Lederer Memorial Trophy in London
Published: October 31, 2012
The Lederer Memorial Trophy is a popular event with the experts who are
invited to play. Held on Sept. 29 and 30 in London, the event drew
players from eight countries, including the Colonies team of John
Carruthers and Joey Silver from Canada and Milt Rosenberg and Howard
Weinstein from the United States.
The winners were from England: Michael Bell, Michael Byrne, Espen
Erichsen (a Norwegian who has lived in London for five years), Norman
Selway, Martin Jones and Neil Rosen.
The award for the best defense went to Peter Lee for his play in the diagramed deal.
After West opened one no-trump, showing 12 to 14 points, North made the
unusual decision to overcall two clubs, indicating length in both
majors. With a balanced hand it would have been normal to double. South
jumped to three spades, inviting game, and North raised.
Lee (West) led the club jack. Declarer won with dummy’s ace and played a
spade to his queen, getting the bad news. West took his ace and
continued with the club ten. South won, played a diamond to dummy’s
queen and discarded a heart on the diamond ace to give this position:
♠ 8 5 4
♥ A 8 3 2
♦ 9
♣ —
♠ J 9 7
♥ K 9
♦ K 10
♣ 8
♠ —
♥ Q 10 7 6
♦ J 8
♣ Q 7
♠ K 10 6 3
♥ J 5
♦ —
♣ 4 2
South cashed dummy’s heart ace. What happened after that?
West saw that if he retained his king, he would be endplayed. Declarer
would have trumped the diamond nine in his hand, ruffed a club and led a
heart. West would have won that trick but could have taken only one
more spade trick.
Lee sacrificed his heart king under dummy’s ace. Now the contract had to fail.
South trumped a diamond, ruffed a club and led a heart, but East won
with his queen and played the club queen. West ruffed with his spade
nine, exited with the diamond king and waited for the setting trick with
his spade jack.
In 1965 Lee won the British chess championship, spending his time in that game protecting his king.