2007年8月6日 星期一

National Wind Watch

《中英對照讀新聞》Nothing to hear here, UK wind turbine study shows 這裡什麼都聽不到,英國風力渦輪機研究顯示


Most British wind turbines do not make much noise as they spin around making electricity and people who complain about them should not be losing sleep, according to a study published.


Some people living near wind farms complain they are kept awake by a phenomenon known as aerodynamic modulation(AM), low frequency noise made as the blades swoosh through the night air.


A government-commissioned study by Salford University found the phenomenon -- sometimes described as sounding like a distant train -- could affect four of the country’s 133 wind farms.


This, the government says, is no justification for stemming the growth of the technology Britain is betting on to cut its carbon emissions.


"Where there are legitimate problems we will address them," Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks said in a statement. "But it is essential that we produce more wind power if we are to meet our climate change and security of supply aims."



to spin:動詞,旋轉。例句:The skater spun round and round on the ice.(溜冰者在冰上不停地旋轉。)

to swoosh:動詞,指發出颼颼或咻咻的聲音。例句:A car swooshed by.(一輛汽車咻地疾駛而過)。swoosh當名詞則指颼颼聲。

to bet on:片語,打賭~。例句:It is legal to bet on sports in Las Vegas.(在賭城拉斯維加斯,運動賭博是合法的。)


to make the sound of fast-moving air
━━ vi. しゅっと音を立てて走る. 颼


Wikipedia article "Wind farm".

Documents presented here are not the product of nor are they necessarily endorsed by National Wind Watch. This resource library is provided to assist anyone wishing to research the issue of industrial wind power and the impacts of its development. The information should be evaluated by each reader to come to their own conclusions about the many facets of the debate.

Swoosh is the symbol of the athletic shoe and clothing manufacturer Nike. It is among the most easily recognized brand symbols in the world.The Nike "Swoosh" is a design created in 1971 by Carolyn Davidson, a graphic design student at Portland State University.
