八日 星期二 晴 19320908
多維爾 應是Dover 此為名城值得一記
Aerial view of Dover Harbour

Dover ( /ˈdoʊvər/) is a town and major ferry port in the home county of Kent, in South East England. It faces France across the narrowest part of the English Channel, and lies south-east of Canterbury; east of Kent's administrative capital Maidstone; and north-east along the coastline from Dungeness and Hastings. The town is the administrative centre of the Dover District and home of the Dover Calais ferry through the Port of Dover. The surrounding chalk cliffs have become known as the White cliffs of Dover, and the narrow sea passage nearby – the Strait of Dover.[1] Its strategic position has always been evident throughout its history: archaeological finds have revealed that the area has always been a focus for peoples entering and leaving Britain. The River Dour originated the name of the town, which has been inhabited since the Stone Age according to archeological finds, and Dover is one of only a few places in Britain – London, Cornwall and Canterbury being other examples – to have a corresponding name in the French language, Douvres.[2]
Services related to the Port of Dover provide a great deal of the town’s employment, as does tourism, although many of the former ferry services have declined. There was a military barracks in Dover, which was closed in 2007.
“檢驗”可能脫光衣服檢查 所以朱先生”甚以為恥”-- 這是我的胡思亂想 應該是問話的過程中 讓朱先生覺得他的英語溝通能力不行.....
"旅館"沒說清楚 可能與吳宓和浦江清先生下蹋的同一間
《吳宓日記》1930年9月30日 pp.128-29
University College, London Mills’ University Hotel 西中一區 (應是WC 1)
Gower 街107號 每日房金早餐六個先令半 學生住至一星期以上者減為五先令
Gower Street is situated in the Bloomsbury area of London
Euston Station
Due to heavier demand, some high density postcode districts have been split to create new, smaller postcode districts. This is achieved by adding a letter after the original postcode district, for example W1P. Where districts are used for purposes other than the sorting of mail, such as use as a geographic reference and on street signs, the subdivisions continue to be classed as one 'district'. The districts that have been subdivided are E1, W1, EC1, EC2, EC3, EC4, WC1, WC2 and SW1.
Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/london-postal-district#ixzz1XFiPzrPi
比較最近50年從機場進入倫敦的情況 我1977年秋是搭汽車 1991年似乎坐地鐵
London Heathrow Airport or Heathrow (IATA: LHR, ICAO: EGLL), in the London Borough of Hillingdon, is the busiest airport in the United Kingdom and the third busiest airport in the world (as of 2011) in terms of total passenger traffic,
九日 星期三 晴 19310909
早到使領館,有陳信一封, 寫得很好。 ...
下午取款 還徐君 此行甚感李徐兩君。
李徐兩君 是同搭車到歐洲的朋友。
以後朱先生送徐去蘇格蘭 頗依依不捨。參見:
十日 星期四 晴 19310910十一曰 星期五 晴
早發美國信索款。 下午遊西寺和倫敦堡 見武器及珠寶等。又觀倫敦大橋。 此日旅遊地點都是著名的
指 英國國家教堂兼博物館Westminster Abbey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
此翻譯其實相當正確 -- 根據我的旅遊導引 : minister古義也指寺倫敦堡 London Tower (詳見他頁說明)
倫敦大橋London Bridge (同上)
十一曰 星期五 晴 1931 09 11
同赴皇家學院( King’s College!)取學程,並印名刺。又至福伊爾 (Foyle) *觀舊書。飯於里昂餐庁,廉而不取小費,甚佳也。
晚呂君見告,柯拉姆街( Coram St.)二十五號有屋甚廉,只二十五先令每星期,早飯及浴均在內矣。同往詢問,果然。
* 將續介紹
倫敦賣舊書的鋪子,集中在切林克拉斯路(Charing Cross Road)﹔那是熱鬧地方,頂容易找。路不寬,也不長,只這麼彎彎的一段兒﹔兩旁不短的是書,玻璃窗裡齊整整排著的,門口攤兒上亂哄哄擺著的,都有。加上 那徘徊在窗前的,圍繞著攤兒的,看書的人,到處顯得擁擁擠擠,看過去路便更窄了。攤兒上看最痛快,隨你翻,用不著“勞駕”“多謝”﹔可是讓風吹日晒的到底 沒什麼好書,要看好的還得進鋪子去。進去了有時也可隨便看,隨便翻,但用得著“勞駕”“多謝”的時候也有﹔不過愛買不買,決不至於遭白眼。說是舊書,新書 可也有的是﹔只是來者多數為的舊書罷了。最大的一家要算福也爾(Foyle),在路西﹔新舊大樓隔著一道小街相對著,共佔七號門牌,都是四層,舊大樓還帶 地下室──可並不是地窨子。店裡按著書的性質分二十五部﹔地下室裡滿是舊文學書。這 店二十八年前本是一家小鋪子,只用了一個店員﹔現在店員差不多到了二百人,藏書到了二百萬種,倫敦的《晨報》稱為“世界最大的新舊書店”。兩邊店門口也擺 著書攤兒,可是比別家的大。我的一本《袖珍歐洲指南》,就在這兒從那穿了滿染著書塵的工作衣的店員手裡,用半價買到的。在攤兒上翻書的時候,往往看不見店 員的影子﹔等到選好了書四面找他,他卻從不知那一個角落裡鑽出來了。但最值得流連的還是那間地下室﹔那兒有好多排書架子,地上還東一堆西一堆的。乍進去, 好像掉在書海裡﹔慢慢地才找出道兒來。屋裡不夠亮,土又多,離窗戶遠些的地方,白日也得開燈。可是看得自在﹔他們是早七點到晚九點,你待個幾點鐘不在乎, 一天去幾趟也不在乎。只有一件,不可著急。你得像逛廟會逛小市那樣,一半玩兒,一半當真,翻翻看看,看看翻翻﹔也許好幾回碰不見一本合意的書,也許霎時間 到手了不止一本。
開鋪子少不了生意經,福也爾的卻頗高雅。他們在舊大樓的四層上留出一間美術館,不時地展覽一些畫。去看不花錢,還送展覽目錄﹔目錄後面印著幾行字,告訴你 要買美術書可到館旁藝術部去。展覽的畫也並不壞,有賣的,有不賣的。他們又常在館裡舉行演講會,講的人和主席的人當中,不缺少知名的。聽講也不用花錢﹔只 每季的演講程序表下,“恭請你注意組織演講會的福也爾書店”。還有所謂文學午餐會,記得也在館裡。他們請一兩個小名人做主角,隨便誰,納了餐費便可加入﹔ 英國的午餐很簡單,費不會多。假使有閒工夫,去領略領略那名雋的談吐,倒也值得的,不過去的卻並不怎樣多。