2011年12月23日 星期五

The Phrases and Sayings of Tudor England / "15世紀的英國私人生活"

昨夜讀"15世紀的英國私人生活" (英文本)
movable feasts (:可移動慶節;非固定慶節:日期每年變換、不固定的慶節(瞻禮),如復活節、耶穌升天、聖神降臨、天主聖三等。)比固定假期日多一天


This week its the annual Christmas quiz - www.phrases.org.uk/christmas-quiz
Merry Christmas to all Phrase A Week readers and thanks for all the nice feedback during the past year.
Gary Martin

My book on The Phrases and Sayings of Tudor England (Kindle format) might make a good stocking-filler for anyone who is interested in word and phrase origins.
