2007年8月1日 星期三

British Airways fined

British Airways fined record 180 bn euros

Britain's Office of Fair Trading has fined British Airways a record 180 million euros for illegal price-fixing of fuel surcharges on long-haul flights. The UK regulator said British Airways had colluded with rival Virgin Atlantic over the surcharges, which were added to fares in response to rising oil prices. Virgin, which reported the contacts between the two airlines, escapes any fines.
BA is expected to receive another penalty from the US Department of Justice for price-fixing later today. The airliner put aside half a billion euros in May, in anticipation of the fines. (DEUTSCHE WELLE/DW-WORLD.DE Newsletter)



美國司法部決定對英航實行處罰,罰款3億美元(1.48億英鎊)。之前,英國公平貿易辦公室(Office of Fair Trading, OFT)決定罰英航1.215億英鎊(2.47億美元)。英國公平貿易辦公室和美國司法部從20066月開始聯合對英航和維珍合謀定價事件。英航在5月份透露,已經預留出3.5億英鎊,以支付可能的罰款和法律費用。



