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剑桥大学图书馆推出特展纪念建校800周年 |
这个名为Advancing by degrees(意即:逐步发展)的特展展出的物品包括大学档案珍藏的文件和图像,完整呈现出剑桥大学建校800年来一路走过的旅程。
剑桥大学1209年创校。当年一批学者从牛津大学(University of Oxford)出走,聚集到剑桥建立了新的大学。
- 大学的起源--真实与虚构,包括1570年伊丽莎白一世女王(Elizabeth I)颁发给大学的章程。
- 中古时期和近代的学习材料,包括科学家牛顿(Isaac Newton)1669/70年教书用的笔记和图表。
- 1801年,大学现存历史最早的大学考试卷。
- 剑桥学者创新的科学研究资料,例如1905年最先创造的“基因”一词。
- 学生生活,体现剑桥大学历年来学生读书和玩乐的面貌,包括1588年学生穿着的服装、1829年剑桥学生向牛津学生提交的划船赛挑战书。
剑桥大学图书馆发言人彼得·福克斯(Peter Fox)表示,“大学档案珍藏了许多珍贵资料,所以这次的展览才得以那么的充实丰富。”
今年是剑桥大学建校800周年纪念。一整年里剑桥大学都会安排举办各种不同的活动,而图书馆的特展是其中的一部分。Sandars Lectures 2009
The book and the transformation of Britain, c. 550-1050 M. Tu. Thu. 5 (three lectures)
23 Feb. Conversion: the scribes of scripture and social change
24 Feb. Integration and consolidation: creating communities of reading
26 Feb. After Alfred: language, literature and libraries
At 17.00 in the Morison Room, Cambridge University Library
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娅维斯是剑桥图书馆650年历史上首位女馆长 |
46岁的安妮•娅维斯(Anne Jarvis)4月即将就任剑桥大学图书馆馆长,成为剑桥图书馆650年历史上的首任女馆长。
剑桥大学图书馆收藏的珍品包括牛顿的论文以及达尔文在加拉帕戈斯群岛上书信手稿,也有一些中国的古籍。Mrs Anne Jarvis (Murray) has been appointed University Librarian at Cambridge University Library – the first female to hold the post in its 650 year history.
Currently Deputy Librarian, Anne, pictured, will replace Peter Fox, who steps down after fifteen years in charge.
Cambridge University Library is home to more than eight million books and volumes and is one of only six Legal Deposit libraries in the UK and Ireland - entitling it to a free copy of every book, journal, map and music published in the United Kingdom.
Highlights of the University Library's special collections include the papers of Isaac Newton, an archive of Charles Darwin's correspondence, archives of the Royal Greenwich Observatory, the library of the Royal Commonwealth Society and a copy of the Gutenberg Bible from 1455, the earliest European example of a book produced using moveable type.
Anne, aged 46, said: "Cambridge is already one of the world's great research libraries. I look forward both to building on this success and to an exciting future in which the University Library will play a leading role in providing innovative services in a rapidly changing information landscape."
Anne has been Deputy Librarian at Cambridge University Library since 2000. Her main professional interests include emerging information technologies, succession planning, change management and digital preservation.
As Deputy Librarian her role has been to ensure that future information trends are identified, future service needs are anticipated and the highest quality service standards are delivered. Key to this, she believes, is nurturing and developing a highly motivated, knowledgeable and skilled staff.
A graduate in history of Trinity College Dublin, Anne's library career began in special libraries and included posts at FÁS, the Training and Employment Authority in Dublin, Ireland, and Coopers and Lybrand in London, England.
Her career in academic libraries began at Dublin City University, (DCU) in Ireland. She then moved to Trinity College Dublin where she took up the post of Sub-Librarian, Collection Management, before returning to the UK to take up her current post at Cambridge. During this period she also served for two years as Vice-President at Wolfson College, where she has been a Fellow since 2000.