Central Communications body will be established to handle all the meter reading data.


One of the smaller energy companies, First Utility, has already installed smart meters in the homes of its 10,000 customers.

The firm's chief executive Mark Daeche says the lower running costs allow the company to offer competitive prices.

"Of course it is a benefit to us," he said.

"We can provide lower prices as we don't have the overheads of supporting a customer with lots of customer service."

Lloyd Matthews and his wife Susanna live in East London. They are EDF Energy customers and they have been using a smart meter for the past two years.

The meter comes with a display unit that shows Mr Matthews exactly how much electricity and gas he is using. He can also compare his energy use on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Mr Matthews says that knowledge has enabled him to reduce his energy bills without hampering his lifestyle

"I've managed to save about a tenth, both on energy and gas since having the smart meter, because its made me conscious of the energy I'm using," he said.

The government is to launch a three-month consultation process on the plans.


The government is unveiling plans for every home in Britain to be equipped with smart meters by the end of 2020.

The move has been met by a chorus of approval from the energy industry and by a consumer watchdog.

But how will this affect householders, and will it cost or save them money?

What is expected to happen?

The government wants every home in Britain to be installed with smart meters - a device that shows exactly how much gas and electricity is being used.

This should bring an end to estimated bills, because the technology could send back an accurate meter reading to your energy company every day.

According to the Energy Retail Association, which represents the energy companies, the technological advance would be the equivalent of using wireless broadband instead of sending a telegram.

No more estimates. Will that mean they get my bill correct?

There have been thousands of complaints from householders who claim they have been overcharged on direct debit bills.

Consumer groups said this meant energy suppliers were getting free loans from customers. In March, regulator Ofgem told the companies to make charges clearer but said there was no "systematic" abuse of the direct debit system.

Smart meters should put this debate to bed, and would mean that householders no longer need to let the gasman in to read the meter.

People might even by able to check their usage on the internet, or share tips for cutting bills on social networking websites.

But installing these meters will be a big job. Some 26 million electricity and 22 million gas meters will need to be fitted.

That sounds expensive. Who pays?

You will not receive a bill from your energy company for installing a new meter, but you will pick up some of the cost.

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A look at how the meter works

Industry estimates suggest that the total installation bill will be £7bn.

That amounts to about £15 per household per year between 2010 and 2020, but £10 of this will be covered from savings made by companies who no longer need to pay people to read meters, and the cost of dealing with complaints should fall.

That leaves £5 a year that would be put onto bills, but the industry thinks that - by keeping an eye on the meter - householders will cut their energy use and so reduce their annual bill by between £25 and £35.

These savings might come by changing habits such as switching off the television, rather than leaving it on standby.

Consumer groups are keen to see all the savings made by energy companies are passed on to the consumer, rather than just boosting their profits.

How do I get one of these meters?

There are trials of smart meters going on at the moment, so some householders have already got them.

There will be three months of consultation and, if the scheme is given the final go-ahead, it will be a huge job to replace the UK's meters.

"Government should show leadership and make sure that this roll-out is joined up and the opportunity is not wasted," said a spokesman for Consumer Focus, the consumer watchdog.

Under the plans, each home would get a new smart gas meter and a new electricity meter. One is the "host" meter, that will communicate with you and the supplier.

Will this make it more difficult to switch supplier to save on bills?

Your new smart meter might have your current supplier's branding on it, but don't be fooled.

They might look different, but all the meters should have the same specifications so if you want to switch suppliers you will not need to get a new meter installed.

Switching suppliers to get a better deal should be as easy as it is now.

You will not get a different meter if you pay in different ways - such as pre-payment or quarterly by cheque.

What about bills at business properties?

Large businesses should have smart meters within five years, according to the government.

Small businesses should get smart meters in the same timeframe as consumers.

2009年5月10日 星期日

Major Phil Parker

一步一腳印 英跛行少校花兩週走完馬拉松

An injured British soldier has walked the London Marathon on crutches, has completed the course after 13 days, walking two miles each day. Major Phil Packer, of the Royal Military Police, lost the use of his legs in a rocket attack while on a patrol in Iraq. He began the race with 35,000 others on 26 April and finished the event at about 1230 on the Mall. There he was presented with a medal from his hero, rower Sir Steve Redgrave. Maj Packer hopes to raise £1m for soldiers' charity Help For Heroes by doing this challenge. At the end of the 26 mile course, Major Packer said: "It feels bitter sweet - I heard the news yesterday that four members of the armed forces were killed in Afghanistan, so I'm thinking about those families. "I would not be standing here but for the work of the doctors and nurses that have looked after me and the reason for doing this is to raise £1m for them. "It's not about me - it's about the people who are not walking with me. "It's very humbling, I'm just a soldier and I'm not used to all this." The officer, who lives in central London, was told by doctors that he would never be able to walk again, after he was injured in Basra in early 2008. He suffered damage to his ribs and chest, a bruised heart and lost the motor and sensory use of his legs. [1] ARMY hero Phil Packer finishes his historic fund-raising London marathon yesterday ' nearly two weeks after the rest of the field. Major Packer, 36, who lost the use of his legs in a rocket attack while serving in Iraq, completed the gruelling 26-mile course on crutches, cheered on by comrades from the Royal Military Police. Greeting him at St James's Park was Olympic rowing legend Sir Steve Redgrave, who presented him with his medal. Major Packer's determination to complete the course at two miles a day has seen him raise '630,000 for the Help For Heroes soldiers' charity. He hopes to take the total to '1million.[2]
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Published: 2009-05-10 01:33 PM


2008年2月派克少校(Major Phil Parker)在伊拉克南方城市巴斯拉(Basra)受傷,醫生說他可能永遠無法再走路了。


派克這次參加馬拉松比賽,是為了一個阿兵哥慈善組織「幫幫英雄」(Help For Heroes)募款。他這趟總共募了63萬英鎊(約71萬歐元,95萬美元),目標是100萬英鎊。




文化社会 | 2009.05.10


在英国,一顶帽子能掀起狂澜,这在德国是难以想象的。"帽子文化"在英国有着悠久的历史传统。英国女王绝不可能不戴帽子出现在公众场合。阿斯科特赛马场 上,如果女士们头上缺少了一顶顶式样新颖的帽子就前来观战,也是不可想象的。来自伦敦的加斯汀·史密斯正想方设法地要将英国的"帽子文化"传播到其它国 家。




史密斯设计的帽子都是手工作品。他雇佣了三名助手帮助他设计帽子系列,并采用许多古老的传统手工艺制作帽子。他们把做帽子的材料,比如毡子或者麦 秆,放在一个木头模子上挤压出帽子的形状,然后再绑紧并用大头针固定住,直到帽型固定下来。"制作帽子是一件非常奇特的工作。首先你必须特别地小心翼翼, 很多时候是通过细致敏锐的感觉进行操作,可有时候又得费上一把子力气。"


史密斯每次设计的帽子系列都会引起轰动效应。现在制帽业界管他叫做"坏小子"。史密斯很乐于在名品模特秀上展示自己的才艺,就像前不久他在巴塞罗那 所展示的最新设计那样:"这一系列的帽子没有性别之分。对我来说,它们是艺术作品,就像以前我设计的发型一样。对我来说,最重要的是通过设计凸显出帽子的 轮廓、形式和结构。"

目前史密斯正在为阿斯科特赛马场设计一个帽子系列。在一些基本造型的基础上,女士们可随个人的兴趣和爱好,自由选择她们中意的佩饰物,组合成一顶个 人品味的帽子。"我想让人们知道,不需要花很多钱也能订做帽子,并且可以将它珍藏一辈子。帽子也像鞋一样,可以修理,稍微旧一点反而会更好看。"


作者:Judith Leeb/洪沙


2009年5月9日 星期六

'Slow Down London'

Inside Europe | 02.05.2009 | 15:05

Londoners try slowing down the pace of life

In today’s hectic world, the chance to put your feet up for five minutes and grab a breather often feels like a luxury you just can’t afford.

Especially as everyone rushes round trying to find ways to fix economic problems. But is all that stress really necessary? A ten-day event to encourage Londoners to go about their lives more slowly is underway in the city. 'Slow Down London' aims to show people how to get more out of doing things at a more relaxed pace. It's based on a concept of 'slow living' that originated in Italy around a decade ago. But some have questioned whether slowing down is the best course of action at a time of recession. Report: Olly Barratt