2009年10月29日 星期四


倫敦新點子 推出二手墳墓





在 英國許多地區,重新使用舊墳墓依然不合法,但倫敦市立公墓打算鑽法律漏洞,讓凡是在首都尚有剩餘空間的墳墓在七十五年後得以重新收回使用。自從去年修法 後,公墓工作人員展開更敏感的工作,包括挖掘舊骸骨、重新安葬到更深的地底,之後安置新屍骨於頂端,形成所謂的「雙層墳墓」。

The Tab

劍橋校刊 掀「波」濤
劍橋網路版校園刊物「The Tab」版面猶如八卦報翻版,內容也以八卦新聞為主,女學生清涼照讓這本刊物成為眾矢之的。

〔編譯鄭寺音/綜合報導〕著名學府英國劍橋大學總是給人治學嚴謹、學生認真向學的印象,但如果你看過該校的網路校刊「The Tab」,保證對劍橋既有的印象會大幅改觀。

「The Tab」以顛覆紙版校刊的風格創站以來,吸引眾多校友嚐鮮,首週瀏覽率堂堂突破八萬人次,傳統校刊龍頭地位不保;不過「The Tab」內容低俗、讓人噴鼻血的清涼美女版,乍看有如直接取自八卦小報,無怪乎創刊後在保守的劍橋校園掀軒然大波。

打出清涼牌 招徠廣告

「The Tab」以報導名人八卦與體育新聞為主,最近該報最夯的新聞,包括慶祝劍橋女生胸部尺寸榮登英國第九的新聞「波很大」(Bravo),新鮮趣味的風格,轟動劍橋校園,該報向廣告主招攬生意時,甚至以劍橋最多人看的學生刊物為號召。

儘 管如此,「The Tab」猶如八卦報翻版的風格,還是無可避免地引來紙版校園刊物撻伐,劍橋學生會的女性幹部也對清涼照很有意見。學生會幹部絲札蕾克表示,女學生的清涼內 衣照,會讓越來越多人對女性有不當想法;連為了幫朋友忙而拍攝清涼照的女學生,最後也因為實在太尷尬,要求網站移除照片。

創辦「The Tab」的三名男學生對這些批評嗤之以鼻,直說學生會是「可悲的恐龍,不是該死了,就是會漸漸滅種」;創辦人之一的三年級學生阿提格其表示,「我們不是性 別歧視……網站只是小報的玩笑版而已」,他說,「The Tab」讓紙版校刊「Varsity」、「the Cambridge Student」讀者群大幅流失,是因為「學生想迅速取得新聞,而且是要有趣的新聞,他們已經讀太多論文了」。阿提格其也說,該報將延續風格,不會因為有 人抗議而有所改變。

2009年10月27日 星期二

Royal Mail Strikes


倫敦商工總會(London Chamber of Commerce and Industry)指出,上週單是通訊勞工工會(Communication Workers Union,CWU) 在22及23日兩天舉行全國大罷工,企業的損失就高達2億英鎊。

倫敦商工總會執行長史坦布盧吉( Colin Stanbridge)指出,對倫敦經濟說來,這是很嚴重的損失,郵局罷工無疑會拖延倫敦的經濟復甦。


史坦布盧吉呼籲商業大臣曼德森(Peter Mandelson),儘速介入化解勞資爭議。

皇家郵政(Royal Mail)工會前一次舉行全國大罷工是2007年,倫敦商工總會估計,當時造成倫敦企業損失3.04億英鎊。


自6 月以來,倫敦郵局員工己陸續發動近20天的地區性與全國性罷工,郵件發送中心堆滿待送的郵件,一旦再發動新一波罷工,郵件寄送作業將進一步癱瘓。

為紓解大量累積的郵件,並因應即將到來的耶誕節郵寄旺季,皇家郵政計劃聘雇3 萬名臨時工。工會對此極為不滿,揚言將提告到高等法院。但皇家郵政堅持沒有違法,目前仍未見雙方和解的曙光。20091027

ome >

Service Information for customers

Service Summary for all customers - Tuesday 27th October

Communication Workers Union national industrial action

All operational units across the country are working today, Tuesday 27th October and all deliveries and collections should be made as normal today. We’re doing everything possible to deliver all mail delayed by last week’s industrial action during the next few days.

Important information about Royal Mail services this week

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) has chosen to call further national strike action this week, plus specific action affecting collections in many parts of London on Friday. The details are as follows:

Date Functions striking General service impact
Thursday 29th October Mail Centres & Network Distribution Units Limited processing, movement and collection of ordinary mail (if local collections performed by a Mail Centre).
Friday 30th October Manual Data Entry Centres (coding of poorly addressed mail) No direct impact on collections or deliveries.

London Collections Hubs Limited collections in all parts of the SE, N, NW and WC postal districts.
Limited collections in the E1, E2, E4, E5, E8 to E11, E17, E18, SW11 to SW20 postcode areas and all parts of the W district (except W5, W7, W13).
Collections in most other areas of London, including the EC district, as normal on Friday.
Saturday 31st October Delivery Offices Limited delivery and collection of ordinary mail (if local collections performed by a Delivery Office)

We are really sorry for the significant disruption and inconvenience industrial action being taken by the CWU is having on customers and for the uncertainty further strike announcements will cause. We are continuing to urge the CWU to call off all strike action and concentrate with us on supporting customers during the Autumn and Christmas peak mail period.

In the event this planned strike action takes place, national mail services on Thursday and Saturday will be very limited and delay to the collection, sorting, distribution and delivery of mail will be inevitable. Collections in many parts of London will be disrupted on Friday 30th October.

What we will do to maintain and recover service

If the industrial action goes ahead, Royal Mail has strong contingency plans to do all we can to keep mail moving and minimise disruption for our customers:

  • Keep mail moving – over 900 managerial and contract drivers will move mail around the country on strike days.
  • Delivering mail – we will continue to deliver premium service (Special Delivery™ and Royal Mail Tracked™) items to customers throughout the week.
  • Use of around 5000 managerial and support people – to maintain premium services, open callers’ offices and to collect mail from Post Office® branches, posting boxes and customers where possible on strike days.
  • Support the distribution of packets and parcels - we have five additional, dedicated and fully staffed sorting centres set up, to aid the distribution of goods through our network.
  • Deploy a targeted service recovery plan – concentrate our substantial support resources in areas most affected to deliver mail after the strikes.

More information

More information about services in your area, plus answers to your most frequently asked questions relating to the industrial action, are available via the following links:

Sign up for free email service updates at www.royalmail.com/myserviceupdates

Frequently Asked Questions

You can also check our most frequently asked questions for information relating to industrial action. Simply click on the link that best describes the type of customer you are:

2009年10月25日 星期日

Poet's Corner

Chaucerian Figures
Chaucerian Figures
Where is Chaucer buried? Geoffrey Chaucer, the writer of one of medieval England's best-known works, died on this date in 1400. His Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories that tell of human foibles and idiosyncrasies, told by a gathering of pilgrims to pass the time as they journey from Southwark to Canterbury. The tales are mostly written in verse, each in the literary style of the particular storyteller. Chaucer used the services of a scrivener named Adam Pinkhurst to do the actual writing of the book, which was written in Middle English. When Chaucer died, he was interred in Westminster Abbey; he was the first to be buried in the section called the Poet's Corner. Robert Browning, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy and Rudyard Kipling are among the other writers whose final resting place is in the Poet's Corner.


〔中央社〕2012倫敦奧運積極籌備,媒體報導,倫敦市長強生(Boris Johnson)計劃接受印度鋼鐵大王米塔1500萬英鎊的鉅額捐款,興建一座紀念地標,與法國的艾菲爾鐵塔相抗衡。 報導指出,根據初步的設計,這座紀念碑高達400呎,將於2012年設在位於東倫敦的奧林匹克公園內, ...

國際/UN氣候峰會倒數50天 全球齊辦350環保活動

http://www.cdnews.com.tw 2009-10-25 10:04:58







 在德國柏林,350名戴著德國總理梅克爾(Angela Merkel)面具的示威群眾,在市中心的布蘭登堡大門(Brandenburg Gate)齊聚一堂。

 在英國倫敦,「反氣候變遷活動」(Campaign against Climate Change)主辦單位表示,逾600人在泰晤士河畔「倫敦之眼」摩天輪腳下,以人牆排出數字5。



 在印尼雅加達,負責協調的多羅莎(Candy Tolosa)在今天的Detik.com網站指出,倫敦公共關係學院(London School of Public Relations)約100名學生也一起排出了350這個象徵數字。

2009年10月18日 星期日

Alexandra Palace

頒獎典禮17日在倫敦亞歷山大宮(AlexandraPalace)舉行。台灣獲得金牌的參賽作品包括: 固昌通訊公司魏崇山等設計的「市話及藍芽耳機結合裝置」、固昌通訊公司林碧芬等設計的「車載及家用多功能攜帶式藍芽耳機附播放系統」、品陞金屬公司柯文雄 設計的「踏踏樂壓縮式垃圾 ...

Alexandra是女性 男女有別
Wikipedia article "Alexandra Palace"

The Great Northern Palace Company had been established by 1860, but it was unable to raise the finance for the project. However, the idea lived on, and on 23 July 1863 Alexandra Park was opened to the public. It was named after Alexandra of Denmark, who had married Prince Edward, the Prince of Wales, four months earlier.

2009年10月17日 星期六

payback time for Britain's MP's?

Inside Europe | 17.10.2009 | 07:05

Is it payback time for Britain's MP's?

In Britain, it seems feathering your own nest at the taxpaper's expense could become a thing of the past for MP's. A long running row about parliamentary expenses has suddenly roared back into life.

Legislators have been asked to hand back some of the money they've claimed from public funds over the past five years. And as Stephen Beard tells us in this Postcard from London, the House of Commons is not happy.

2009年10月15日 星期四

Schoolgirl Florence Jackson' the new 50p design

Why the new 50p is a proper Flop

Schoolgirl Florence Jackson from Bristol is the first child to design a British coin with her London 2012-themed image
Schoolgirl Florence Jackson has a designed a London 2012-themed 50p
Schoolgirl Florence Jackson has a designed a London 2012-themed 50p

THE next time you look at the design on the back of a 50p coin and think 'a child could have done that', well, you'd be right.

A nine-year-old child, in fact. The new look is by Florence Jackson, who is the first child to design a British coin.

Her sketch of a London 2012 high jump athlete mid-Fosbury Flop beat 17,000 other entries in a Blue Peter competition to give her the chance to work with the Royal Mint on her design.

'I am so excited. I love drawing and I chose the high jump because I'd watched it on TV before and thought it looked fun,' said the youngster from Bristol.

2009年10月12日 星期一

Qatar Holding in London

Ahmad Al-Sayed’s Experience

  • CEO

    Qatar Holding

    (Investment Management industry)

    Currently holds this position


擁有倫敦新興金融區金絲雀碼頭(Canary Wharf)逾半數大樓產權的Songbird地產公司最大股東易主,恐將由卡達主權財富基金掌握董事會,反映波灣國家重燃對已開發市場的野心。








這使得自2004年起即為金絲雀碼頭大股東的Songbird遭受重創,8月時幾乎破產。Songbird的現有股東,包括英國房地產信託投資公司British Land等,都不肯伸出援手,銀行也拒絕提供再融資。不過,這卻給了卡達控股與中投公司機會。

2009年10月7日 星期三

Dance Umbrella「風•影」

〔中央社〕來自英國的消息指出,雲門舞集6日在英國倫敦巴比肯中心,為「舞蹈之傘(Dance Umbrella)舞蹈節」揭幕演出「風•影」,觀眾全場屏息專注,終場激昂歡呼。






2009年10月5日 星期一

Boris makes EastEnders appearance

Boris makes EastEnders appearance

Mayor of London
Boris Johnson said it was an honour to step inside the Queen Vic

Mayor of London Boris Johnson is to make a guest appearance on the BBC soap EastEnders later this year.

He will appear in a scene set in the show's Queen Vic pub where he has an argument with landlady Peggy Mitchell, who is played by Barbara Windsor.

The scene will be in an episode showing Peggy, who recently became involved in local politics, enduring a frustrating time trying to track him down.

The scene with Mr Johnson was filmed last Friday and will air this autumn.

Mr Johnson said: "It was, of course, a tremendous honour to step inside that most venerable of London landmarks, the Queen Vic, and share a scene with another of the capital's icons, the fabulous Barbara Windsor."

EastEnders executive producer Diederick Santer said: "EastEnders does its best to reflect contemporary London, and we hope that meeting the mayor will help us stay ahead with the latest London stories, policies and developments.

"We couldn't let the visit pass without the mayor entering London's most famous pub, the Queen Vic, and meeting its formidable and politically-active landlady Peggy Mitchell."

新快報訊 據英國《每日郵報》報道,倫敦市長日前出現在英國廣播公司(BBC)的招牌肥皂劇中。



在這次劇目中,由芭芭拉‧溫莎(BarbaraWindsor)飾演的QueenVic’s酒吧的老板娘貝姬開始關注當地政治,並用整個上午的時間逮到了 正在附近訪問的市長。出于對當地缺少街道清潔工的不滿和憤怒,貝姬把這位市長狠狠地批評了一頓,但鏡頭上的這位頂著“墩布頭”的市長控制脾氣拒不發火,而 用個人魅力最終征服了貝姬。


'Monty Python'


'Monty Python's Flying Circus'
'Monty Python's Flying Circus'
What do "Gwen Dibley's Flying Circus," "Owl-Stretching Time," "Bun, Whackett, Buzzard, Stubble and Boot," "A Toad Elevating Moment," "Sex and Violence " and "A Horse, a Bucket and a Spoon" have in common? They were all bandied about as possible names for the show that aired forty years ago today on BBC-TV — Monty Python's Flying Circus. Comic writers and actors Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and Michael Palin brought a new level of outrageous, bawdy and often tasteless satire to British television. The TV show spawned movies, albums and a wildly successful Broadway musical, Spamalot. The members of the Python troup became so popular that each one was honored with his own asteroid: 9617 Grahamchapman, 9618 Johncleese, 9619 Terrygilliam, 9620 Ericidle, 9621 Michaelpalin, and 9622 Terryjones.


"No day of my life passes without someone saying the words 'Monty Python' to me. It's not bad."Eric Idle

2009年10月4日 星期日

Kew Gardens 250

Kew Gardens是全球最著名的花園之一,位於英國倫敦的西南區,與海德公園為同級的皇家公園,被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產。 公園內一片綠意盎然,除了樹木草坪還有許多奇花異草,是一個郊遊散步的好去處。 3日是Kew Gardens成立250週年的日子,園方特地安排了慶祝花飾, ...

2009年10月3日 星期六

Evening Standard 免費派發

英國倫敦具有182年歷史的《旗幟晚報》易手給俄羅斯富商後,將於下周一(5日)以免費報紙形式發行,確保這份四面楚歌的報紙得以生存。 屆時,《旗幟晚報》共印刷60萬份,在倫敦各地鐵和火車站免費派發。 《每日郵報》和General Trust再不願意向《旗幟 ...
2009-10-03 16:12:00

已有182年歷史的倫敦老牌報章《標準晚報》(Evening Standard),不敵免費報紙的競爭,銷量急跌,其俄羅斯老闆為了在艱難經營環境下提高發行量,以增加廣告收入,決定自本月12日起改為免費派發。 《標準晚報》8個月前由俄國富豪列別杰夫(Alexander Lebedev)收購,過去3年來一直受到免費報章挑戰,銷量由5年前的每天45萬分,急跌至現時的每日僅11萬6192分,每年虧損1500萬英鎊。銷 量急跌導致列別杰夫決定把報章改為免費派發,希望吸引廣告商,把廣告收入增加四成,而每日發行量將由目前的25萬分增至60萬分。事緣傳統報紙的收益是依 靠廣告和發行兩大因素,發行量愈大,報紙吸附廣告的能力也就愈強,廣告的收入就會隨之增加。列別杰夫說,《標準晚報》改為免費報,不會涉及裁減新聞工作人 員,並會繼續為讀者提供高質責的新聞報道。