- May 2005
320 p., 9 3/4 x 11 1/4
180 b/w + 40 color illus.
ISBN: 9780300102802
Cloth: $65.00 sc
Holbein and England
- Susan Foister
Shortlisted in 2005 for the William Berger Prize for British Art History, awarded by the Berger Collection Educational Trust and the British Art Journal.
Included in Choice's Outstanding Academic Titles list, January 2006
One of the greatest artists of sixteenth-century Europe, Hans Holbein the younger earned high acclaim for his work both in the city of Basel and in England for Henry VIII and other patrons. This book is the first to explore the full range of the artist’s English body of work as well as the relation of this work to the visual and material culture of Tudor England. Providing a detailed account of the paintings, drawings, and woodcuts that Holbein produced in England, the book demonstrates convincingly that that country was not as remote from a common European culture as is often assumed. Rather, it was an unmistakable part of that culture.
Susan Foister discusses not only Holbein's well-known portraits but also his decorative paintings and murals, now lost, his designs for goldsmiths, and the works that can be associated with the English Reformation. In addition, she considers Holbein's religious and secular images, his techniques and practices, his status as an official court painter, and a variety of other intriguing topics.
Susan Foister is curator of Early Netherlandish, German and British painting and Director of Collections, National Gallery London.
Table of Contents
Preface and AcknowledgementsIntroduction
1 Holbein
Holbein in England
Holbein’s English Patrons
Holbein at Work
A Holbein Workshop?
2 England
Paintings in Early Sixteenth-century England
Valuing Paintings
Acquiring Paintings
3 Decoration and Design
The Greenwich Revels of 1527
The Hanseatic Commissions
Designs for Goldsmiths
4 Holbein and the English Reformation
Holbein and the Imagery of the English Reformation
The Coverdale Bible
Holbein’s Radical Reformation Woodcuts
5 Holbein the Portraitist
From Basel to England
Princely Portraits
Portraits of Foreigners
Portraits for the English
Conclusion: Holbein and England after 1543
Photograph Credits
小漢斯·霍爾拜因 (德語:Hans Holbein der Jüngere,約1497年-1543年11月29日以前) 是德國畫家,最擅長油畫和版畫,屬於歐洲北方文藝復興時代的藝術家,他最著名的作品是許多肖像畫和系列木版畫《死神之舞》。
目錄[隐藏] |
[编辑] 早期生平
霍爾拜因出生於巴伐利亞的奧格斯堡,是 歐洲最大的礦冶工業和金融業的中心。[1]他主要是向他的父親老漢斯·霍爾拜因學習繪畫,後來他和哥哥一起去了瑞士的巴塞爾,在那裡他遇見人文主義者伊拉斯謨,伊拉斯謨委託他為自己的諷刺作品《愚人頌》繪製插圖,他同時還為馬丁·路德翻譯的德語《聖經》繪製了插圖,他也為巴塞爾市政廳繪製壁畫,為教堂和私人住宅設計玻璃鑲嵌畫和裝飾畫。1517年應邀到瑞士中部作畫,順道到過義大利,學習義大利的「新藝術」。回來後被接納為巴塞爾畫家同業公會會員,和一位皮革商的寡婦結婚,並開了自己的畫店。1524年,曾到法國旅行。[2]
[编辑] 在英國
1543年,他正在為亨利八世畫另一幅肖像時,由於感染瘟疫在倫敦去世,年僅48歲,他是在 10月7日寫下的遺囑,在遺囑的11月29日附件上註明他「最近已經逝世」。[3]
[编辑] 風格
霍爾拜因在創作一幅肖像畫以前,經常用鉛筆描繪衣物、裝飾品等細節,有時也用鋼筆或堊筆,然後在紙上沿輪廓紮上小孔,鋪在畫布上,用炭粉將其轉移到 畫布上。在晚年也使用複寫紙。他的畫作對細節描繪非常詳細、真實,甚至於儀器上的刻度、信箋上的文字、桌布上的花紋都描繪的一絲不苟,但整體風格仍然非常 統一,人文主義風格非常明顯,俄羅斯作家陀斯妥耶夫斯基曾經評價他的作品《墓中的基督》:「可以把許多人的信仰奪去。」 [2]